心然吧 关注:65,713贴子:2,388,819
  • 6回复贴,共1



1楼2012-02-18 09:50回复
    Though you start to keep me away
    Nothing I feel when you betray
    Truth appeared the moment you claim
    Always,your smile is so bewitched
    But that change for a certain day
    Now you put a maze,there're crystal on face
    Why I've realized it so late
    Everytime I see my arm,the tatoo strikes on my heart
    Never did I think you dream so far
    Until the world became dark
    What I hurt is what I love,Who I miss is who I mark
    The moonlight can't lie to the whole dusk
    As tears as you trust,time regards
    Though you start to keep me away
    Nothing I feel when you betray
    Truth appeared the moment you claim
    Always,your smile is so bewitched
    But change for a certain day
    Now you design a maze,there're crystal on face
    Why I've realized it so late
    Everytime I see my arm,the tatoo strikes on my heart
    Never did I think you dream so far
    Until the world became dark
    What I hurt is what I love,Who I miss is who I mark
    The moonlight can't lie to the whole dusk
    As tears as you trust,time regards
    If you decided to leave me at last
    Please have my memory cut
    I can resist the cold around bar
    Abandoned in the past,escaping the result
    Everytime I see my arm,the tatoo strikes on my heart
    Never did I think you dream so far
    Until the world becomes dark
    What I hurt is what I love,Who I miss is who I mark
    The moonlight can't lie to the whole dusk
    As tears as you trust,time regards

    2楼2012-02-18 09:51
      ht tp://yc.5sing.c om/1000527.html

      3楼2012-02-18 09:51

        来自手机贴吧4楼2012-02-18 10:31
          额,英文词不好评价- -

          IP属地:广东5楼2012-02-18 10:51

            6楼2012-02-18 11:07

              来自手机贴吧7楼2012-02-18 12:01