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【Fish战网】Fish Server Final Guide


IP属地:上海1楼2017-04-08 23:31回复
    Fish Server or Fish is something you've probably been hearing recently. It's existed for over ten years, but only recently received lots of foreigner attention outside of TeamLiquid for two reasons:
    Thanks to a somewhat recent influx of really laggy Peruvians on iCCup. Why? I dunno Kev, but if you consider dial-up multiplayer a nostalgia trip iCCup is probably the place for you right now. I mean, if you want to you can definitely grab mca64Launcher (DO NOT USE IT WITH FISH) and play iCCup, but I don't think you'll have much fun.
    I hate saying this cause it makes me sound like one of those Brood War elitists (I love both games!!), but LotV kinda backfired in Korea and as a result StarCraft II lost popularity, and Brood War gained popularity. StarCraft II dropped from a top 10 game to below 20th and from a top 15 PC bang game to, well, below the top 20. Brood War is now almost the third most played PC bang game and is the fourth most played game in Korea, and climbing fast. Fish is growing so fast they're recruiting new staff every day just to handle all the new players, and they're even advising people to use the alternative Fish portals (Backup1 and Backup2) to redirect to the main server because so many people try to log in at once it's essentially DDoSing them.
    【废话略】简而言之 Fish战网的游戏体验好于iCCupj

    IP属地:上海3楼2017-04-08 23:33
      Quick Q&A
      Q: What is Fish Server?
      A: Fish Server, 피쉬서버, or Fish, is a Korean Brood War server that has been around since Brood War kicked off. It sees an average of 500,000 unique monthly users and has not seen player decline since the release of StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty.
      Q: It's all Koreans, do I need to know any Korean?
      A: Hangul is a must, everything you need to type and almost everything you need to read I'll try and provide here.
      Q: I'm on the East Coast of Freedom Land, my ping is like 300 or something. Can I still play?
      A: Fish uses latency changing tags. It's hard for most SC2 players to understand because it's literally impossible on the StarCraft II engine, but these tags emulate different pings. I'll expand on that later in this guide.
      Q: Is this all free?
      A: Yep, 100% free. The game is free, the server is free, everything is free. If anybody tells you to pay for something, it's a scam.
      是一个韩国星际争霸母巢之战服务器。 每月大约有50W用户且星际争霸2出现后用户依然未曾减少。
      fish都是棒子 我需要会韩语吗?
      Hangul(一种类似office的韩语软件)是必要的 否则你看的和打的字都是奇怪的符号或者问号。
      我在东海岸线什么什么自由破岛(和你们没关系) 延迟很高 我能玩吗?
      Fish的房名后缀会改变延迟 SC2玩家难以理解因为SC2引擎上这很难做到 但是这些后缀标签会改变延迟 之后我会向你解释。

      IP属地:上海5楼2017-04-08 23:37
        Initial Setup
        This is VERY IMPORTANT and should be done BEFORE DOWNLOADING ANYTHING. I can not stress enough just how important this is. Without this, Korean characters will either show up as weird letters with unibrows and shit or just question marks. Even if you choose not to read Hangul (you really should learn it, takes like two days to master) you still don't want this, as you won't even know the really small details like 초보 (noob/novice lobby) or 투혼 (Fighting Spirit, a map).
        Add the Korean keyboard layout to your system. Google how to do this for your operating system as each one is different and I don't know how to do it on Windows 10, assuming it's different. Alt+Shift lets you switch between English and Korean (despite Korean having an English layout of its own but I won't get into that rant) and the right Alt key switches you between Hangul and English when on the Korean layout. There should be a bar at the bottom right of your task bar showing what layout you're currently on.
        Set your system locale (language for non-Unicode programs) to Korean. Again, Google how to do this for your operating system. It's easy, but to write it out here is quite difficult.
        This one isn't really required and you totally don't have to do this, but for some other insignificant things, setting your system language to Korean will help. This is only for things like group chats on wLauncher and stuff so it's totally optional. If you don't want to do it, don't.
        这很重要 言语无法形容的重要 这之前你什么都别下载 否则会悲剧 没有这一步所有韩文都会跟乱码或者问号都一样
        在系统中增加韩语键盘 将系统语言设为韩语。(不会自己google)(不能用google的话可以百度)
        接下来这件事今天不必做(事实上以后也不必做) 但你如果想要在wLauncher上群聊之类的 把系统设为韩文这可能会有帮助(这件事是选择性的 可做可不做)。 如果你不想做 那么就不做。

