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【Guidance】Play VR video without headset


IP属地:浙江1楼2017-08-12 08:26回复
    First things first, you're going to need to know what VR actually is. The clue is in the name - it's the experience of a world that doesn't actually exist. We aren't talking about getting yourself lost in a book or day dreaming about a photo or painting however, even if these technically are also experiencing some sort of virtual reality.
    The virtual reality we are talking about is one created by computers that allows you to experience and interact with a 3D world that isn't real by putting on a head-mounted display and some form of input tracking. The display will typically be split between your eyes, creating a stereoscopic 3D effect with stereo sound, and together with the technology and the input tracking, it will create an immersive, believable experience, allowing you to explore the virtual world being generated by the computer.

    VR will make you feel like you are there mentally and physically. You turn your head and the world turns with you so the illusion created by whatever world you are in is never lost.
    Watch a film in the cinema and the split-second fear you might feel when a devastating earthquake happens on screen will very quickly disappear if you turn your head to see the person next to you munching away on their popcorn. Films and books take you to different fictional worlds, but they are not world's you change based on your actions.
    There are various kinds of virtual reality from fully immersive and non-immersive to collaborative and web-based. The VR everyone is excited about is the fully-immersive variation because this is the explorable and interactive 3D computer-created world that can take you to places reality might not allow for, be that walking on Mars or driving around the mountains in a sportscar.
    Where did virtual reality come from?
    VR as we know it today has been kicking around for decades. To give you an idea, the first head-mounted display wasn't Oculus, even though this is the device that arguably drove the VR renaissance, it was a device called Headsight that was created in the 1960s. But there were non-digital predecessors, all the way from 360 degree paintings that had the same aim: to take your experience to another place. VR is the wise guy in tech and not just because it is old.
    The technology has been used for all sorts of things over its 200 years from science and medicine to training pilots and helping architects present their latest skyscraper, allowing people to experience walking through it before a brick has been laid.
    Yes, the current focus might be largely on gaming, but that's not all that VR is good for. VR has plenty of applications and this is only likely to expand as the technology develops further.
    Audi recently announced it would be putting VR in some of its brand stores for example, allowing customers to experience any of its 50-something models in the colours they want, the extras they might add and in the surroundings they might drive in. Go ahead, take an A1 to the moon to visit the John Lewis advert's man and his balloons.

    IP属地:浙江2楼2017-08-12 08:28
      How does virtual reality work?
      The virtual reality we have been referring to in this feature typically requires some form of head-mounted display, a computer, smartphone or console that creates the 3D world and some form of input tracking, which could be hand tracking, voice or head.
      There are currently a number of head-mounted displays all using this set-up including Oculus, which is the system Facebook bought in a deal worth $2 billion in 2014, HTC Vive, Sony PlayStation VR, Google Cardboard and Samsung Gear VR, and others.
      As we mentioned, some of the VR devices contain a display, splitting the feed for each eye. In these cases, a cable (usually HDMI) will transfer the video from your PC or console to the screen(s) in front of your eyes. For the likes of Google Cardboard and Samsung's Gear VR and some of the more affordable options, a smartphone is slotted into the headset and used as the display with the content already loaded on.

      That's only part of the story though as there is plenty more that goes into creating the fully immersive experience many companies in this field are aiming for. For example, there are lenses for reshaping images into a stereoscopic 3D image, while 100 or 110-degree field of views are on board to ensure whichever way you look, the world created follows you. A high frame rate (minimum of 60fps) is also important to ensure the world reacts as it would in reality in order for the illusion to remain intact.
      In terms of input tracking, there are several variations, all of which contribute to creating this fully-immersive world, whether that's individually or in a combination of forms. Different devices use different components in order to achieve this, ranging from sensors and LEDs to wireless controllers.
      For example, Sony PlayStation VR offers 360-degree head tracking by monitoring signals from the nine LED lights around the headset with a PS4 camera. When it comes to head tracking, low latency is a must to ensure there is minimal lag between you turning your head and the world you're experiencing responding. Some devices are better at this than others, with Oculus being one of the better ones offering only a 30-millisecond lag.
      Motion tracking has been seen in a variety of forms from smart gloves to the likes of Oculus Touch, Valve's Lighthouse and HTC's controllers for its Vive headset. Each of these things work slightly differently but the idea is to ensure you feel as though you are using your hands during your experience. We won't go into the ins and outs, but a plethora of sensors are involved, as well as lasers emitted from base stations in some cases, all of which helps with the detection the precise position of your head and hands.
      In terms of the most popular head-mounted displays that are currently being talked about, that's pretty much all that's involved. But there is one more thing that could add to the VR experience in the future and that's eye tracking. The benefit of eye tracking would be to deliver a more realistic depth of field, resulting in a more true-to-reality experience. For example, the crowd-funded FOVE headset uses an infrared sensor to work out where your eyes are looking in the VR world to then recreate what your eyes would see if in reality, by focusing the foreground or background accordingly.

