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英国电影杂志《Little White Lies》今年评选的


英国电影杂志《Little White Lies》今年评选的三个榜单
Regular visitors to these pages will know that we often celebrate and reappraise older films: they might be modern classics, under-the-radar gems or works which, for whatever reason, have gained deeper meaning or resonance over time. Typically these pieces are pegged to notable anniversaries, and 2020 has so far seen a number of exceptional, era-defining movies reach the 20-year milestone, from Christopher Nolan’s Memento to Mary Harron’s American Psycho to Spike Lee’s Bamboozled. Truly, the start of the new millennium was something special.
Having already surveyed the best films of the 1990s and the 2010s, we thought we’d plug the gap and satisfy our (and hopefully your) nostalgia by checking out what the rest of noughties had to offer. Whittling these lists down to a lean ton is never a straightforward task, so we’ve enlisted the services of some of our nearest and dearest contributors to help us come up with a wide-reaching – but by no means comprehensive – survey of what the world of cinema looked liked two decades ago.
The following ranking is not intended as a definitive canon – we simply hope it stimulates some debate and prompts you to revisit and possibly discover some great films. To keep things interesting, we’ve limited ourselves to just one film per director. Think we’ve missed something? Share your favourite movies of the 2000s with us【图片】

IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端1楼2020-11-02 10:57回复
    1.《花样年华》In the Mood for Love2000,王家卫
    2.《千年曼波》Millennium Mambo2001,侯孝贤
    4.《温蒂和露茜》Wendy and Lucy2008,凯莉·莱卡特
    5.《幽灵世界》Ghost World2001,泰利·茨威戈夫
    6.《美国精神病人》American Psycho2000,玛丽·哈伦
    7.《日烦夜烦》Trouble Every Day2001,克莱尔·丹尼斯
    9.《默文·卡拉》Morvern Callar2002,琳恩·拉姆塞
    10.《杀人回忆》Memories of Murder2003,奉俊昊
    11. 穆赫兰道 Mulholland Dr. (2001)
    12. 一一(杨德昌, 2000)
    13. 性感野兽 (Sexy Beast,乔纳森·格雷泽, 2000)
    14. 无头的女人 (The Headless Woman,卢奎西亚·马特尔, 2008)
    15. 人工智能 Artificial Intelligence: AI (2001)
    16. 前进青春 (Colossal Youth,佩德罗·科斯塔, 2006)
    17. 远离天堂 Far from Heaven (2002)
    18. 千与千寻 千と千尋の神隠し (2001)
    19. 老无所依 No Country for Old Men (2007)
    20. 人类之子 Children of Men (2006)

    IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端2楼2020-11-02 10:58
      21. 新世界 The New World (2005)
      22. 裸体切割 In the Cut (2003)
      23. 不散 (蔡明亮,2003)
      24. 完美第二对 (Alle Anderen,玛伦·阿德,2009)
      25. 饥饿 Hunger (2008)
      26. 老男孩 올드보이 (朴赞旭,2003)
      27. 姊妹情色 (À ma soeur!,凯瑟琳·布雷亚,2001)
      28. 纯真 (Innocence,露西尔·哈兹哈利洛维奇,2004)
      29. 热带疾病 (Tropical Malady,阿彼察邦·韦拉斯哈古, 2004)
      30. 莫拉德 (Moolaadé,乌斯曼·塞姆班,2004)
      31. 与我无关 (Unrelated,乔安娜·霍格,2007)
      32. 千年女优 千年女優 (2001)
      33. 二楼传来的歌声 (Songs From The Second Floor,罗伊·安德森, 2000)
      34. 我孩子们的父亲 (Father of my Children,米娅·汉森-洛夫, 2009)
      35. 狗镇 Dogville (2003)
      36. 潘神的迷宫 El laberinto del fauno (2006)
      37. 步履不停 歩いても 歩いても (2008)
      38. 无医可靠 (The Death of Mr Lazarescu,克利斯提·普优, 2005)
      39. 欢乐之家 (The House of Mirth,泰伦斯·戴维, 2000)
      40. 三峡好人 (贾樟柯,2006)

      IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端3楼2020-11-02 10:59

        IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端4楼2020-11-02 10:59
          41. 期盼的八月 (Our Beloved Month of August,米格尔·戈麦斯, 2008)
          42. 狗牙 (Dogtooth,欧格斯·兰斯莫斯, 2008)
          43. 私恋失调 (Punch-Drunk Love, 2002)
          44. 乔治·华盛顿 (George Washington,大卫·戈登·格林,2000)
          45. 蜘蛛侠2 Spider-Man 2 (2004)
          46. 钢琴教师 (The Piano Teacher,迈克尔·哈内克, 2001)
          47. 寂静之光 (Stellet licht,卡洛斯·雷加达斯,2007)
          48. 切肤 (In My Skin,玛丽娜·德·范, 2002)
          49. 天使爱美丽 (Amélie,2001)
          50. 无间道风云 (马丁·斯科塞斯, 2006)
          51. 对他说(Talk to Her, 2004)
          52. 没有过去的男人 (The Man Without a Past,考里斯马基, 2002)
          53. 铁西区 (王兵, 2002)
          54. 了不起的狐狸爸爸(Fantastic Mr Fox, 2008)
          55. 十 (阿巴斯, 2002)
          56. 金刚不坏 (Death Proof,昆汀·塔伦蒂诺, 2007)
          57. 日与夜 (Night and Day,洪尚秀, 2008)
          58. 阿涅斯的海滩 Les plages d'Agnès (2008)
          59. 疯狂约会美丽都 (The Triplets of Belleville, 2003)
          60. 致命魔术 (克里斯托弗·诺兰, 2006)

          IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端6楼2020-11-02 19:17
            81. 鲸鱼马戏团 Werckmeister harmóniák (2000)
            82. 非亲兄弟 Step Brothers (2008)
            83. 十只独木舟 Ten Canoes (2006)
            84. 大逃杀 バトル・ロワイアル (2000)
            85. 波拉特 Borat,2006
            86. 梦之安魂曲 Requiem for a Dream (2000)
            87. 爱情和篮球 Love & Basketball (2000)
            88. 父辈的旗帜 Flags of Our Fathers (2006)
            89. 我在伊朗长大 Persepolis (2007)
            90. 冰冻之河 Frozen River (2008)
            91. 秘书 Secretary (2002)
            92. 脆弱的世界,Fragile as the World (戈麦斯, 2004)
            93. 迈阿密风云 Miami Vice (2006)
            94. 座头市 (北野武, 2003)
            95. 格莫拉 Gomorra (2008)
            96. 24小时狂欢派对 24 Hour Party People (2002)
            97. 邪恶之屋 The House of the Devil (2009)
            98. 天兆 Signs (2002)
            99. Dig! (Ondi Timonor, 2004)
            100. 火星任务 Mission to Mars (2000)

            IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端8楼2020-11-02 19:19

              IP属地:山东来自iPhone客户端11楼2020-11-03 02:40

                IP属地:山东来自iPhone客户端12楼2020-11-03 02:55
                  花样年华 榜单永远滴神

                  IP属地:陕西来自Android客户端13楼2020-11-05 12:51

                    IP属地:北京14楼2020-11-05 17:06

                      IP属地:北京15楼2020-11-05 17:16

                        IP属地:北京16楼2020-11-05 17:20