鹈鹕吧 关注:23,845贴子:113,034
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鹈鹕欣赏(20张)禽的统称。特征为大而具有弹性的喉囊。栖息于全世界许多地区的湖泊、河流和海滨。某些种体长可达180公分(70吋 ),翅展可达3公尺(10呎),体重可达13公斤(30磅),是现存鸟类中个体最大者之一[1]。
  鹈鹕用像小捞网似的大喉囊捕鱼而食。鹈鹕不是用喉囊储存鱼,而是立即把鱼吞下。褐鹈鹕(P. occidentalis, 即西方鹈鹕)从空中扑入水中捕鱼,动作十分壮观。但其他鹈鹕编成队形而游泳,将小鱼群驱向浅水处,在该处用喉囊捕鱼。

1楼2011-11-20 00:48回复
    Ti shape eye (Pelecaniformes) pelican division (Pelecanidae) pelican genera (Pelecanus) 8 kinds of water
    The pelican appreciate (20 pieces) birds collectively. For big and elastic characteristics of laryngeal sac. Perched all over the world in many parts of the lakes, rivers and the beach. Some kind of length of 180 cm (70 inches), wings show up to 3 m (10 ft), weight would be 13 kg (30 pounds), is one of the largest individual existing birds [1]. The pelican like to get a net with small like big throat sac eat fish. The pelican not with throat capsule storage fish, but immediately put the fish swallow. Brown pelican (p. occidentalis, that of western pelican) from the air into the water at the fishing, action quite spectacular. But other pelican into formation and swimming, will be small fish group of flooding to shallow water, in the capsule with throat fishing. Each nest usually 1 ~ 4 pieces in eggs, eggs are white and blue, produced by the branches in the structure

    2楼2011-11-20 00:49

      3楼2011-11-28 08:07