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美媒评全球最美50女性 章子怡获华裔第一~


  此外,与章子怡一同入选的华裔女星还有刘玉玲与Maggie Q。让我们看看这50位美人都是谁吧!

IP属地:江苏1楼2013-03-24 04:10回复
    Number 45: Holly Madison (霍莉·麦迪逊)

    Where you've seen her: On Hugh Hefner's arm on the reality TV
    show "The Girls Next Door"
    Why we love her: Hef's former "Number 1 girlfriend" has survived her breakup with Mr Playboy himself — no mean feat in Hollywood!

    霍莉·麦迪逊, 1979年12月23日出生于美国俄勒冈州,全球最有价值品牌PlayBoy 《花花公子杂志》著名职业模特儿,电视节目主持人。 她金发碧眼,性感迷人,模样甜美,是《花花公子》杂志创办人休·赫夫纳的前女友。
    Number 44: Jada Pinkett Smith (杰达·平凯特·史密斯)
    ( Kris Connor, Getty Images )

    Why you know her: Fans of the Bill Cosby spinoff show will remember her as Lena James on "A Different World," but she's also known for the
    voice of Gloria on "Madagascar," Niobe on "The Matrix Revolution" and her TV
    show "Hawthorne"
    Why we love her: She's married to rapper/actor Will Smith but has a love for rock with her band Wicked Wisdom. She can act, dance and is the free-spirited mother of child actors Willow and Jaden Smith.
    杰达·平凯特·史密斯,1971年 9月18日 生于 美国马里兰巴尔的摩.
    少年时代曾进入巴尔的摩艺术学校(Baltimore School for the Arts)学习舞蹈。后来她又加入北卡罗来纳州艺术学院(North Carolina School of Arts)深造,当凯南·伊沃里·韦恩斯发现了她,成为她的表演经纪人后,她便辍学了。

    IP属地:江苏4楼2013-03-24 04:13
      Number 43: Danica Patrick (丹妮卡帕特里克 )

      Where you've seen her: Going very, very fast around a racetrack
      Why we love her: Patrick may be the best-known female auto racer in the world, and has the record high finish for a woman at the Indianapolis 500.

      Number 42: Kim Kardashian (金·卡戴珊)
      ( Frederick M. Brown, Getty Images )

      Where you've seen her: On her reality shows "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" and "Kim and Kourtney Take Miami," and at every red carpet known to man
      Why we love her: She's a woman who knows what she wants (endless attention), and knows how to get it. She's also rapper Kanye West's better half with a baby on the way.

      金·卡戴珊,1980年10月21日 出生于美国洛杉矶。 美国娱乐界名媛,服装设计师,演员,企业家,金·卡戴珊最著名的标签就是“帕丽斯·希尔顿的好友”。金·卡戴珊是O.J.辛普森、梦之队已故律师罗伯特·卡戴珊的女儿。2007年因为“性爱录影带”事件而爆红。

      IP属地:江苏5楼2013-03-24 04:14
        Number 38: Freida Pinto (芙蕾达·平托)

        Where you've seen her: On the big screen in "Slumdog Millionaire"
        Why we love her: Pinto burst onto the scene with "Slumdog Millionaire," her first feature film. People magazine placed her on their "Most Beautiful People List" and "List of the World's best Dressed Women." We couldn't agree more.

        芙蕾达·平托,1984-10-18 出生于印度马哈拉施特拉邦孟买市 ,印度模特、演员,出生于印度孟买,出演的《贫民窟的百万富翁》获得了2009年度的奥斯卡金像奖。2012年被美国《人物》评选为全球最美女性第18位。
        Number 37: Zoe Saldana (佐伊•萨尔达娜 )

        Where you've seen her: She was in the underrated film "Losers," but she's clearly no loser. You may know her from the bridge of the starship Enterprise in the new "Star Trek" reboot.
        Why we love her: She's Lt. Uhura 2.0! We're geek enough to find that unbearably hot.

        Number 36: Lucy Liu(刘玉玲)
        ( Robyn Beck, AFP/Getty Images )

        Where you've seen her: Don't pronounce Ling with a hard "L" on "Ally McBeal" or she will give you the stink eye. Or, maybe you recognize her as Dr. Joan Watson on "Elementary," Viper on "Kung Fu Panda" and Officer Jessica Tang on "Southland"
        Why we love her: She always makes being a rebel sexy.

