濒死体验吧 关注:8,112贴子:61,158
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He asked me, 'Where is the flood of love between you who live on the earth? Where is the spontaneity, happiness, laughter and joy? You are ignorant that you live in an entirely wrong energy. You focus most on the physically bound darkness and live with conflicts and separations from yourselves and each other. Do you consider that under your short life on earth that you have time with this?'
So that I could better understand, he showed me pictures of how it was meant that we should live and function together from the beginning. The idea was that we should live in union, mutual understanding and balance with each other. Life here on earth should vibrate and pulsate in the clearest colors between us of unconditional and united love. I was allowed to see life on earth from a non-physical perspective. The reality I got to see had exactly the same form as normally, but it was entirely non-material and consisted only of transparent energy

1楼2019-10-13 06:52回复
    自然界里有最纯净的能量。 道家的养生之道以及禅修等等都可以帮助恢复元气,人本身的幸福感和自然的能量。

    2楼2019-10-13 08:35
      彼此的隔阂很多来自能量的不和谐,以及对身体的执着。 人们认为自己的身体和别人是分离的,所以能量也是分离的,其实能量是连接在一起的。看不见的“气”贯穿万物。修行修心者有自觉。

      3楼2019-10-13 08:37

        4楼2019-10-13 12:04

          来自Android客户端5楼2019-10-23 00:15