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Foza Motorsport 3.0更新发行说明(机翻)


我们正在努力改善您的《极限竞速》体验。 您将在下面找到新内容和功能的摘要,以及 Update 3 中修复或改进的项目。
Xbox 系列:1.522.1166.0

IP属地:福建1楼2023-12-13 02:14回复
    新内容、新功能和活动 [所有平台]
    33 种新套装已添加到驱动程序自定义菜单中。套装组将在驾驶员级别里程碑 10、20、30、40、50、60、70、80、90 和 100 解锁。如果您已经超过了这些车手等级,则所有新套装都将为您追溯解锁。 请注意, 下载和解锁所有套装可能需要重新启动游戏。
    辅助功能设置菜单的“屏幕讲述人”部分提供了新选项,用于叙述您的比赛位置以及您前后车手姓名。 [1641275]
    当代之旅(2023 年 12 月 14 日至 1 月提供)。 31, 2024)
    混合凶猛(12 月 21 日开始)
    Tip of The Spear(12 月 28 日开始)
    Valkyrie Challenge(1 月 4 日开始)
    公开课 – 英国侯爵(2023 年 12 月 14 日至 2024 年 1 月 18 日)
    Prestige Tour:2022 帕加尼 Huayra R
    公开课系列:2015 迈凯伦 650S
    Spotlight 汽车
    2020 宾尼法利纳巴蒂斯塔汽车展(12月14日至12月21日)
    2022 法拉利 296 GTB(12 月 21 日至 12 月 28 日)
    2021 迈凯伦军刀(12 月 28 日至 1 月 4 日)
    2023 阿斯顿·马丁 Valkyrie(1 月 4 日至 1 月。 11)
    2015 兰博基尼 #63 Squadra Corse Huracán LP620-2 Super Trofeo (1月11日 – 1月18日)
    Car Pass 汽车
    二手 2018 雪佛兰 #23 Ruman Racing TA Corvette (12月14日)
    1985 别克 #6 Performance Motorsports 萨默塞特 Regal Trans-Am (12月21日)
    2021 凯迪拉克 #31 Whelen Racing DPi-V.R (12月28日)
    2018 兰博基尼 #63 Squadra Corse Huracán Super Trofeo Evo (1月4日)
    1983 保时捷 #11 John Fitzpatrick Racing 956 (1月11日)

    IP属地:福建2楼2023-12-13 02:14
      Lotus 3-Eleven 规格系列(12 月 14 日至 12 月 21 日)
      Formula 70s 系列赛(12 月 21 日至 12 月 28 日)
      GTP/C 系列(12 月 28 日至 1 月 4 日)
      复古勒芒原型系列赛(1 月 11 日至 1 月 18 日)
      S 级和 C 级(12 月 21 日至 12 月 28 日)
      X Class & E Class(12 月 28 日至 1 月 4 日)
      R 级和 B 级(1 月 4 日至 1 月 11 日)
      2020 宾尼法利纳巴蒂斯塔汽车展(12月14日至12月21日)
      2022 法拉利 296 GTB(12 月 21 日至 12 月 28 日)
      2021 迈凯伦军刀(12 月 28 日至 1 月 4 日)
      2023 阿斯顿·马丁 Valkyrie(1 月 4 日至 1 月 11 日)
      2015 兰博基尼 #63 Squadra Corse Huracán LP620-2 Super Trofeo (1月11日 – 1月18日)
      特色赛道:霍根海姆 – 2021 梅赛德斯-AMG One – 霍根海姆全赛道(12 月 14 日至 1 月 18 日)
      VIP:夜间捕食者 – 2016 梅赛德斯-AMG C 63 S Coupé Forza Edition – Kyalami GP 赛道(12 月 14 日至 1 月 18 日)
      聚焦 – 2020 宾尼法利纳汽车巴蒂斯塔 – 穆杰罗全赛道(12 月 14 日至 12 月 21 日)
      聚焦 – 2022 法拉利 296 GTB – 沃特金斯格伦短路(12 月 21 日至 12 月 28 日)
      聚焦 – 2021 迈凯伦军刀 – 纽博格林冲刺赛道(12 月 28 日至 1 月 4 日)
      聚光灯 – 2023 阿斯顿马丁女武神 – 银石大奖赛赛道(1 月 4 日至 1 月 11 日)

