关注: 1,910 贴子: 4,156

  • 目录:
  • 绘画
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    类型:Surrealistic(超现实主义), 3D 🔘a levitating rock in the desert, with a light blue flower reflection on the water surface, a minimalistic background, and a beige color palette. --sref 534505 --stylize 1000 --personalize 2c9ylmh 🔘Create a character standing against a white background, with a face entirely made of green grass, featuring small daisies scattered throughout. The character is wearing a cap saying "save the earth". --sref 534505 --stylize 1000 --personalize 2c9ylmh 🔘two bottle of light green skin care product wth white pump head is placed on the stone,s
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    这组作品以超现实的方式呈现巨大的动物与微型场景的对比,营造出一种奇妙而引人入胜的视觉体验。从巨兔到巨鲸,每个场景都充满了细致的细节和鲜艳的色彩,完美展现了动物的真实感与房间的简约设计。通过黄金比例的构图,这些照片不仅仅是影像,更是艺术品。 关键词: ☑️ 巨大的真实兔子/Giant, realistic rabbit ☑️ 微型房间/Miniature room ☑️ 鲜艳色彩/Bright colors ☑️ 黄金比例/Golden ratio ☑️ 毛发细节/Fur details ☑️ 表情丰富的眼睛/Expressive ey
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    类型:Cyberpunk(赛博朋克), Blue(蓝色) 🔘a poster in the style of a futuristic manifesto, minimalist, where there is a highly detailed machanized hand attached to threads. --sref 1330745854 --sw 300 --v 6.1 --stylize 1000 🔘Matrix, Cyberworld --sref 1330745854 --sw 300 --v 6.1 --stylize 1000 🔘Radio wave --sref 1330745854 --sw 300 --v 6.1 --stylize 1000 🔘the effects of a black hole on a human being --sref 1330745854 --sw 300 --v 6.1 --stylize 1000
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    这组作品以自然和幻想为主题,展示了精美的盲盒玩具系列。每个角色都拥有独特的风格与细节,从森林仙女到其他奇幻角色,皆以高透明树脂材质呈现。通过3D渲染和细腻的设计,这些玩具不仅仅是收藏品,更是艺术与创意的结晶,带你进入一个充满想象力的世界。 关键词: ☑️ 森林仙女女孩/Forest fairy girl ☑️ 高透明树脂玩具/High transparent resin toy ☑️ 3D设计/3D design ☑️ C4D渲染/C4D rendering ☑️ 叶绿色连衣裙/Leafy green dress ☑️ 蝴蝶翅膀/Butterfly wi
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    网页软件都有 有需直接d
    Dzer 9-24
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    类型:Photography(摄影) 🔘Dark orange, underwater, abstract, motion blur, minimalist, film grain. Close-up of water at sunset, with light rays, cinematic motion blur, and depth of field. --sref 1516061301 --sw 5 --stylize 20 --personalize frgthwl 🔘Create an artistic image of a golden jaguar standing atop a pile of coins, with its body gleaming in the warm glow of candlelight. Sony α7R IV and an 85mm f/1.4. --sref 1516061301 --sw 5 --stylize 20 --personalize frgthwl 🔘one single falling leaf, carried by the wind, translucent, lit from behind, blurred background, bokeh, magical, poe
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    moaudmeeed 9-23
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    X心海H 9-23
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    类型:Anime(卡通) 🔘an abstract Japanese horror, in a traditional Japanese style, with clean lines, lots of white space, --sref 1803718622 --sw 200 --v 6.1 --stylize 300 🔘Car parked by a lighthouse on a foggy day --sref 1803718622 --sw 200 --v 6.1 --stylize 300 🔘tilt angle view, Linear perspective, a ultra detailed oil painting of a beautiful female barbarian, wears animal skin and fur, riding a horse, a leather glove on hand and arm outstretched, raised arm, a majestic eagle is landing on her arm, UHD, high quality, ultra-detail, dynamic poses, 34K, background of an open valley,
