关注: 128,026 贴子: 3,145,611


  • 目录:
  • 欧美动漫
  • 26
    Qrow: Really? No questions? Jaune: Of course we have questions. This is just… a lot to take in. Qrow: Sure, of course. Ruby: So these… Maidens… They're powerful fighters that don't need Dust to use magic. Qrow: Yeah. Nora: And there are four of them? Qrow: Yup. Always. Ren: Which means that, whenever one of them dies, the power transfers to someone - a female - that they cared about? Qrow: Whoever was in their thoughts last. Important distinction. Best option is someone we can trust. Regardless, their souls become combined, in a way. Jaune: And that's what you were trying to
    逐の夜 2-1
  • 48
    翻译:MPRI Guardian@辉光组 虫虫 耳背成duang 校对:sbz_kid 时间轴:voise 后期:无名 很久没有做校对了,这一话久违地校对了一次,祝大家看得愉♂快(● ̄(エ) ̄●) 我是校对台词文本,弄完稿子就丢给时间轴了,而现在看视频,时间轴君貌似弄了几处台词不同步的地方,看来这一话台词太多大家都累了。而且原本的几个时间轴过元旦去了,这次是由一个时间轴voise独立完成,后期也换了(因为原后期Kasei赶飞机,按惯例他本来也会最终调整时间轴,不会
  • 53
    第四章熟肉 片源: gymted 英文文本:sbz_kid(BRB) 翻译/特效/校对/后期:huangrui072(HRO) 错误请大家一如既往的指出,后续会改正的 楼下链接
    riko 1-23
  • 2
    Oscar's Aunt: Oscar, supper's almost ready! Oscar: What're we having? Oscar's Aunt: Doesn't matter! You're eating it! Oscar: I never agreed to these terms! Oscar's Aunt: It's part of the “living under my roof” contract! Read the fine print, then come wash up! Ozpin: We have to leave. Ozpin: Oscar. Oscar! Oscar: I've decided you're not real, so you might as well just give up. Ozpin: I understand how you're feeling. I went through the same panic and confusion. Oscar: It's not real. It's not real. It's not real. Ozpin: I can assure you,
  • 14
    RWBY: WORLD OF REMNANT SCHNEE DUST COMPANY Alright, alright, what was I supposed to talk about next? Uh... Oh! Oh-ho-ho-hooo boy! Yeah, okay! I've got a few words to say about this one. The Schnee Dust Company. Bunch of self-entitled, monopolizing, S-N-O-Bs, who only care about making a profit, no matter how many little people they gotta step on to make it happen. A-hem. But, that's just my opinion. As you all know, a survival on the world of Remnant depends almost entirely on a crystallized substance known as Dust. It powers our cities, fuels our machines and gives us a fighting chanc
  • 5
    Nora: Another day, another adventure! Ruby: What's on the agenda today? Jaune: Walking! Nora: With a side of...? Ren: Walking. Ruby: Haven is a lot farther away than I thought. Ren: Ruby? How long did you think this journey was going to take? Ruby: I don't know! I grew up in a small area; I've never been this far away from home! Jaune: Right but… how long? Ruby: Maybe like, uh… two weeks? Jaune: What?! Ruby: Okay, fine! Three or something! Look, whatever. Ruby: Hey, what's that? Jaune: That's… strange. I didn't think we'd be hitting another village for a few d
    无名往事 12-26
  • 26
    It used to feel like a fairy tale Now it seems we were just pretending We'd fix our world Then on our way to a happy ending Then it turned out life Was far less like a bedtime story Than a tragedy With no big reveal of the hero's glory And it seems we weren't prepared For a game that wasn't fair Do we just go home? Can we follow through? When all hope is gone, There is one thing we can do Let's just live! Day by day and not be conquered by our sorrows The past can't hold us down We must break free Inside we're torn apart But time will mend out [sic] hearts Move onwa
  • 109
    首先,对大家说声抱歉,过了这么久才发第三章(官方都到第六章了,感觉自己会被打...),由于前两周需要准备考试,一直没时间,本周总算是有空了。 依然感谢kid大大的英文文本以及gymted的生肉片源 仍然请各位吧友提出字幕的不足之处,我会继续努力的。 楼下链接
    宋傲成 6-24
  • 4
