好了由我来结束这个Olivia Rodrigo的单曲排名之争吧!
1. bad idea right? 2. get him back! 3. deja vu 4. all-american bitch 5. brutal 6. teenage dream 7. pertty isn't pretty 8. Can't Catch Me Now 9. drivers license 10. vampire 11. obsessed 12. good 4 u 13. jealousy jealousy 14. love is embarssing 15. so american 16. ballad of a homeschooled girl 17. happier 18. traitor 19. stranger 20. hope ur ok 21. scared of my gutiar 22. All I Want 23. favorite crime 24. girl i've always been 25. logical 26. enough for you 27. 1 step forward, 3 steps back 28. the grudge
贴吧:疾地大乱斗作者:?夏静远? 2024-04-24 21:16
【Chinese Dream vs American Dream】
Recently, I read an article from The Wall Street Journal, titled “The Chinese Dream vs. the American Dream”. Of the Chinese citizens surveyed, 70% Chinese think that the Chinese Dream is important to them, particularly young people comparing 65% Americans think that the American Dream is important to them, across of most age groups. Chinese consider the interpersonal relationships important for realizing their dreams. Americans say that taking risks, such as starting a new job, is important for realizing their dreams. What do you think? What’s the difference?? @letenpeng @童年de八瓣
贴吧:英语作者:joyfulrabbit 2014-05-09 04:24
The Richer and fuller American Dream 是什么意思?
The Richer and Fuller American Dream The American Dream is a national ethos of the United States, a set of ideals in which freedom includes
贴吧:外语作者:好响当当一滴汗 2013-09-19 21:15
1. “The Tortured Poets Department” — 1.181B 2. “Hit Me Hard And Soft” — 386.4M 3. “Short n' Sweet” — 352M 4. “Eternal Sunshine” — 343.4M 5. “Cowboy Carter” — 316.5M 6. “We Don't Trust You” — 256.7M 7. “The Death of Slim Shady” — 254.5M 8. “Vultures 1” — 251.6M 9. “American Dream” — 187.5M 10. “F-1 Trillion” — 181M 11. “Muse” — 140.1M 12. “?xodo” — 137.9M 13. “We Still Don't Trust You” — 122.5M 14. “Fireworks & Rollerblades” — 110.9M
贴吧:疾地大乱斗作者:浓缩蜜雪 2024-08-31 12:45
3. Paparazzi 9.9/10
“这是Gaga早期anti-vanity type of celebrity形象的最好诠释,Gaga本人在five foot two纪录片里是这样讲的:’要在vma上唱关于paparazzi的歌,我就要边唱边流血而亡,好提醒大家‘名利’让玛丽莲·梦露落得什么下场,让安娜·妮科尔·史密斯落得什么下场,让......你还能想到谁?’大众娱乐的乐趣就是塑造一个’American dream‘然后再亲手毁掉它,屡试不爽。既然大众娱乐这么想看一个明星是怎么跌落神坛、怎么堕落、最后怎么死的,那Gaga就把它搬上舞台让大家看个够。Gaga在纪录片里没有继续说下去,但大家脑子里都能接上一个个名字:Judy Garland, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Britney Spears, Amy Winehouse, Alexander McQueen......”
贴吧:疾地大乱斗作者:云芷烟儿 2024-05-11 11:00
【Billboard】加入混战!21 savage新专辑
21 Savage 发布了新专辑预告片《American Dream: The 21 Savage Story》!! 电影短片中有Childish Gambino和Caleb McLaughlin出镜!!专辑将于这周五1月12日发布! 影片中讲述了“21 Savage”这个名字的由来和他被美国移民执法局ICE逮捕的事件
贴吧:billboard作者:打假诗社 2024-01-09 12:45
【Billboard】new rule?
Billboard 似乎开始实行进榜单曲最短时长新规。 21 Savage 新专收录曲「american dream」时长为1分03秒,当周各项综合数据达成上榜条件(预测空降第78名),但本周并未能成功进榜。 * Billboard Hot 100 榜史上最短时长上榜单曲来自2020年 Kid Cudi 专辑收录曲「Beautiful Trip」,时长为37秒。
贴吧:billboard作者:梦中橘猫 2024-01-23 11:34
基里安·墨菲VS保罗·吉亚玛提 前者优势:1、成片优势:《奥本海默》狂揽13项提名,BP、BD、剧本全提,而且最后极大概率拿下BP。 2、票房优势:《奥本海默》狂揽9亿票房。 3、题材优势:经典人物传记电影,奥斯卡的心头好。 4、人设优势:基里安·墨菲素来低调,营造一种艺术家的气质,学院派很吃这一套 5、年纪优势:基里安·墨菲正值壮年 后者优势:1、资历优势:保罗·吉亚玛提此前凭借《铁拳男人》提名奥斯卡,在演艺圈摸爬滚打多年,积累
贴吧:奥斯卡作者:德奶不奶? 2024-01-25 22:57
今早的STARDOM American Dream 2024第四轮比赛结束,托妮·斯托姆惊现现场,禁忌之门2024第一场比赛正式确认-白川未奈正式挑战托妮·斯托姆的AEW女子冠军。 同时当天比赛托妮·斯托姆惊现现场,娜塔莉亚也出现在了比赛现场和后台。
贴吧:wwe作者:皇帝威斯克 2024-04-05 14:53
1 35 biggest hits
4 American Dream
5 Midnights
7 Stick Season
8 89TV
9 Lover
10 Zach Bryan
贴吧:billboard作者:Void Tears 2024-02-13 10:47


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