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    这组作品将日常物品带入了一个奇幻世界,展示了充满魔力的场景。无论是漂浮的茶壶、神秘的面包店,还是磨出金色液体的咖啡研磨机,每个场景都充满了丰富的色彩与想象力。通过3D渲染和温暖的色调,营造出一个让人惊叹的梦幻氛围。 关键词: ☑️ 魔法咖啡研磨机/Enchanted coffee grinder ☑️ 巨型咖啡植物森林/Forest of giant coffee plants ☑️ 发光咖啡豆/Glowing coffee beans ☑️ 金色液体/Liquid gold ☑️ 蒸汽云/Steam clouds ☑️ 丰富金色/Rich golds ☑️ 鲜艳绿
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    这组作品将甜点带入了一个充满想象力的奇幻世界。无论是巧克力森林中的欢快甜甜圈,还是冰淇淋和纸杯蛋糕的舞蹈派对,每个场景都充满了丰富的色彩与细节。通过3D渲染和温暖的配色,营造出一个让人垂涎欲滴的童话般的甜点王国。 关键词: ☑️ 快乐甜甜圈/Happy donuts ☑️ 巧克力森林/Chocolate forest ☑️ 焦糖树/Caramel trees ☑️ 软巧克力慕斯/Chocolate mousse ground ☑️ 糖果洒落/Sprinkles falling ☑️ 奶油云朵/Whipped cream clouds ☑️ 温暖色调/Warm color schem
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    类型:Photography(摄影) 🔘Flamingos flying gracefully towards a well-manicured European golf course. The flamingos soar through the sky, their pink feathers contrasting beautifully with the lush green fairways below. The landscape includes gently rolling hills, sand bunkers, and a few trees typical of European countryside golf courses. adding a whimsical, playful twist to the otherwise serene and picturesque European setting. --sref 1968687201🔘Static photography, food photography, from a distance, small mousse cakes decorated with slices, fine texture, clear background, studio lighti
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    类型:Minimalism(极简主义), Surrealistic(超现实主义) 🔘黄昏的梦--sref 680572301 --personalize kzilt9y--stylize 1000 🔘孤独月球--sref 680572301 --personalize kzilt9y--stylize 1000 🔘仙人掌--sref 680572301 --personalize kzilt9y--stylize 1000
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    这个系列作品将早餐食物与超现实场景相结合,充满童趣与欢乐。无论是阳光沙滩上悠闲的笑脸煎饼,还是野餐中的微笑百吉饼,每个场景都充满了丰富的色彩与细节。通过3D渲染和明亮的色彩搭配,营造出温暖、梦幻的氛围,带给人视觉上的惊喜与愉悦。 关键词: ☑️ 笑脸煎饼/Smiling pancakes ☑️ 热带沙滩/Tropical beach ☑️ 华夫饼椅子/Waffle-shaped chairs ☑️ 椰子杯/Coconut cups ☑️ 黄油块冲浪/Butter pats surfing ☑️ 明亮色彩/Bright colors ☑️ Redshift 渲染/Re
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    类型:Surrealistic(超现实主义), Photography(摄影), Orange(橙色) 🔘a skeleton woman with flowers in her hands, hugging herself and sitting on top of an orange-yellow background, with a transparent veil hanging from above --sref 3052559503 --v 6.1 --stylize 400 🔘A Girl, full body, silver clothing, golden glow, shining, reflection, looking at camera --sref 3052559503 --v 6.1 --stylize 400 🔘The yellow ginkgo trees on both sides of the road in Napa Valley, California, form an endless sea of golden leaves, which is truly beautiful and spectacular. --sref 3052559503 --v 6.1 --styl
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    这组作品将中秋节的传统元素与迪士尼世界完美结合,打造出一个超现实的梦幻场景。巨大的发光圆月悬浮在空中,古老的中式宝塔由魔法灯笼支撑,身穿迪士尼角色服装的白兔乘坐旋转茶杯和漂浮城堡,施展魔法让月饼漂浮空中。背景中的迪士尼城堡与漫天的烟花和梅花交相辉映,营造出一个充满奇幻与想象的节日氛围。 关键词: 🔘 迪士尼魔法/Disneyland magic 🔘 发光圆月/Glowing moon 🔘 悬浮宝塔/Suspended pagoda 🔘 魔法灯笼/Enchanted lanterns 🔘 旋转茶