        IP属地:上海7楼2017-04-08 23:50
          DO NOT USE MCA64LAUNCHER. I love the effort put into it and I think it's great for iCCup but Koreans assume it's a hack, and there's even a modified wDetector plugin going around that bans all mca64Launcher users from lobbies even if the person with the modified plugin isn't the lobby host.
          Don't mess with anything yet, don't even install anything. Just download this stuff.
          StarCraft Brood War (no campaign): http://down.xrr.kr:40/star.zip
          DDraw Fix by Aqrit: http://www.bitpatch.com/downloads/war2_ddraw_test4.zip
          The Ultimate Fish Pack: https://www.dropbox.com/s/415saggea2oi8pk/maps.zip?dl=0
          wLauncher: http://wlauncher.com/wLauncherSetup2.exe
          不要使用mca launcher(事实上现在可以使用了)。我喜欢mca在iccup中的影响 但棒子觉得这是作弊 并且有一个改版的wDetector插件禁止mca用户进入fish大厅即使大厅所有者的插件不是改版插件。
          现在别捣乱 甚至别安装 先把这些东西现在下来:
          StarCraft Brood War (no campaign): http://down.xrr.kr:40/star.zip
          DDraw Fix by Aqrit: http://www.bitpatch.com/downloads/war2_ddraw_test4.zip
          The Ultimate Fish Pack: https://www.dropbox.com/s/415saggea2oi8pk/maps.zip?dl=0
          wLauncher: http://wlauncher.com/wLauncherSetup2.exe
          楼主注: 不要理原作者 他自己给的链接都有很多失效了 我晚一点会在楼下给出我自己的。

          IP属地:上海10楼2017-04-08 23:54
            Setting Things Up
            Unzip star.zip, your copy of StarCraft. You can put this anywhere but I'd recommend somewhere fairly clean that doesn't require admin privileges to place or edit, such as the Documents folder.
            Unzip the war2_ddraw_test4.zip, the DDraw Fix by Aqrit, and place the DLL file in the root directory of your StarCraft folder. This fixes extremely critical bugs the default DirectDraw emulation in Windows can't, and it's just better in general. It's still being updated so be sure to check out the TeamLiquid forum for it here.
            Unzip maps.zip, the Ultimate Fish Pack, and place the "maps" folder (the one inside the one you extracted) in the root directory of your StarCraft folder. If Windows asks about overwriting duplicate files, overwrite all of them. Map downloads outside of Korea are really slow and you'll get banned from just about every lobby you join if you don't have these maps. I made a thread about it on Reddit here. Take note where it says Koreans frequently make new versions of the same maps, and I'll update this when the time comes. I obviously can't get every map under the sun so please don't skin me alive if you get banned from a lobby.
            Install wLauncherSetup2.exe, the wLauncher program. UNCHECK all three optional programs individually (the main check mark for all of them is bugged). These are junk. Gotta support Fish somehow, right? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
            解压作者给的star.zip 你可以把它解压到任何地方但我建议你解压到一个好找的地方
            解压war2什么什么压缩文件 把DLL后缀名的文件解压到你星际争霸文件夹里。这会修复某个严重的bug 具体是什么bug呢我也没看懂(你们无视吧 反正等会我会上传我的星际争霸文件夹)
            解压maps.zip Fish的最终地图包 到星际争霸-maps文件夹里 如果windows此次复制会替代原有文件 是否替代 全选是。否则游戏中你会在韩国境外下载地图 然后你就会被T。地图会更新 我会尽力补充 但我不能把所有地图都收集到 所以如果你还是被T了别喷我(这句话是原作者说的 要补充找他要 我是不会负责补充的)
            安装wLauncherSetup2.exe 后面那句话没看懂 到现在我也不知道有什么意义。(楼主等会会发自己的wLauncher 建议下我的 这样你们就不用去下载插件了)