      IP属地:福建3楼2023-12-13 02:15
        Bug 修复和改进
        常规 [所有平台]
        Fixes 可提高所有平台的整体游戏稳定性和性能。
        Saved Rivals Replays 现在包括天气信息。 [1634894]
        修复了环境光遮蔽和镜面反射的光线追踪渲染功能,这些功能会导致汽车和道路出现闪烁和频闪效果。 [1589717]
        修复了从 pre-r ace menu 将汽车换成当前使用的汽车时加载屏幕的问题。 [1640119]
        修复了在选择“团队积分”选项并立即退出时禁用使用左摇杆或方向键导航的问题 。[1616007]
        游戏玩法 [所有平台]
        重新平衡了另一辆车牵引时对前后下压力的滑流冲击(aerowash fix)。 [1639513]
        修复了在游戏玩法和 HUD 设置中禁用 Track Mastery 时导致 Track Mastery 角段显示完成分数为 0.0 的问题 。 [1633670]
        免费游玩 [所有平台]
        修复了以下问题:在下载 Update 2 并在免费游玩中进入体验版后,驱动程序级别在视觉上似乎重置为 1 级。 [1656239]
        修复了免费游戏中的问题,即尽管将网格排序设置为随机,但玩家总是从包的中间(第 12 个)开始。 [1639010]
        修复了 Free Play 中 Drivatars 始终选择与玩家相同的汽车的问题。 [1625606]
        修复了在完成免费游玩活动并返回主空间后驱动程序级别进度不持续的问题。 [1656518]
        多人游戏 [所有平台]
        更新了公开课系列的时间表,以便每周有 2 个公开课系列 活动
        修复了导致多人比赛中的玩家有时看不到涂装的问题。 [1588857]
        修复了特色多人游戏中大型派对导致玩家 在匹配时进入不确定加载屏幕的问题。 [1607503]
        修复了在私人多人游戏中无法正确应用轮胎磨损的问题。 [1638983]
        修复了在多人比赛中超越其他 12 名玩家的 Racecraft 成就在满足其要求后仍无法解锁的问题。 [1441871]
        调整设置 [所有平台]
        修复了玩家尝试保存自定义升级或调整设置时加载时间过长的问题。 [1576170]
        修复了一个漏洞,该漏洞允许在删除保存的曲调后编辑可调部件值。 [1630664]
        修复了共享调谐设置中的问题:所需的汽车级别和所需的汽车 CP(汽车积分)值不准确。 [1629192]
        涂装编辑器 [所有平台]
        修复了涂装编辑器中覆盖锁定的黑胶唱片组时出现“无法保存...”的问题。消息,然后保存新创建的黑胶唱片的两个副本。 [1637534]
        车轮 [所有平台]
        修复了罗技 G920 上的力反馈问题,该问题导致方向盘以任何力向左拉。 [1593361]
        汽车 [所有平台]
        修复了允许玩家出售他们的 Builders Cup 奖励汽车的问题,阻止他们重新获得汽车并完成相关的奖励展示。 [1638752]
        修复了安装 3.2 升 I6 发动机交换后玩家汽车没有发动机音频的问题。 [1644223]
        2018 BMW M5:修复了安装车身套件时缺少内部和电机的问题。 [1621138]
        2011 Bugatti Veyron Super Sport:修复了涂装车身会改变碳纤维元素油漆的问题。 [1627307]
        2013 Dodge SRT Viper GTS:修复了汽车制动卡钳夹入多个轮辋的问题。 [1634729]
        2018 Honda Civic Type R:修复了在过场动画期间汽车尾灯上显示不自然的白色纹理的问题。 [1629606]
        2020 KTM X-Bow GT2:修复了汽车在配备 4 缸发动机时使用 5 缸发动机音频的问题。 [1639286]
        1991 年马自达 787B:修复了导致散热器纹理在汽车上多个位置拉伸的问题,并根据社区反馈更新了音频。 [1642967]
        2004 Mercedes-Benz C 32 AMG:修复了安装发动机和增压器升级后排气逆火没有声音的问题。 [1640303]
        2020 MG #20 MG6 XPower:修复了导致汽车内部反射汽车下方驾驶表面的问题。 [1638948]
        辅助功能 [所有平台]
        事件设置:当玩家将焦点移开并重新打开时,“事件规则预设”将读取为“幽灵背标”。 [1592710]
        事件设置:当玩家将焦点移开并重新打开时,“游戏类型”将显示为“比赛长度”。 [1592863]
        修复了玩家在 Builders Cup 中启动 Vintage Hatchback Series 时将色盲设置更改为 Tritanopia 滤镜并尝试购买车辆后发生的游戏崩溃。[1608078]
        更正了在某些天气条件下音频描述失败的问题。 [1608874]
        在“Pit this Lap”HUD 通知中添加了旁白。 [1612123]
        修复了使用鼠标和键盘作为主要输入时快速聊天的 HUD 元素不存在的问题。 [1613000]
        修复了滚动起步的生涯模式比赛无法播放盲驾驶辅助转弯导航 VO 的问题。 [1629255]
        为所有轨道上的领奖台序列添加了音频描述。 [1638919]
        修复了必须连接控制器才能通过 Xbox Series X|S 主机上的键盘输入进行导航的问题。 [1642358]
        PC [Microsoft Store 和 Steam]
        在多人比赛中,特别是在配备 AMD GPU 的 PC 上,解决了各种随机崩溃。 [1629927]
        DLSS 现在可以在视频设置中正确打开和关闭。 [1603315]
        在较低规格的 PC 上提高了稳定性和性能。 [1634981]
        改进了比赛时帧率的一致性。 [1637793]
        修复了视频质量预设始终默认为本机窗口分辨率的问题。 [1616845]
        改进了对 PC 上 CPU 的检测,以设置默认质量预设。 [1612579]
        R研究了赛道或其他物体在比赛时变得不可见的错误。 [1615589]
        修复了此处反复挂起游戏的 r端分辨率的问题,该问题使用控制器删除突出显示的 option。 [1598328]
        修复了在“设置”菜单中使用鼠标时无法选择“Tab”和ns 的问题。[1409614]
        修复了使用非 ASCII 用户名的玩家无法启动游戏的问题。 [1636513]
        基准测试模式:修复了不正确的基准测试结果显示具有 16GB RAM 的 PC 的系统内存不准确的问题。 [1625636]
        修复了 Steam 界面在比赛中不暂停游戏的问题。 [1583340]