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    这组作品以中秋节为灵感,展示了古典与现代结合的杂志封面设计。巨大的圆月中包含了精美的中式建筑,周围是身穿汉服的人们提着灯笼庆祝,场景中还有盛开的花朵和兔子。通过C4D渲染和电影级灯光,营造出温馨梦幻的节日氛围。 关键词: 🔘 巨型月亮/Giant moon 🔘 中式建筑/Chinese architecture 🔘 汉服/Hanfu 🔘 灯笼/Lanterns 🔘 盛开的花朵和绿植/Blooming flowers and greenery 🔘 C4D 渲染/C4D rendering 🔘 电影级灯光/Cinematic lighting 🔘 黄金比例构图/Golden ratio com
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    类型:Surrealistic(超现实主义), Photography(摄影), Purple(紫色) 🔘experimental dark aesthetic style polaroid, dizzy effect, Dramatic lighting, mirrorglass effect --sref 2154715959 --v 6.1 --stylize 1000 🔘an abstract soft blurred 3d rendered white space lit with purpla and blue light --sref 2154715959 --v 6.1 --stylize 1000 🔘A giant bottle of "Midjourney Sref" in the style of Marc Chagall, standing in the middle is an elegant silver flower-shaped perfume, surrounded by colorful wildflowers and green grass, with light reflection, --sref 2154715959 --v 6.1 --stylize
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    类型:Photography(摄影), Green(绿色) 🔘a with brown short hair maid in japanese mix with western maid suit cooking a breakfast --sref 4045456694 --style raw --sw 30 --personalize psfm791 --stylize 50 🔘anime style,HD,8k,masterpiece,best quality, 1female waiting, delivering milk, --sref 4045456694 --style raw --sw 30 --personalize psfm791 --stylize 500 🔘The anime illustration style of the "romantic and lovely day" mobile phone wallpaper features an adorable girl sitting on her porch swing, surrounded by vibrant flowers and greenery with a black cat sleeping nearby. . --s
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    这组作品以中秋节为灵感,展示了一个充满节日气氛的3D场景。巨大的发光圆月中包含了古代中式建筑,周围身穿汉服的人们提着灯笼,享受传统美食。场景采用了柔和的金色与白色光线,背景是星空与花草,营造出温馨梦幻的氛围。 关键词: ☑️ 3D 插画/3D illustration ☑️ 发光圆月/Glowing moon ☑️ 古代中式建筑/Ancient Chinese architecture ☑️ 金色与白色光线/Golden and white light ☑️ 汉服/Hanfu ☑️ 星空/Starry night sky ☑️ 电影灯光风格/Cinematic lighting ☑️
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    类型:Photography(摄影), Red(红色) 🔘a lovely chubby toad of solid gold, with a gold coin in his mouth, red background, plum blossom, traditional element decoration, gold coin, gold ingots are on the ground, plush art, diagonal layout, delicacy, c4d rendering, disney style, 16k hd, 3d --sref 2143718865 --stylize 300 🔘Cinematic shot of White textured greek god statue head, liquid gold leaking from eyes, surrealism, realistic graphics, photorealistic, hyper-detailed, Megapixel, photography, 64k --sref 2143718865 --stylize 300 --v 6.1 🔘the joker in the style of zhaoming wu drawings
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    这组作品以中秋节为主题,采用传统中国画风格,温馨而充满节日氛围。画面中,两只白兔围绕着一棵榕树嬉戏,背景是一轮柔和的金色圆月,周围点缀着翠绿的竹叶和盛开的梅花。作品通过细腻的手绘质感和金箔点缀,展现出和谐与喜悦的节日气息。 关键词: ☑️ 金色圆月/Golden yellow moon ☑️ 白兔/White rabbits ☑️ 绿竹叶/Green bamboo leaves ☑️ 梅花/Plum blossoms ☑️ 榕树/Banyan tree ☑️ 桃花/Peach blossoms ☑️ 手绘质感/Hand-painted textures ☑️ 金箔点缀/Gold
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    类型:Photography(摄影), Yellow(黄色) 🔘a beautiful morning at suburb --sref 364111995🔘Greece, real life photography --sref 364111995 🔘palm tree --sref 364111995 🔘a girl and a dog --sref 364111995