            IP属地:上海12楼2017-04-09 00:01
              Configuring wLauncher
              Heyo! You just got through the worst part! This is much easier to explain with pictures, so that's what most of this will be.
              Translation of the main page:
              Make your Plugins tab look like this:
              Make your Settings tab look like this:
              Select Chaosplugin for 1.16.1, and below the black box with yellow text information there are three buttons, one grey and two blue. Click the middle one that says "설 정" and the Chaosplugin Configuration menu should pop up. Go to the Mouse tab and adjust the slider. 6 makes the mouse feel the same as it does on a 1920x1080 display. I don't know what other resolutions should have the slider set to or if they even need to be changed, but in the future you can adjust this even while the game is open if it doesn't feel right.
              IMPORTANT NOTE: You can enable W-MODE if you want, but it has some frame rate issues and there's a bit of input delay even with Aero disabled on Windows 7.
              Congrats, wLauncher is now configured! Pretty easy, right? d:
              嗯 安装好了这些东西后 你开始经历最艰难的部分了:
              如下是wLauncher的页面翻译 请确定你的wLauncher和这些页面一样。
              第一幅图 1.主页 2.更改账户 3.插件 4.设置 5.游戏频道 6.聊天室 7.wDetector Naver 咖啡厅(我也不知道是什么意思 Naver是每个棒子都用的社交工具 wDetector是反作弊插件 但合起来是什么意思就不知道了) 8.登录 9.开始星际争霸 10.星际争霸文件夹 11.wLauncher文件夹 12.wLauncher官网 13.棒子蓝皮书 (除9外别的都没什么用)
              第二幅图 没东西翻译
              第三幅图 红字:在这里设置你的星际争霸路径
              点ChaosPlugin 这里有三个按钮 一灰两蓝 点中间那个 chaosplugin配置菜单就会冒出来。点“mouse”标签以调节灵敏度 调到6可以让鼠标灵敏度和1920x1080的灵敏度一样。我不知道其他分辨率怎么调或者需不需要调 但你自己以后可以慢慢调 调到觉得适应为止。
              重要提示:你可以启动窗口模式 但框架有一些问题 输入会有延迟(即便你用win7禁用了aero)
              恭喜 wLauncher现在已经设置妥当了 是不是很简单啊? :D

              IP属地:上海15楼2017-04-09 00:15
                Welcome to Fish Server
                You're in! Awesome. Click Multiplayer, then Expansion, then Fish Server. If you get stuck on "Welcome to Fish Server", use [BACKUP] or [BACKUP2]. They both redirect to the main Fish server, but if enough people are logging into Fish us foreigners will take so long to reach the login page our connection will just time out.
                Create a new account, there's a button right below where you enter your username and password. You'll be presented with a Korean agreement, click Accept. Choose a username and a password, then put in your email. You don't have to put in an email, you can just click Cancel and it'll ask if you're sure then present you with the main Fish page.
                You're in Fish Battle Zone-somethingnumber, right? This is a fake chat you're thrown into when you first log in. [ :: LADDER :: ] and [ :: TEAM LADDER :: ] are the official laddering channels, and you're locked out of them. I'll explain in a bit. All the channels starting with Op are clan channels. The clan system is really complicated and clan members are highly valued.
                你加入了!漂亮 点击Multiplayer多人游戏-Expansion Version资料片-然后选择Fish Server(注:主服务器和备用服务器1,2均可) 但如果有太多人在登录 那么我们这些非棒子就会登陆很久 有可能掉出来。
                建新号 右边你输入帐号密码的地方下面有个按钮 你会看到一个棒子文协议(不用看) 点接受 选一个你想要的id 输入密码 输入你的邮箱(你不必输入邮箱 非强制 你可以点取消 Fish会问你是否确认 然后显示Fish主页面)
                然后你就在“Fish Bttle Zone-某数字”频道了 对吗?然而你进了一个假频道。 [ :: LADDER :: ] 和 [ :: TEAM LADDER :: ]才是官方天梯频道 你就像一个傻子一样被锁在外面了。稍后我会解释一些。所有以Op开头的频道都是家族频道 家族系统非常负责 家族成员都是贵族。