      IP属地:浙江本楼含有高级字体3楼2017-08-12 08:33
        Why is everyone talking about VR?
        VR is at an exciting time in 2016. Many of the devices that have been in development over the last few years are almost at launch point, which means in the next few months, this virtual reality experience we have been banging on about is something you'll be able to experience yourself. Some have been available for some time, but as the VR hype builds, so too do those experiences.
        There are plenty of options coming, but the main ones you'll hear about are Sony PlayStation VR, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Google Cardboard and Samsung Gear VR. You can find all our first experiences, second experiences and in some cases even third experiences with these as they have developed in our Virtual Reality hub.

        IP属地:浙江本楼含有高级字体4楼2017-08-12 08:42
          Some people argue that our interest in sex and sex-related things drives much of human behavior. Early psychologists such as Sigmund Freud were convinced of that and modern understanding of evolutionary processes explain why it is that we care so much about sex.
          Globally the pornographic industry is a $97bn behemoth. Thanks to the rise of the internet and the ubiquity of computers, smartphones and tablets getting access to pornography is easier than ever.
          Shifts in 21st century values also seems to be de-stigmatizing pornography and the adult industry as a whole. Adult film stars now have their own award shows and in Japan and globally there are adult industry expos that enjoy strong attendance. Adult products are big business and as long as human beings are interested in sex it’s unlikely to go away.

          IP属地:浙江5楼2017-08-12 08:48
            Adult Industry and Virtual Reality
            You know a piece of technology is hot by how quickly the porn industry adopts it. The industry is at all times on the cutting edge of any new technology, and it has helped push everything from the typical video streaming to coming up with easier payment methods for the streams.
            The diversity and the things that go with virtual reality are not easily describable with just words. It something that everyone should experience firsthand to appreciate fully. And trust me, its mind blowing. It an experience that will leave you laughing and trying to reach out to space in your room. But do not get me wrong, most of the people out there are not necessarily into the VR porn. Most of them are driven by the experience especially their first one when their VR virginity is taken away.
            The most appealing thing about VR porn content is the feeling that you are actually in the movies. It brings out the full meaning of POV if you know what I mean. You just don’t watch your fantasy anymore. You get to live it. Referencing and according to the original article source Virtual Reality Reporter, below is a complete list of Top VR Porn Service available today to consumers, and tagging along, there is a guide on how to watch these VR porn videos. Check out the complete guide on how to watch VR porn from Virtual Reality Reporter. All you is a Google Cardboard that you can easily purchase for less than $20 from Amazon or anywhere available. It is extremely difficult to explain how it feels like when watching virtual reality porn, you just have to try it for yourself!

            IP属地:浙江本楼含有高级字体6楼2017-08-12 09:01
              The Fact is, there is nothing that compares to the real thing, but virtual reality comes pretty close. This close competition is brought about by the importance of a second life to most people. It gives them the chance to discover their other identity. It is the opportunity to get out of the shell that they feel surrounds them in the real world. and, you never know, the second personality that you are experimenting with, can turn out to be your true nature. You just need virtual reality to find this out.
              It still begs the question on whether virtual reality can match up to the real thing? and with this kind of technology that anticipates what we desire, will it compromise the desire for the real thing? It’s just interesting, and most people cannot wait to find out how VR will make people better lovers in the future. It can act as a typical personal sex tutor since the replication and simulation of the human touch, and all human sense is not easy to accomplish.
              AliceX CEO states that if a breakthrough comes through, people will be able to join in on virtual experiences that are impossible in real life or just hard to attain. Bailenson on the other hands predicts a future where a day is coming where teenage boys will be able to own an avatar at a low price of 20 dollars. He states that virtual reality is going to make crack cocaine a cup of weak and decaffeinated coffee.
              But first, to accomplish all this, technology need to master artificial reality fully. A situation whereby the user cannot differentiate between a machine and a real person. It is far-fetched in the future, but with the rate of technological advancement, you never know.

