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    醉在酒... 2021-01
    Where there is love, there is life. ---Mohandas Gandhi
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    你知道in the interest of是什么意思吗? ①对…感兴趣 ②为了…的利益
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    你知道吗,英语中“写下、记下”的表达除了write down,还有下面这些哦。 ①put down ②set down ③note down ④take notes of ⑤make a note of
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    醉在酒... 2021-01
    Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value. ---Albert Einstein
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    今天和大家分享一些英语咨询信的写作用语,一起来看看吧。 开头: ①I’ve noticed your XXX and I am interested in it. Now I am writing for some detailed information. ②I learn from XXX that XXX, in which you mentioned that XXX and I’d like to know something more about it. ③I am writing to inquire XXX 正文: ①I wonder XXX ②Would you be so kind as to tell me XXX? ③As for XXX, I am wondering XXX ④It is still not clear to me whether XXX 结尾: ①I would appreciate it if you could give me a reply at your earliest convenience. ②I am looking forward v
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    今天也来分享美句啦 有时候一件事本身其实对我们没多大影响,真正影响我们的其实是自身的心态! 所以希望大家都能保持乐观冲冲冲! If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden. 如果你欣赏的角度对了,这个世界就是花园。
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    1. godspeed 祝成功;祝幸运;祝一路平安 更常用于祝愿某人在旅途中好运 例: "Farewell and godspeed," the general said. “再见了,祝你一路顺风,”将军这样说道。 2. blow you away 大为惊讶;令…非常高兴 例:The ending will blow you away. 结局会让你无比惊喜。 3. cross your fingers 祈求好运;希望,但愿 其实在口语中这个短语更常见的用法是:Fingers crossed!(期盼你有好运!) 4. best of luck 祝你好运 常见表达,更多用于在考试或困难的活动中的祝福 例:Best of luc
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    大家现在是不是在准备期末考试呢? 有没有人看着看着书手机就跑到了手里哈哈哈 考试的日子临近了又开始焦虑 那么大家知道怎么用英语表达“我很焦虑”吗? I. I'm tearing my hair out. 我紧张得直抓狂。 有什么事情会让你“tear your hair out把头发都抓掉了”?在英语中,搭配“tear your hair out over some-thing”用来比喻“因为某事而感到十分焦虑不安的样子”,就好比汉语里说的“抓狂”。 2. I'm having kittens. 我心慌意乱。 这个英式口语说法的含义和“小
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    名字对一个人的重要程度不言而喻, 那么一部好的优秀的外国电影能否被人发掘受人欢迎, 它的【译名】也是至关重要的! 一起来看看下面这些经典电影的译名吧,你喜欢吗? 1. lala land 爱乐之城 注:be/live in la-la land 表示生活在空想国,想法不切实际 2.那些年我们一起追过的女孩 You are the apple of my eye 注:the apple of sb's eye 意为(某人的)心肝宝贝,掌上明珠 3.Before sunrise 爱在黎明破晓前 4. Catch me if you can 猫鼠游戏
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    这两天,新上映的迪士尼皮克斯年度巨作Soul《心灵奇旅》的口碑评价持续走高。今天,就让我们来一起跟着影片学习一些地道的英文表达吧! 1.I zoned out a little back there.(zone out 表示“出神,游离”,特指一小段时间内灵魂仿佛“出窍”了一般) 2.I did it! I got the gig!(gig是表示“现场音乐演出”的一个非正式的用法,也可以解释为“临时工作”) 3.Quiet coyote.(coyote指“郊狼”,Quiet coyote意思是:“嘘……大家安静!”) 4.Slow your roll there, Joe.(slow one
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    相信这些在2020年爆火的网络热词/流行语大家都不陌生吧?那么它们用英文应该怎么说呢?快拿起本子记下来吧! 1.逆行者:Heroes in harm’s way 2.后浪:Rising waves 3.地摊经济:Street economy 4.直播带货:Live commerce 5.爷青回:My youth is making a comeback. 6.打工人:Laborers/Desk jockey 7.秋天的第一杯奶茶:The first cup of milk tea in autumn 8.尾款人:Balance payer 9.内卷:Involution 10.凡尔赛文学:Versailles literature/Humblebrag
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    你知道“easy on the eyes”是什么意思吗? A.悦目的 B.护眼的 答案:A。easy on the eyes的意思是“悦目的,好看的”。例:Those pretty girls are easy on the eye. 那些漂亮的女孩子真是赏心悦目。
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    你知道“icing on the cake”是什么意思吗? A.雪上加霜 B.锦上添花 答案:B。我们都知道,cake是蛋糕的意思,而icing是指用来在蛋糕上做点缀的糖霜。如果我们说一件事情是icing on the cake,那就是说好上加好,也就是中文里说的“锦上添花”。例:Seeing my favorite team score another victory would be the icing on the cake! 能亲眼目睹我最喜欢的棒球队拿冠军,无疑将是锦上添花。
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    Goals determine what you are going to be.——Julius Erving 人生的奋斗目标决定你将成为怎样的人。——朱利叶斯·欧文
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    Life is just a series of trying to make up your mind.——Thomas Fuller 生活只是由一系列下决心的努力所构成。——托马斯·富勒
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    1 .TO THE NEW YEAR “How did you ring in the new year?”是什么意思呢? 其实它指的是:“你用什么方式庆祝了?” (which means “In what way did you celebrate / How did you celebrate?”. ) We had a big party to ring in the new year. 我们在举行了一个盛大的聚会,以迎接新年。 2. TO KICK A HABIT 意思是停止一种习惯,停止做你经常做的事情。 (This means to stop a habit, to quit doing something you often do.) He can’t seem to kick his habit of eating chocolate every night. 他似乎无法改掉每晚吃巧克力的习惯。 3.