                IP属地:上海17楼2017-04-09 00:22
                  If you've played Brood War before, this probably looks different to you, yes? Let me explain.
                  There will be a list of players at the bottom of the lobby window (not the bottom of the screen), accompanied by some numbers. This is wDetector.
                  The yellowish number (currently 3.40) is the version of wDetector everybody is using. If somebody isn't using it, leave. It means they don't have antihack which means no latency tags which means your ping will SUCK.
                  Latency tags. The reason your ping will suck from somebody not having antihack is because without this antihack, you'll be playing on default Battle.net ping (brutal by itself) and if it's higher you'll play on whatever that ping is. By default lobbies are all on #L2 which is very close to LAN latency. Playing from Great Britain? Congrats, you still have LAN latency. #L2 and #W are at the end of a lobby name. As I just said all lobbies are #L2 by default but most people type the tag anyway so people know they have wDetector.
                  Speed tags. Pretty self-explanatory but #x2 multiplies the game speed by 2, #x3 by 3, etc. These come after the latency tags.
                  如果你之前玩过母巢之战这对你的认知来说可能很不同 让我来解释一些。
                  大厅窗口底下有一个带数字的玩家列表 这就是使用wDetector的玩家数。
                  最黄的按钮(目前是3.40)是现在所有玩家使用的wLauncher的版本 如果某人没用 那么离开大厅。 这意味着他没开反作弊插件 意味着他没有延迟标签 意味着你会被卡成马。
                  某人不用反作弊插件会让你卡成马的原因 是因为没有插件 你的延迟是战网默认延迟 延迟再高那么一点 你的游戏体验就会和你本身延迟一样糟糕了。 大厅默认延迟标签为#L2(和局域网延迟很接近)。 你在破不列颠岛? 恭喜 你也可以用延迟标签。#L2和#W会作为大厅名字后缀 正如我所说的 所有大厅默认为#L2延迟标签 但有些人喜欢随便填一些延迟标签以表示他们有wDetector。
                  完美自解 #x2意味着2倍游戏速度 #x3意味着三倍 以此类推。这些速度标签会跟随在延迟标签之后。

                  IP属地:上海18楼2017-04-09 00:39
                    Ladder & Finding Games
                    Ladder is locked until you reach 30 wins in Melee mode. This is to prevent smurfing and throwaways, as the ladder is a very competitive and unforgiving environment. If you have 32 wins and 3 losses, you only have 29 wins according to the ladder and you will be locked out. Ladder games also count as melee games so you can get kicked out just by losing enough games.
                    NOTE: Depending how far you are from Korea, the full list will probably not load! You'll need to scroll to the bottom and give it a few seconds for the next page of games to load. I don't have this problem but I hear even local Koreans go through it.
                    To find games for now, click Join:
                    Show All: Shows every game on the server
                    Melee: Basically the same as ladder.
                    Top vs Bottom: 99% chance you can close your eyes, fling your mouse around clicking frantically, and you'll either join a lobby for Fastest Map or Hunters. These are both very popular game modes on Fish, and they're great practice for mechanics.
                    你游戏时间(含挂机)72小时和30场胜利解锁天梯。这是为了避免马甲和换新号快速清零负分 天梯是一个残忍无情 充满竞技的地方。如果你赢了32场输了3场 则你只有29场胜利了 然后你就会再次被锁在外面(现在制度改了 只要30胜就永久解锁 且天梯游戏和普通游戏战绩是分开算的) 天梯游戏只将Melee模式的游戏算在内 你输多了有可能被踢出天梯(现在没这制度了)。
                    注:基于你和棒子国的距离 完整列表可能不会载入 你要在滚动列表并等待几秒才能看到下一页的游戏。我自己没这个问题 但我甚至听说有棒子自己也面临这样的问题。
                    为了找到游戏玩 点Join:
                    选择Show All(显示服务器上所有模式游戏)
                    选择Show Melee(选择和天梯差不多的游戏)
                    选择Top vs Bottom:你闭上眼睛满屏幕乱飞鼠标随机进一个房间 你有99%概率进一个宏图或者Hunters房间 他们在Fish上非常流行 并且对练习技术很有帮助(现在11的比例大多了 基本上超过一半的房间都是11房间)

                    IP属地:上海19楼2017-04-09 00:46
                      Korean you need to know
                      Learn the Korean layout. Make it your wallpaper, put it on your second monitor, whatever it takes to learn what letters go where. I know it sounds hard but I promise you it'll come naturally and the layout makes a lot more sense than QWERTY.
                      Noob/beginner/novice: (You are most likely a . It's not an offensive term in Korean)
                      Map names: (Fighting Spirit), / (Python), (Hunters), // (Fastest Map)
                      Hello: / / / / / / /
                      Gogo: , ,
                      GLHF / GG: , gg, , (Koreans don't say glhf)
                      Fuck, *** you, *** me, *** those, *** this, *** that, *** Protoss, *** Mutas, *** this planet, *** this game: / (very useful word haha)
                      Awesome / great:
                      Terran - Zerg - Protoss: / - - //
                      Map positions (great for team games): [number] / [number], being the hour. For example, if your ally types "3 " it means that the enemy at the 3 o'clock position is Zerg.
                      百度显示不出来这些棒子文 我就不翻译 有兴趣可以自己点一楼的网址自己看。 而且我觉得大多数人应该懒得把系统设成韩文环境吧 所以你们就算认识韩文 游戏里也看不到的 就没必要花时间了^ ^