        刘玉玲 ,1968年12月02日出生美国纽约皇后区.父母亲都是中国台湾的移民,父母祖籍分别是北京和上海。 先后在多部电视剧中担当了角色,其中包括《急诊室的故事》、《X档案》、《纳什大桥》(《海岸救生队》的姊妹片)、《霹雳娇娃》等。好莱坞最优秀的女演员之一,她是目前为止好莱坞华裔演员中片酬最高的演员。
        2012年,刘玉玲确定 CBS版的福尔摩斯《Elementary》中华生的扮演者,将是第一位扮演这个非常受欢迎的文学人物的女演员。

        IP属地:江苏7楼2013-03-24 04:16
          Number 29: Kate Beckinsale (凯特·贝金赛尔 )

          Where you've seen her: On the big screen
          Why we love her: "Underworld." You think "Twilight" has sexy vampires? Just wait til you see Kate as Selene fighting vaps, werewolves and anything else that gets in her way.

          凯特·贝金赛尔,1973年7月26日 出生于英国伦敦,出身于演艺世家,父母都是英国知名演员。飘洋过海到好莱坞寻梦的英伦美人凯特·贝金赛尔,因主演二战题材巨片《珍珠港》一夜成名。就当众人都以为凯特将从此走上“美国甜姐”梅格-瑞恩的老路,专门出演温馨爱情剧的时候,这个集古典美和现代美于一身的气质美人,竟然连接两部与浪漫、温馨无关,反而是与神秘、恐怖挂上钩的动作大片《范海辛》和《黑夜传说》
          Number 28: Tricia Helfer (翠西亚·希弗 )

          Where you've seen her: The SyFy series Battlestar Galactica
          Why we love her: This statuesque stunner made the idea of humanity being overtaken by robots bent on our destruction sound... not so bad, actually.
          Number 27: Christina Ricci (克里斯蒂娜·里奇)

          Where you've seen her: On movie screens since 1990
          Why we love her: Ricci is fearless about taking oddball roles -- witness Wednesday Addams in "The Addams Family" and Rae in "Black Snake Moan." Plus she embraced her amine eyes as Trixie in "Speed Racer."

          克里斯蒂娜·里奇(Christina Ricci),1980年2月12日 出生于美国加州圣塔莫尼卡 ,是上世纪90年代美国影坛上一颗早熟的童星。 突破性表演是一个成人角色,她在《冰风暴》(The Ice Storm) 中饰演一个成功勾引两兄弟的**。克里斯蒂娜·里奇 (Christina Ricci) 率直的性格,高超的演技,以及富有争议的表演风格,都使她成为20世纪90年代制片人争夺的对象

          IP属地:江苏10楼2013-03-24 04:19
            Number 21: Paulina Rubio (宝琳娜·卢比奥 )

            Why you know her: She's all over the Billboard Latin charts
            Why we love her: We defy you to try to stop dancing to any of her hits.

            宝琳娜·卢比奥,1971年6月17日出生于墨西哥的墨西哥城。是一位来自墨西哥却扬名拉美欧洲乃至全世界的歌手以及演员。1982年年仅11岁,便加入了墨西哥团体Timbiriche得到了一系列表演的历练。1991年离开Timbiriche发展个人事业,从1992到1996年期间推出了四张畅销个人专辑红遍拉美尤其是墨西哥,奠定了墨西哥乃至拉美天后地位。而2000年推出的专辑<Paulina>更使其开始红遍全球。2002年为了打入美国市场,Paulina发行了英文专辑<Border Girl>,首单<Don't Say Goodbye>(西语版本<Si Tú Te Vas>)成为其最知名英文代表作。随后发行的每张专辑张张畅销,拉美天后魅力势不可挡。  

            IP属地:江苏13楼2013-03-24 04:22
              Number 20: Keira Knightley (凯拉·姬丝汀娜·奈特利 )

              Where you've seen her: Movie screens, red carpets, magazine covers, you name it.
              Why we love her: "Bend It Like Beckham." "Pirates of the Caribbean." "Love Actually." "Atonement." "The Duchess." Is there any role Keira can't play?

              凯拉·奈特利(英文:Keira Knightley),1985年03月26日 出生于英国特丁顿密德塞克斯 。是一个曾获奥斯卡金像奖和金球奖提名的英国电影演员。她在孩童时已经开始其演艺事业,在2003年电影《我爱贝克汉姆》和《加勒比海盗》中担任主角后,成为世界知名的影星,其后陆续在多出好莱坞电影中演出。2005年演出改编自珍·奥斯汀小说的同名电影《傲慢与偏见》,以此剧提名入围奥斯卡最佳女主角奖。
              Number 19: Sienna Miller (西耶娜·米勒 )

              Where you've seen her: On movie screens (most recently in "G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra") and in tabloid shots
              Why we love her: She's unafraid of fashion risks, she seems nearly unflappable, and... well, she looks like Sienna Miller!