    Sun: I've never seen so many Faunus in one place! Blake: This is the one place everyone can feel safe, no matter who or what they are. Sun: Wow, sure is, uh, crowded, huh? Blake: Yes. Yes, it is. Sun: Is it always so… cramped? Blake: Well, when you try and take an entire species and put them on an island that's two-thirds desert, yeah, it tends to be cramped. Sun: What! You guys have that much more space? Why waste it? A little desert never hurt anyone! Blake: It's not like the desert in Vacuo, Sun. The wildlife here is more dangerous than most other regions. Sun: So, they give u
    无名往事 12-26
  • 9
    RWBY: WORLD OF REMNANT FAUNUS You know, most of us spend a lot of time talkin' about mankind versus Grimm, but technically, there is a third party in the mix: the Faunus. In case you're not in the know, Faunus are a species on Remnant that appear to be human in just about every way … every way but one. Each Faunus has a single animalistic trait, some more apparent than others. Ram horns, tiger claws, cat ears… I swear, on my Huntsman's license, I once saw a guy regrow his severed lizard tail. I swear. No amount of drinking can make you forget that pretty picture. As far as ever
    ApzyA 12-6
  • 5
    Oscar: Hello? Ozpin: Hello! I'm Professor Ozpin! Oscar's Aunt: Oscar? You be careful with those tools! Port: And, and, and then, in comes Qrow, wearing a skirt! I was just a TA, I-I didn't know what to do, so I just… I just left the room to laugh! Taiyang: Yeah, we told him it was a kilt! He'd never worn a uniform before, so he didn't know! Oobleck: That is terrible! What is wrong with you!? Taiyang: Hey! The girls all said he had nice legs! I did that jerk a favor! Besides, that's not even the best part! See, then we- Port: "Like what you see?" Port: Whoa-o
  • 57
    本人翻译的rwby第四卷的树不子世界已经出了 Vacuo Atlas 和 Mistral的熟肉和生肉 Vale 才出了生肉
  • 11
    RWBY: World of Remnant Between Kingdoms So, now you know more about the Kingdoms. But, what's between the big cities? Alright, the easy answer is: Grimm. There's no reason to beat around the bush; they're out there, and it probably won't go well if you run into one. That's OK, 'cause you're a Huntsman—or, Huntress. And you've trained at one of the major academies, so you're probably fine. Just don't get yourself overrun by a pack of 'em. Now, after a long day of killin' Grimm and savin' the world, you're going to probably want to stop a
    sbz_kid 11-29
  • 4
    RWBY: WORLD OF REMNANT ATLAS I suppose it's time we talked about the fine people at the top of the world. Atlas is Remnant's youngest and arguably, most successful kingdom. But it's a bit of a special case. See, before the Great War, there was no Atlas - there was Mantle. At some point in time, a group of settlers were crazy enough to venture out into the northernmost continent of Solitas. I guess when you're that desperate, a frozen hunk of rock doesn't seem like such a bad place to call home. As a matter of fact, the harsh weather conditions proved to be just as useful as
  • 4
    RWBY: WORLD OF REMNANT VALE Well, school's definitely out. Let's see if we can't all learn a little something. Welcome to the world of Remnant. Not the best place to live, but depending on where you're staying, it can get a little easier. You've got towns and villages that pop up as fast as they fall. The Faunus have Menagerie. But the sweet spots are Vale, Mistral, Atlas, and Vacuo. The four kingdoms of the modern era, and each one's special in its own little way. Let's talk about Vale. In the grand scheme of things, Vale's pretty well guarded. Rests on the nor
    薄荷4浅 11-20
  • 169
    首先感谢kid大大提供的英文文本。大大辛苦啦! 然后,很抱歉,过了三周才发出来..由于初次制作,对于字幕,时间轴神马的不是太熟悉,加上特效调整,效率太低。不过终于是做出来了,望各位吧友对字幕中你认为出现的问题提出来,我会在以后字幕的制作中加以(正确的)改正。@sbz_kid 楼下链接。
    riko 12-10
  • 8