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    这个系列作品以中秋节为主题,展现了一个温馨、热闹的微缩场景。巨大的月饼作为节日的中心,周围的小人们忙着挂灯笼、表演舞狮,还有人坐在月饼上品茶。背景中的满月柔和地照亮整个场景,地上散落着秋叶和桂花瓣,营造出浓厚的节日氛围。 关键词: ☑️ 巨型月饼/Giant mooncake ☑️ 中秋节庆祝/Mid-Autumn Festival celebration ☑️ 小人装饰/Tiny people decorating ☑️ 灯笼和丝带/Lanterns and ribbons ☑️ 舞狮/Lion dance ☑️ 茶和月饼摊位/Tea and mooncake stall ☑
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    这组作品以中秋节为主题,采用简洁优雅又令人印象深刻的设计风格。海报以满月为中心,周围环绕着传统灯笼、秋叶和精致的花朵,背景则是从浅蓝到深靛的柔和渐变夜空,呈现出浓厚的节日氛围。 关键词: ☑️ 中秋节/Mid-Autumn Festival ☑️ 矢量海报/Vector poster ☑️ 满月/Full moon ☑️ 传统灯笼/Traditional lanterns ☑️ 秋叶与花朵/Autumn leaves and flowers ☑️ 白兔穿汉服/White rabbit in Hanfu ☑️ 月饼/Mooncakes ☑️ 简洁线条/Minimalist lines ☑️ 渐变夜空/Gradient ni
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    类型:Anime(卡通), Pink(粉色) 🔘stamp dog --sref 2600004665 858769851 --chaos 20 --stylize 500 --personalize twpmrmw --weird 3 --sw 400 🔘A vibrant spring landscape with blooming flowers under a bright blue sky, with sunlight enhancing the colors of the scene and creating a joyful atmosphere. --chaos 20 --sref 858769851 --sw 400 --weird 3 --stylize 500 --personalize twpmrmw 🔘pirate ship, sunset in background, highly detailed, ultra realistic --chaos 20 --sref 858769851 --sw 400 --weird 3 --stylize 500 --personalize twpmrmw 🔘wallpaper, sunset, sea, blue, pure, simple, less is m
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    类型:Surrealistic(超现实主义), Photography(摄影), Ink(墨水), Black&White(黑白) 🔘white, wings, beautiful Asian girl with full body pose, Goth scifi, wide angle, detailed --sref 957659336 🔘a broken tree trunk on the ground --sref 957659336 🔘Virgil Abloh, black and white looking straight ahead, --sref 957659336 🔘神厨小子在做一道天马行空的美食--sref 957659336
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    这组作品以中国八大城市的标志性景观为主题,采用黑白极简风格的矢量图形设计。无论是重庆的缆车,上海的摩天大楼,还是杭州的西湖,每一幅作品都通过简洁优雅的线条,展现出城市的独特魅力与文化底蕴,非常适合喜欢极简风格的艺术爱好者。 关键词: ☑️ 黑白矢量图形/Black and white vector graphic ☑️ 极简主义/Minimalist ☑️ 杭州西湖/Hangzhou’s West Lake ☑️ 雷峰塔/Leifeng Pagoda ☑️ 宁静的水面/Serene water ☑️ 周围的群山/Surrounding hills ☑️ 优雅
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    类型:Surrealistic(超现实主义), Photography(摄影), Blue&Pink(蓝色&粉色) 🔘A beauty sitting on a boat, sea water, minimalism, aerial view --sref 3196748170 🔘Bastet in a black outfit, sitting in the desert, with golden accents and a golden mask. The figure has blue eyes and an Egyptian-style appearance. --sref 3196748170 🔘a space port band play detailed and intricate musial instruments. --sref 3196748170 🔘A bioluminescent flower field with a lone figure walking through, their silhouette bathed in the flowers’ gentle light --sref 3196748170
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    此系列作品将糖果主题与动物的优雅结合,展现了一个充满奇幻色彩的世界。虽然我们拒绝现实中的动物表演,但在这个虚拟世界中,我们以艺术的方式表达了对动物的尊重与欣赏。通过柔和的糖果色调和精致的细节,作品呈现出一种既梦幻又温暖的氛围。 关键词: ☑️ 优雅的大象/Elegant elephant ☑️ 芭蕾舞者/Ballerina ☑️ 糖果主题节日/Candy-themed festival ☑️ 糖果纸制成的芭蕾舞裙/Tutu made of pastel candy wrappers ☑️ 奇妙色彩/Whimsical colors ☑️ 糖果山/Gu
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    rosintin 9-5
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    类型:Surrealistic(超现实主义), Anime(卡通), Pink,Blue&Green(粉色,蓝色&绿色) 🔘中秋节,兔子飞跃在半空中--sref 680572301 🔘月饼--sref 680572301 🔘泡泡浴--sref 680572301

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