al指环王吧 关注:6,745贴子:51,823
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来自手机贴吧1楼2014-02-14 19:49回复
    Aragorn, the king of human full of courage and insight, was once living in elves' land in his youth, and was quite familiar with the elves, and had never lost when wandering. Legolas, the prince of elves filled with nimbleness and agileness, immortal life gave him chance to know many generations of man, so he knew the real identity of Aragorn, but he had always been in the vast Mirkwood.

    来自手机贴吧2楼2014-02-14 19:50
      When the clouds of the ring swept through the Middle Earth once again, they met each other in the heaven-like Rivendell, and fell in love after the first sight. Later, he took his sword of Anduril, he carried his bow of Mirkwood. They began their dangerous trip to Mordor, as well as their journey of heart mixed with friendship and love. Both are good at fighting, both treasure friendship a lot, both can move others with a smile, both have many supporters, both pursue persistently for something, but they are bound to fail to be together.

      来自手机贴吧3楼2014-02-14 19:50
        When Legolas led Arwen to Aragorn, the crowned king of human stared at him with a hand on his shoulder, and said softly,"Hannon le." The prince of elves dressed in silver clothes raised his beautiful eyes with deep emotion. At that moment, no more words were needed, 'cause both you and I knew clearly, that the peace we bothered every effort to pursue had come while the love between you and I came to the end as well. Maybe this is what is called exchanging others' happiness with our hearts' break. When Aragorn saw Arwen walking to him, he could not, and also need not, recognize whether it was Arwen or Legolas, for the Greenleaf Prince had always been in the deepest of his heart...

        来自手机贴吧4楼2014-02-14 19:51
          Their love was witnessed by darkness, and could only exist in the darkness. When brightness came, looking back, everything had passed...

          来自手机贴吧5楼2014-02-14 19:52
            Then, only when people talk about the war about the ring, people will always mention his kingly behavior and his elegant manner, his sword of Anduril and his bow of Lothlorien...

            来自手机贴吧6楼2014-02-14 19:52
              Love a person, even if gathering is impossible forever. However, if I am in your heart, I am along with you.

              来自手机贴吧7楼2014-02-14 19:52
                When the Valentine's Day is coming, I am willing to send you the most beautiful leaf in Middle Earth, hoping the shining greenleaf will never efface the impression of an elf who has the same name with it and the human he loves.

                来自手机贴吧8楼2014-02-14 19:53

                  来自手机贴吧11楼2014-02-14 19:59
                    阿拉贡,胆识过人的人类国王,幼年时曾在精灵的领地居住,对精灵一族再熟悉不过,被放逐后四海云游未迷踪。莱戈拉斯,轻灵飘逸的精灵王子,永恒的生命使他认识很多代的人类,并知道阿拉贡的真实身份,但一直深居于广阔的幽暗密林。 当魔戒的烟云再度席卷中土,他们相会在仙境般的瑞文戴尔,一见钟情。后来,他带上他的安都瑞尔圣剑,他拿起他的幽暗密林弓箭,开始了他们的通往魔都的黑暗旅程,也开始了他们友情与爱情相融合的心路历程。同样是能征善战,同样是珍视友情,同样一个微笑可以感动谁,同样是拥蹵无数,同样执著地在追求什么,两人却注定永远也走不到一起。 当莱戈拉斯把阿尔温带给阿拉贡时,已加冕的人皇把手放在他的肩上,注视着他,轻轻地说:"hannon le。"一身银色华服的精灵王子深情地抬起漂亮的眼睛,那一刻,无需多言,你我皆懂得:曾费尽艰辛去追求的和平年代到来了,然而,你我之间的爱情也走到了尽头。这也许就是用两个人的心碎去换取所有人的快乐吧!当阿拉贡看着阿尔温走来的时候,他已分不清、也无需分清那到底是阿尔温还是莱戈拉斯,因为那个绿叶王子已经永驻在他内心最深处… 他们的爱情由黑暗见证,也只能在黑暗中生存,当光明到来时,回首,一切已惘然… 后来,只是当人们谈起那次魔戒圣战时,人们总会提起他的王者风范、他的优雅气质,他的安都瑞尔圣剑、他的萝林长弓… 爱上一个人,哪怕永远不可能在一起,但是,你若心中有我,我便与你同在。情人节时,我愿把中土世界最美丽的绿叶献给你们,愿闪耀的绿叶不曾忘记那个和它有着相同名字的精灵和那个他爱着的人类。

                    来自手机贴吧13楼2014-02-14 20:07

                      来自Android客户端14楼2014-02-14 22:00