    Captain: Traveling alone? Captain: Now, now, no threat here. Just here to chat. Blake: And why is that? Captain: Well, not many people travel by boat on their own. It can be quite a lonely voyage. But I found those that do tend to have the more… interesting stories. Blake: Maybe it's just… better for some people to be alone. Captain: Maybe, but with your paranoia, I think a few friendly faces wouldn't hurt. Blake: Who says I'm paranoid?! Captain: No one, dear, no one. I'll leave you be. Captain: But uh, fair warning: these trips can be awfully boring. Blake: Mmm. Blake: Won
    希尔顿凯 11-26
  • 325
    欢迎大家来到“RWBY有爱CP100问”的现场,本次访谈的嘉宾是Yang Xiao Long和Neoplitan~ 主持人某【伪皮卡丘】指了指空溜溜的的嘉宾准备席。 某皮:咦。。。人呢? 只见录制现场的大门突然爆炸。。。差点迟到的二人华丽登场。 某皮:你们也稍微考虑一下我们制作方的感受啊。。。(我的门!!!!!) 不管怎么说,现在总算是可以开始了。 某皮:我们为Neo小姐准备了画板和笔,您可以把想说的写下来。 好了让我们赶快开始吧~ 在这里 【 】用来表达动
  • 439
    我就在这里说了 我阳姐就算不装机械臂也照样用左手拳法吊打一切 你们等着阳姐归来的那一集 绝对让你们惊艳    --来自恶魔NO泣防水防盗防狗狗咬8路GTX1080手机
    Stan 8-3
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  • 38
    于是这是关于如何支持字幕组的教程← 发这贴的灵感来自于有吧友发的《怎么给傲娇零字幕组打钱》 然后突然想到b站的充电计划可以让up主提现 所以就发了这个教程……虽然挺简单的。 说起来自从第二季末入坑RWBY,基本上看的都是kid姐和傲娇零字幕组的熟肉…… 先在这里谢谢她们的辛勤劳动x 是时候支持支持一下了。 慢发,未见end勿插楼。
    疏木易寒 11-10
  • 9
    Whitley: Good afternoon, sister. Whitley: A pleasure to see you out of your room for a change. Weiss: Hello, Whitley. You're in a cheery mood today. Whitley: Klein made crepes for breakfast. Weiss: What do you want? Whitley: I heard Father shouting with someone in his study earlier. Weiss: Mother? Whitley: No, she's already drinking in the garden. I think it was a man. Whitley: I just wanted to warn you. I heard he had asked to speak with you. Weiss: I'll be fine. Whitley: I know you will. You are strong, like Winter. Weiss: You never liked Winter. Whitley: True, but you can't
    GI37康德 11-13
  • 53
    拍了三次小红帽 组了两次RWBY的团 和我亲爱哒老婆们非常愉快!HHH 好满足庆祝第四季开播! 虽然说有几张片子显得我猥琐又智障..但是能组团还是好满足哈哈哈! 我YANG姐一定会雄起! 摄影/后期:karasy影雀 Ruby Rose cn: 天潭 艾特自己 Weiss Schnee cn: 泥啾 Blake Belladonna cn: LC慕少 Yang Xiao Long cn: 青二 排版:我 妆面各自打理
    dingdaqian 11-1
  • 24
  • 58
    Watts: Yes, yes, keep your posse in check. Watts: You hear that? Silence. Watts: I've half a mind to thank the little girl that bested you. Tyrian: If I were you, I'd hunt her down. Find her and, well, she took your eye, didn't she? Watts: Pathetic. Why did you even— Salem: Watts. Salem: Do you find such malignance necessary? Watts: I apologize, ma'am. I'm not particularly fond of failure. Salem: Then I see no reason for your cruelty towards young Cinder. She's become our Fall Maiden, destroyed Beacon Tower, and most importantly, killed dear Ozpin. So I'm curious,
    N0v1ce 4-4
  • 13
    中英双语字幕 下载与在线看地址见楼下,若链接失效会在楼中楼补档
    sbz_kid 5-14
  • 159
    来源Youtube Rooster Teeth Channel 会尽量及时更新 正片一般会在RT官网Public之后一周,被发布到RT的U2B频道上 所以不是最新的生肉 链接: 密码:b7fd
  • 418
    大家好,我是BRB字幕的作者sbz_kid。 本人由于三次元繁忙,决定放弃制作接下来的RWBY第四卷字幕。 我的习惯是不轻易开坑,一旦开了保证填完决不弃坑,所以越来越忙的我绝不会再开第四卷的坑了(CHIBI的坑就填了六个月,24话全)。 还有一个坑没填完,就是RWBY第一卷的官方日语版熟肉,接下来我会继续做完。 BRB的作品主要以制作RWBY汉化为主(虽然不局限于RWBY,但在RWBY吧就不谈其他作品了),做过的RWBY相关汉化作品有: 2012年11月5日: Red -Trailer
    yaule 1-26
  • 107
    贴吧帖子:【游戏MOD】还是那个Weiss 该贴楼主问我拿来贴图然后私自修改我制作的皮肤,放到贴吧冠以自己名义发帖,不写明原出处,不列出原作者,还申精的行为严重剽窃他人劳动成果! 事情起因,我在steam上发表了一个自己修改的weiss皮肤 发帖时间2016年10月21日上午12:55 而@不花心的里昂 索要时间是10月21日上午6:35 之后他于2016-10-22 00:33发表了“自己的”作品 帖子通篇
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    刚看见一个贴说应该把“树不子”翻译成遗迹````不过现在找不到了,后台也找不到吧务的删除记录,应该是楼主自删了。 言归正传,The world of Remanent 为什么不是遗迹世界?因为 remanent 这个词并不是遗迹的意思。而是残存、幸存,你们见过几个国家的国民生活在遗迹里的? The world of Remanent 指的是残存、幸存下来的世界,是活着的、劫后余生的世界。而遗迹是死的。Remanent 可不是什么 relic(遗迹、废墟) 。 为何翻译为“树不子”,很简单,“不(dun3)

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会员: 贝奥狼

目录: 欧美动漫