              IP属地:浙江8楼2017-08-12 09:09
                Nevertheless, as we all know, most of our users are luser(low and poor) and can not afford to buy VR devices.What a pity! So I prepared this tutorial for them!

                IP属地:浙江本楼含有高级字体9楼2017-08-12 09:11
                  Kolor Eyes is a free multi-platform 360-degree video player. Play and interact with 360-degree videos: turn at 360 degrees, zoom in and out, look at what is taking place all around you.GoPro VR Player is a 360° video & photo player for computers: watch 360° videos locally and enjoy professional playback features.

                  IP属地:浙江10楼2017-08-12 09:15
                    Because the software should be use is in English, so I wrote this article in this language. But considering that the video we watch about is Japanese, I decided to write in Japanese later.

                    IP属地:浙江11楼2017-08-12 09:21
                      無料で使えるPC VRプレイヤー「Go Pro VR Player」
                      意外と無い、無料で使えるVR PCプレイヤー
                      ローカルに保存された全球型3D 映像映像いわゆるVR動画を再生するPCソフトウェアを探したら思いのほかに見つかりません。
                      そんな中で見つけたのがgoPro VR Playerというプレイヤーです。

                      GoPro VR Player
                      デコーダーはVLCのライブラリ、Media Foundation(MacならAV Foundation)、DirectShowなど必要どころを抑えています。
                      コントロール系はキーボードショートカットのほかGazeUI、入力インターフェースはHMD デバイスのコントローラの他LeapMotionやrealSense対応のカメラが使えます。

                      IP属地:浙江本楼含有高级字体12楼2017-08-12 09:22

                        Oculus Remote
                        Oculus Touch
                        XBox One controller
                        HTC Vive controll
                        ※ V2.2以降はDキーに変わった模様。
                        - 文字コードはURF-8
                        - \などのパスの区切り文字は2つにする
                        サムネイルを付加していてGaze UIを選択している場合は、画面上に表示されたサムネイルを注視することでも選択可能です。
                        この時にAPIがGoPro VR Player側と被るとあまりパフォーマンスが良くない事が多いですので、例えばvridgeがMedia Foundationでエンコードするなら、映像デコーダはVLCを使うなど分けた方が経験上良かったです。
                        そんなときはPCの再生能力が十分ならGoPro Player+vridgeを使うことで回避することが出来ます。
                        ただ某サービスではPC用ファイルよりもスマホ用ファイルのほうが画質が良かったりしますが、公式アプリはファイル形式で絞り込んでいるのか、スマホ用ファイルだとVR動画だと認識しなかったりします。こういうときはGoPro Playerの出番ですね。
                        GoPro Playerが使えるのは動画ファイルにDRMが掛かっていない場合に限ります。DMMとかはDRMが掛かっているので専用プレイヤーが必要になります。
                        youtubeなどのVR動画を見ようとして、スマホの再生能力以上のデータを受信するすることができないため、HMDゴーグルをつけても解像度が足りないがっかり映像になったりしますが、それも例えば「YouTube VR 360/3D Streaming Player for Vive」などを使うと4K映像で視聴できたりします。(もっとも4K 60fpsのストリーミングはかなりの回線速度が必要でしょうけども)
                        まとめ無料という手軽さと、豊富な設定と機能を持ったGoPro VR Playerはローカル環境でのVR再生に持って来いだと思います。

                        IP属地:浙江本楼含有高级字体13楼2017-08-12 09:24


                          IP属地:浙江15楼2017-08-12 09:37

                            IP属地:湖北来自Android客户端16楼2017-08-12 09:44