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Update 2: He says the way that full planet travel works is "a little weird." When you land on the planet you can go to the planet on the star map and select any spot on the planet and it's as if you get in your ship and fly there. Once you land you have a massive surface area to explore. You can do that all over the planet. But it doesn't seem that you can start at one spot on the planet and do a complete circle around the planet. You can just land wherever you want on the surface of the planet once you've landed the first time. Something he was unaware of till just now.
更新 2:他说全星球旅行的方式 "有点奇怪"。当你降落在行星上时,你可以在星图上找到该行星,然后选择行星上的任意位置,就好像你坐上飞船飞到那里一样。着陆后,你就可以探索一个巨大的表面区域。你可以在整个星球上进行探索。但你似乎不能从星球上的一个点开始,然后绕着星球转一圈。只要你第一次着陆,你就可以在星球表面的任何地方着陆。他直到刚才才意识到这一点。

IP属地:中国香港1楼2023-08-26 12:52回复

    IP属地:中国香港来自Android客户端2楼2023-08-26 12:56