        IP属地:福建4楼2023-12-13 02:15
          Bug Fixes and Improvements
          The team is constantly hard at work on bugs, some of which are not immediately visible to players but are critical for game stability for all players.
          General [All Platforms]
          Fixes to improve overall game stability and performance across all platforms.
          Saved Rivals Replays now includes weather information. [1634894]
          Fixes to ray traced rendering features for ambient occlusion and mirror reflections that caused flickering and strobing effects on the car and road. [1589717]
          Fixed issue of an infinite loading screen when swapping cars to the currently used car from the pre-race menu. [1640119]
          Fixed issue that disables navigation using the Left Stick or d-pad when selecting the Team Credits option and immediately backing out. [1616007]
          Gameplay [All Platforms]
          Rebalanced the slipstream impact on front and rear downforce when being drafted by another car (aerowash fix). [1639513]
          Fixed an issue causing Track Mastery corner segments to display a completion score of 0.0 if Track Mastery is disabled in the Gameplay & HUD settings. [1633670]
          Free Play [All Platforms]
          Fixed an issue in which the Driver Level visually appeared to reset to Level 1 after downloading Update 2 and entering Test Drive in Free Play. [1656239]
          Fixed issue in Free Play where players would always begin in the middle of the pack (12th) despite setting Grid Ordering to Random. [1639010]
          Fixed issue in Free Play where Drivatars would always choose the same car as the player. [1625606]
          Fixed an issue with Driver Level progression not persisting after completing a Free Play event and returning to the Homespace. [1656518]
          Multiplayer [All Platforms]
          Updated Open Class Series schedule so that there are 2 Open Class Series active each week
          Fixed issue where entering the pits after the last Qualifying lap causes the game camera to get stuck in the pit lane. [1633511]
          Fixed an issue causing liveries to sometimes not be visible to players in multiplayer races. [1588857]
          Fixed an issue with large parties in Featured Multiplayer causing players to get into an indefinite loading screen while matchmaking. [1607503]
          Fixed an issue with tire wear not being correctly applied in Private Multiplayer races. [1638983]
          Fixed an issue where the Racecraft achievement to overtake 12 other players in a multiplayer race would not be unlocked despite fulfilling its requirements. [1441871]
          Tuning Setups [All Platforms]
          Fixed long load times when player attempts to save a custom upgrade or tuning setup. [1576170]
          Fixed an exploit that allowed tunable part values to be edited after removing a saved tune. [1630664]
          Fixed an issue in the Shared Tune Setups: Required Car Level and Required Car CP (Car Points) are inaccurate values. [1629192]
          Livery Editor [All Platforms]
          Fixed issue in the Livery Editor where overwriting a locked Vinyl group gives the "Failed to Save..." message and then saves two copies of the newly created Vinyl. [1637534]
          Wheels [All Platforms]
          Fixed a force-feedback issue on the Logitech G920 causing the steering wheel to pull left with any amount of force. [1593361]
          Cars [All Platforms]
          Fixed issue which allowed players to sell their Builders Cup reward cars, preventing them from reobtaining the cars and completing their associated Reward Showcases. [1638752]
          Fixed issue where the player car would have no engine audio after installing a 3.2-liter I6 engine swap. [1644223]
          2018 BMW M5: Fixed issue where interior and motor were missing when a body kit is installed. [1621138]
          2011 Bugatti Veyron Super Sport: Fixed issue where painting the car body changes the paint for carbon fiber elements. [1627307]
          2013 Dodge SRT Viper GTS: Fixed issue where car brake caliper is seen clipping into multiple wheel rims. [1634729]
