【游戏推荐】名称:Clash'N Slash
基本简介(度娘这次就算了): 中 文 名:星球保卫战 英 文 名:(Clash'N Slash) 发布时间:2005.09.20
贴吧:叶崇民作者:心灵终结者OL 2012-05-05 21:33
不知道大家还记不记得这么一个游戏,Clash'n slash,非常经典 之前找到过完整版英文版,现在找不到了,于是来AC吧求助……
贴吧:acfun作者:MechWarrior 2011-12-16 14:43
回复:【游戏推荐】名称:Clash'N Slash
故事发生遥远的卡西玛星球,在某一天遭到了袭击,大量的飞船来攻击星球,而你就是要保卫自己的家园,驾驶的是最新的守护神号飞船,消灭掉所有的敌人。随着 游戏的进程,可以获得强大的武器升级,防卫系统升级,以及飞船升级。通过不断的升级来提升自己的战斗力。游戏一共有60关,中间还有BOSS战哦。
贴吧:叶崇民作者:心灵终结者OL 2012-05-03 18:03

EMPEROR: --Skywalker? I sense your presence.
LUKE: Yes. I am here.
EMPEROR: How did you get into my cloning chamber? This laboratory is sealed! My moment of transition is close....no one is allowed in here no--
Sound: Luke's lightsaber ignites.
LUKE: I have come to prevent that transition.
EMPEROR: .....So you have. Using powers I have given you. Let me offer you a bargain, my friend. I will kill you now, or you can permit me to move into YOUR body. Then, you and I will rule the Universe as one.

LUKE: I've learned many of your secrets, your Majesty. Your power over me is broken. When I destroy your clones, your reign will be at it's end!!
EMPEROR: Hmm......is it so? Very well......then I must die!!! (laughs. The laughter echoes as his body fades out of his clothing.)
LUKE: He's vanished!
EMPEROR: (echoing) Vanished, Skywalker? I exist as energy, remember? I am all around you. Here--and here! And here, and HERE!
LUKE: He's trying to enter one of the clones! Must destroy them all! (Sound: Lightsaber slashes through glass, and water floods as the bodies thump to the floor.) Cut through the cloning chambers! Slash these mindless clones to bits!!
Sound: Screaming as each of Palpatine's mindless clones die.
EMPEROR: Too late, Skywalker. Too late.
(Note: Although the Emperor is in a young body now, his soul is still as old and corrupt as ever--and so is his voice.)
EMPEROR: Yes. You missed ONE clone. And one is all I need, for now. Look at me! I am YOUNG again!! I will live FOREVER!!!
LUKE: Not if I can help it! (slashes at the Emperor, who dodges the attack)
EMPEROR: (laughs) Too slow, Skywalker!
LUKE: (lunges at Palpatine again, screaming.)
EMPEROR: Did you think you could conquer me by coming here to Byss--to the very heart of the Dark Side?
LUKE: You forget, I am a Jedi Master now. And I KNOW something about the Dark Side!
Sound: Luke unleashes his OWN Force lightning on the Emperor. The old (young) man crashes against the wall.

EMPEROR: You try to use the Force against ME?!? All you've succeeded in doing in hurtling me in reach of my collection of Jedi weapons! As for your Dark Side knowledge--
Sound: The Emperor ignites his OWN lightsaber.
EMPEROR: Does it tell you how many other so-called "Jedi Masters" failed to vanquish me? Does your knowledge tell you that I have already beaten you?! Poor Jedi. Your kind will soon be extinct. And how fitting that one of their precious lightsabers brings an end to the Jedi delusion!!
Sound: Luke lunges. The two clash sabers, and duel viciously.
EMPEROR: What's the matter, Skywalker? Getting tired? Not quite as young as you were when you fought your father!
LUKE: (breathing hard) You have filled the galaxy with your darkness. But I have seen what my father could not see. I have seen that ultimately, the Dark Side will FAIL!!
EMPEROR: Jedi FOOL! In spite of the stories you tell yourself, I am the stronger! Did I not warn you?!? Now, take the consequences of your failure, like your father before you!!
Sound: Furious dueling--but the Emperor gets the better of Luke, forcing the elder Jedi's lightsaber out of his hands. Both lightsabers deactivate.
EMPEROR: No, Skywalker. It is not your time to die. It is your time to submit. The Dark Side WILL break you. Now get up. We are going to find your sister. I want my Holocron, and I want your sister's child! I am going to crush the Rebellion, once and for ALL!!!
Sound: Luke unleashes his OWN Force lightning on the Emperor. The old (young) man crashes against the wall.

另外按照广播剧的说法,复生帕尔帕廷在比斯斗剑赢了29岁卢克那次,似乎也有这“黑暗之心”星球对帕尔帕廷加成因素 = = ?
EMPEROR: Did you think you could conquer me by coming here to Byss--to the very heart of the Dark Side?
EMPEROR: .....So you have. Using powers I have given you. Let me offer you a bargain, my friend. I will kill you now, or you can permit me to move into YOUR body. Then, you and I will rule the Universe as one.


贴吧:星球大战作者:仲夏梅蒂尔之幻 2014-01-27 10:25
一次发不完,分几次发吧,官方原创小说(官方居然还会出小说) 让子弹飞(Bullets) ——IDW公司漫画《变形金刚:回收救援队,决一死战!》(Transformers Last Stand of The Wreckers)前传小说,精装合订本(TPB Exclusive)特别附录内容。 原著:James Roberts 首次发布:2010年9月1日 中文初稿:siela13@tfslash 发布日期:2010年9月5日 发布地址:http://www.cybertronsaga.com/bbs ... eyword-bullets.html 中文补完:狂飙@塞联阵 发布日期:2015年1月9日 首发地址:http://www.transfans.com.cn/t
贴吧:雷霆拯救队作者:野餐小能手 2020-05-12 19:18


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