              Number 18: Stacy Keibler (史黛希·姬伯乐 )

              Where you know her from: The competitive arenas of wrestling and dance
              Why we love her: It takes guts to leap into the wrestling ring — and then leap onto the dance floor of Dancing with the Stars. Plus, there are her nicknames: "The legs of the WWE" and "The Weapon of Mass Seduction"

              史黛希·姬伯乐,1979年10月14日 出身于美国马里兰州的巴尔的摩 ,美国前职业摔角女选手,也是著名电视劲舞演员。德裔美国性感摔跤明星史黛希·姬伯乐身材修长,特别是一双迷人长腿成为其傲视众多美女的必杀技,曾先后被男性杂志《stuff》、《FHM》评委最性感的女人之一,此外,她还被邀成为《花花公子》50周年庆典的座上宾。

              IP属地:江苏14楼2013-03-24 04:24

                Number 17: Heidi Klum (海蒂-克鲁姆 )

                Where you've seen her: On runways, in magazines and hosting "Project Runway"
                Why we love her: Klum has been stalking the catwalk since 1992, but she's hardly just a pretty face (and smokin' bod). She won a Peabody award for Project Runway, for which she is host and executive producer. That's the first Peabody award to a reality show.

                Number 16: Penelope Cruz (佩内洛普·克鲁兹 )

                Where you've seen her: On the silver screen, including an Oscar-winning turn in "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" and Anna in "To Rome With Love"
                Why we love her: Have you seen Vicky Cristina Barcelona? How about all her roles in Pedro Almodóvar's films? How can you not love a woman with that sort of talent?

                佩内洛普·克鲁兹(Penelope Cruz),1974年4月28日出生 西班牙马德里 ,卡斯蒂利亚人 ,西班牙好莱坞著名演员,国际巨星。她毕业于西班牙国家音乐学院古典芭蕾系。2007年,她凭电影《回归》入围奥斯卡、金球奖及英国电影学院奖最佳女主角。2009年,她凭电影《午夜巴塞罗那》Vicky Cristina Barcelona夺得奥斯卡金像奖以及英国电影学院奖最佳女配角奖,并凭此片入围金球奖最佳女配角,并于同年当选世界著名男性杂志《男人帮》一年一度的百大美丽女星排行榜第1位。

                IP属地:江苏15楼2013-03-24 04:24
                  Number 7: Rihanna (蕾哈娜)
                  ( Jason Merritt, Getty Images )

                  Why you know her: She's all over the radio, the fashion pages and the news. And who else can manage to set trends with that bright red hair from her "Loud" CD cover?
                  Why we love her: Not only is her music unstoppable, but her spirit is unquenchable: In the aftermath of an assault by then-boyfriend Chris Brown, she weathered the media firestorm with poise and grace.

                  Rihanna来自加勒比岛国巴巴多斯,1988年2月20日 出生于巴巴多斯圣迈克尔区, 是欧美乐坛当红歌手、演员和时尚女星,在全球多个国家都享誉盛名。她是21世纪以来全球销量最高的歌手之一,在Billboard Hot 100榜上拥有12首冠军单曲,是Billboard榜单52年历史上最快达到该成绩的个人歌手。同时她还是多座格莱美奖、全英音乐奖、MTV音乐大奖获得者。出道至今短短7年间,Rihanna已发行了7张白金专辑和多支全球热门单曲,被视为未来世界流行乐坛天后宝座的强有力竞争者。Rihanna也是家乡巴巴多斯的流行文化代表和旅游大使。

                  IP属地:江苏19楼2013-03-24 23:10
                    Number 6: Jessica Alba (杰西卡·阿尔芭 )

                    Where you've seen her: All over movie screens
                    Why we love her: Ever since "Dark Angel," she's known how to kick ass and take names. Plus she's committed to her charity work, even offering to work for free if producer Bob Weinstein would make a hefty donation to Amfar.
                    杰西卡·阿尔芭1981年04月28日 出生于美国加利福尼亚州波莫纳市 ,是美国著名女演员,年轻时就拥有很高的表演天赋,13岁开始拍片,2005年拍摄《罪恶之城》、《神奇四侠》达到事业顶峰。获得多项荣誉,是美国“最性感的女星”之一。