          2018 Honda Civic Type R: Fixed issue that displayed unnatural white texture on the car’s taillights during cinematics. [1629606]
          2020 KTM X-Bow GT2: Fixed an issue in which the car is using 4-cylinder engine audio while having a 5-cylinder engine. [1639286]
          1991 Mazda 787B: Fixed issue that caused radiator texture to be stretched in multiple locations on the car and updated audio based on community feedback. [1642967]
          2004 Mercedes-Benz C 32 AMG: Fixed an issue where the exhaust backfire has no audio after engine and supercharger upgrades have been installed. [1640303]
          2020 MG #20 MG6 XPower: Fixed issue that caused the interior of the car to reflect the driving surface under the car. [1638948]
          Note: Due to the resolution of an asset streaming issue, players might notice a slight deficit in car visual fidelity during the post-race podium sequence.
          Accessibility [All Platforms]
          Event Setup: "Event Rules Preset” would read as "Ghost Backmarkers" when player moves focus off and back on. [1592710]
          Event Setup: "Game Type" would read as "Race Length" when player moves focus off and back on. [1592863]
          Fixed game crash that occurred after player changes colorblind setting to Tritanopia filter and attempts to purchase a vehicle when starting Vintage Hatchback Series in Builders Cup. [1608078]
          Corrected an issue where audio description fails in certain weather conditions. [1608874]
          Added narration to the “Pit this Lap” HUD notification. [1612123]
          Fixed issue where HUD element for Quick Chat when using mouse and keyboard as the primary input would not be present. [1613000]
          Fixed issue where Career Mode races with a rolling start would not play Blind Driving Assists Turn Navigation VO. [1629255]
          Added Audio Description for podium sequence on all tracks. [1638919]
          Fixed an issue where the controller had to be connected to navigate via keyboard input on Xbox Series X|S consoles. [1642358]
          PC [Microsoft Store and Steam]
          Fixed various random crashes in multiplayer races specifically on PCs with AMD GPUs. [1629927]
          DLSS will now properly turn on and off in video settings. [1603315]
          Stability and performance are improved on lower spec PCs. [1634981]
          Improved consistency of framerate while racing. [1637793]
          Fixed the video quality presets always defaulting to native window resolution. [1616845]
          Improved detection of CPUs on PC to set the default quality preset. [1612579]
          Reduced the occurrence of a bug where the track or other objects becomes invisible while racing. [1615589]
          Fixed issue where repeatedly changing the game’s render resolution with a controller removes the highlighted option. [1598328]
          Fixed issue where mouse click allows both exiting and menu item selection simultaneously. [1631014]
          Fixed issue where “Tab” buttons are not selectable when using a mouse in the Settings menu. [1409614]
          Fixed issue in which the game fails to launch for players with a non-ascii username. [1636513]
          Benchmark Mode: Fixed an issue where incorrect Benchmark Results showed inaccurate System Memory for a PC with 16GB RAM. [1625636]
          Fixed issue where the Steam overlay does not pause the game while in a race. [1583340]

          IP属地:福建5楼2023-12-13 02:16

            IP属地:四川来自Android客户端7楼2023-12-13 02:40

              IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端8楼2023-12-13 08:03

                IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端9楼2023-12-13 09:16

                  IP属地:辽宁10楼2023-12-13 09:33
                    英语里是Update 3,其实就是第三次更新的意思。3.0让人以为是什么大版本。以后还会有Update 10 Update 30,总不能叫10.0和30.0吧

                    IP属地:浙江11楼2023-12-13 09:52

                      IP属地:湖北来自Android客户端12楼2023-12-13 11:41

                        IP属地:辽宁13楼2023-12-13 13:14

                          IP属地:北京来自iPhone客户端14楼2023-12-13 14:19

                            IP属地:浙江来自iPhone客户端15楼2023-12-13 14:41

                              IP属地:四川来自Android客户端16楼2023-12-13 18:04