                      IP属地:上海20楼2017-04-09 00:48
                        This is something you won't be worrying about for several months, and it's actually super ultra complicated and you need to know a LOT of Korean just to get in one, so I'll just tell you some things to watch out for.
                        To join a clan, you must make a new account with the clan tag in your name and give the password to the clan owner. If you don't know the person and nobody else knows them, don't give them your password. AT ALL. I know most people are smarter than this but some people really aren't.
                        Clans usually have Naver Cafe pages. If you ever join one, make sure to join the cafe page. It's not required but it's very impolite not to join.
                        你前几个月完全不需要担心这件事 这很复杂 并且你需要学会大量韩文 所以你会告诉你一些需要当心的。
                        为了成为杀马特家族的一员 你需要创造一个新账号 且帐号格式中应该带有家族标签 (比如DHD_, JXSA_, =PNZ=, Tzsc.等等)。 如果你或朋友不认识某人 那么不要把密码告诉他。 绝对不要。 我知道很多人比较聪明 但总是有些智障盲目相信别人 把密码乱给出去被永久封号(注:Fish封号是ip、电脑序列号、帐号本身、所绑定邮箱、系统序列号(如果你用Windows)全部永久封禁 这意味着你要重新买电脑+重装系统+换邮箱+建新号才能封号后再次上Fish) 所以这里我再次强调一下。
                        家族通常有Naver的咖啡厅页面(我猜意思是Naver网站的闲聊页面) 如果你加入了一个家族 那么确保你要加入那个咖啡厅页面。这并不是必须的 但你不加入的话会显得非常没礼貌。

                        IP属地:上海21楼2017-04-09 00:54
                          Basic Commands
                          This is a list of some basic commands you will probably be using frequently:
                          /f add/del/msg username: /f is short for Friends, the commands are self-explanatory
                          /finger username: Shows detailed information about a user, including the last four digits of their IP address and their user page
                          /whois username: A less detailed version of /finger
                          /s username: Shows a user's win/loss/disconnect stats, as well as their win rate.
                          /f add/del/msg 用户名: 加某人好友/删某人好友/给某好友留言
                          /finger 用户名:显示某人详细信息(包括ip地址后四位和账户资料页面)
                          /whois 用户名:显示某人简略信息
                          /s 用户名:显示某人的胜利/失败/掉线数 和天梯段位 和胜率。
                          (注: /lc 用户名:查看某人距离72小时解锁天梯所剩余时间)

                          IP属地:上海22楼2017-04-09 00:57
                            Koreans are super time-oriented. 7 AM the server is practically dead with about 500 people, 7 PM is the opposite and sees tens of thousands of people on at once.
                            Don't say you're a foreigner.
                            Don't be a dumbass
                            Don't cheat. Unlike SC2 the Fish admins will even ban somebody if Tips
                            Koreans are super time-oriented. 7 AM the server is practically dead with about 500 people, 7 PM is the opposite and sees tens of thousands of people on at once.
                            Don't say you're a foreigner.
                            Don't be a dumbass
                            Don't cheat. Unlike SC2 the Fish admins will even ban somebody if enough people think they cheat, and that's if you even find a hack that works with wDetector. Your HWID, MAC, IP, and Windows serial will all be permanently banned from Fish Server and your name will be on the forums for everybody to laugh at.
                            enough people think they cheat, and that's if you even find a hack that works with wDetector. Your HWID, MAC, IP, and Windows serial will all be permanently banned from Fish Server and your name will be on the forums for everybody to laugh at.
                            棒子很有作息规律。韩国时间早上7点 Fish成为一座有500在线玩家(大部分在睡觉)的死城 晚上七点则相反 会有大约1W人突然涌入服务器。
                            不要作弊(如我上文所说 作弊会把你的电脑序列号、系统序列号、帐号、邮箱、ip地址全部永久封禁) 并且你的名字会被张贴到论坛上供围观的人笑话。
                            即使作弊骗过了wDetector 只要足够多的人认为你在作弊 你还是会被封禁 并且你的名字会被张贴到论坛上供围观的人笑话。

                            IP属地:上海23楼2017-04-09 01:03
                              我在上传文件到百度云盘 请稍后

                              IP属地:上海24楼2017-04-09 01:05