                    IP属地:江苏20楼2013-03-24 23:10
                      Number 4: Megan Fox (梅根·福克斯 )

                      Why you know her: She's the go-to geek-bait hot babe, and has appeared on countless magazine covers
                      Why we love her: This quote from The Times of London, when the reporter asked her if she considered herself a role model: "It depends on what your idea of a role model is. If your idea of a role model is somebody who's gonna preach to your kids that sex before marriage is wrong and cursing is wrong and women should be this and be that, then I'm not a role model. But if you want your girls to feel strong and intelligent and be outspoken and fight for what they think is right, then I want to be that type of role model, yeah."
                      梅根·福克斯(英文名:Megan Denise Fox),1986年5月16日出生于美国田纳西州罗克伍德市 ,13岁成为模特,在1999年南卡罗琳娜州举办的模特大赛中一举获得了美国模特大奖;后成为影视演员,同时也是全球最性感的女人之一,演出《变形金刚》,并接连登上了包括《GQ》,《马克西姆》,《ELLE》,《男人装》以及《VOGUE》等顶尖时尚杂志的封面。梅根·福克斯和布莱恩·奥斯汀·格林于2010年6月24日结婚。2012年被美国《人物》评选为全球最美女性第16位。

                      IP属地:江苏22楼2013-03-24 23:11
                        Number 3: Adriana Lima (阿德里亚娜·利马 )

                        Why you know her: She's one of the hottest Victoria's Secret angels
                        Why we love her: She's one of the hottest Victoria's Secret angels... and so much more! She's deeply committed to her Catholic faith, often bringing a bible to read backstage at fashion shows. And contrary to the stories you hear about models gone wild, Adriana publicly talked about saving herself for marriage. She's now married to Serbian Marko Jarić, and gave birth to daughter this year.
                        阿德里亚娜·利马(1981年6月12日出生于巴西塞尔瓦多 ),巴西超级名模,是世界上出场费排名第三的女模特。利玛曾是著名球星罗纳尔多的绯闻女友,现为NBA孟菲斯灰熊队的马科·雅里奇的妻子。

                        IP属地:江苏23楼2013-03-24 23:11
                          Number 2: Scarlett Johansson(斯嘉丽·约翰逊 )

                          Why you know her: She broke big with Lost in Translation and hasn't slowed down since.
                          Why we love her: She's a star who doesn't starve herself, doesn't advertise her personal business, and stays out of the tabloids. Plus, she's about to kick Iron Man's butt as the Black Widow!

                          斯嘉丽·约翰逊,生于1984年11月22的美国 纽约 。2009年8月,被英国著名的时尚杂志《Glamour》评选出全球10大性感女星冠军。代表作品有:《马语者》、《迷失东京》、《其实你不懂他的心》、《午夜巴塞罗那》、《钢铁侠2》、《复仇者联盟》等。

                          IP属地:江苏24楼2013-03-24 23:12
                            Number 1: Beyonce (碧昂丝·吉赛尔·诺斯 )
                            ( Christopher Polk, Getty Images )

                            Where you know her from: Music, movies, awards shows.... where haven't you seen her? She's a new mom of her daughter Blue Ivy and the wife of rap star Jay-Z. She was also given the title as People's 2012 World's Most Beautiful Woman.
                            Why we love her: So many reasons, but mostly because "Single Ladies" is a song we're almost glad will be stuck in our heads for the rest of our lives. She's also no stranger to charity work, with Survivor Foundation being the most well-known for her contribution to Hurricane Katrina victims.

                            碧昂斯(Beyonce),1981年9月4日 出生于美国德克萨斯州休斯顿 ,美国著名女歌手,世界流行级天后,性感完美女神。原美国女子偶像团体“真命天女”成员,2002年团体宣布解散,对音乐依旧忠贞的Beyonce单独在歌坛发展。其后和美国著名Hiphop歌手Jay-Z合作《03 Bonnie & Clyde》、《Crazy In Love》等歌曲红遍全球,两人曾多次传出恋爱绯闻,于2008年4月4日秘密结婚。2012年1月2日诞下女儿。Beyonce有着超越常人的音乐天分,有着黑人女歌手少有的绝美面孔,有着让人难以拒绝的性感身材,不到一年时间奇迹般成为美国乃至全世界的娱乐焦点,多次荣获格莱美奖奖项。

                            IP属地:江苏25楼2013-03-24 23:12

                              IP属地:江苏本楼含有高级字体26楼2013-03-24 23:13