    Lapis 1-3
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    “二十多岁”这样的概数用英语怎么说呢? -something suffix informal used after a number like 20, 30, etc. to refer to the age of a person who is between 20 and 29, 30 and 39 years old, etc., or to a person who is of this age (用于数字后指年龄或某个年龄段的人)…多岁,…多岁的人 I'd guess she's thirty-something. 我猜她三十多岁。 Most of these places are aimed at twenty-somethings. 这些地方大多数是以二十多岁的人为目标群体的。
    Lapis 1-3
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    生活中总是充满了各种“惊喜”, 虽然大多数的时候是“惊”大于“喜”。 对此我们常常会不自觉的冒出 “没想到、万万没想到、早知道这样...”等等, 那今天的问题来了, “没想到”用英文该怎么说呢? 1、did not see sth. coming 这里的see我们不能理解成直观的“看”,而应该是一种“预测、预见”某事会发生。有说法说这个表达来自于拳击比赛,当对手出拳击打你的头部时,你就可以看到拳头在朝你挥过来。没有看到它来,就是没有料想到。这种情
    Lapis 1-3
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    Be the Best of Whatever You Are Douglas Malloch If you can't be a pine on the top of the hill, Be a scrub in the valley — but be The best little scrub by the side of the rill; Be a bush if you can't be a tree. 如果你不能成为山顶的一棵松 就做一丛小树生长在山谷中 但须是溪边最好的一小丛 如果你不能成为一棵大树,就做灌木一丛 If you can't be a bush be a bit of the grass, And some highway happier make; If you can't be a muskie then just be a bass — But the liveliest bass in the lake! 如果你不能成为一丛灌木,就做一片绿草 让
    Lapis 1-3
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    Every story has an end, but in life, every end is a new beginning。 每一个故事都会结束,但是生活中,每一个故事的结束同时也是一个全新的开始。
    Lapis 1-3
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    2021来啦! 新的一年,大家一定也能收获新的美好~ 希望大家一起加油, 冲冲冲! 分享一句我很喜欢的话吧 We’ll have a fresh start for the year ahead. 一元复始,万象更新。
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    不知道大家前两天的跨年是咋安排的呢? 和家人、朋友还是一个人? 这么重要的时刻,相信大家都有自己独特的回忆吧! 来看看可以怎么表达呢~ 1. spend New year’s eve 例:CNN有过如下报道: Some of the details may change, but year in and year out, these destinations around the world have a well-deserved reputation for traditionally throwing a great New Year's Eve shindig.尽管细节可能会变化,但年复一年,世界上这些地方的“跨年秀”始终闻名于世。 2. do the new year countdown 例:I am going to Tim
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    有没有人小时候的愿望是长大了买大house呢~ 想买哪种?进来做梦哈哈哈 villa 别墅 mansion 大厦 chateau 庄园 bungalow 平房 hut 临时营房,简易小屋 cottage 村舍,(农舍式的)小别墅 shack/ shanty 棚屋 (shanty town贫民窟) cabin 小屋,简便住房,船舱 shed 简易棚屋,库 barn 仓房
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    新年来临之际,除了Happy New Year 多学几句,花式拜年语吧! Success with each step 一帆风顺 Everything goes well 吉祥如意 Peace all year round 岁岁平安 May all your wishes come true 心想事成 Wishing You Prosperity 恭喜发财 Harmony Brings Wealth 和气生财 Make Progress In Your Study 学业进步 Money And Treasures Will Be Plentiful 招财进宝 Wish Your Bowl Always Be Full 五谷丰登
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    今天也要好好积累噢~ 来做做题吧 正确答案将于文末揭晓~ 一、下列三个表达都表示下雨了,你知道哪一个下雨的程度最小吗? 1. It’s spitting. 2. It’s drizzling. 3. It’s raining. 二、你知道bite your tongue是什么意思吗? 1. 保持沉默 2. 咬紧牙关 3. 自作自受 正确答案 一、 选1. 注:在形容下雨时,It’s spitting表示雨刚下起来;drizzling表示细雨、小雨;raining表示一般下雨的量。 二、 选1. 例句:I wanted to tell him exactly what I thought of him, but I had to bite my tongue. 我本
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    Draw up 草拟(文件) Ex: I’m assigned to draw up an administrative policy for this set-up company. 我被派为这家刚成立公司草拟形成政策 Report back 汇报 Ex: My superior expects me to report back on the research I have just done. 我的上司等待我汇报刚刚完成的调研。 Knock off 下班 Ex: We are allowed to knock off a few hours early yesterday afternoon because of the sudden electricity cut in the office. 昨天下午办公室突然停电,所以我们被批准提早几个小时下班。 欢迎补充!
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    口语交流时一定用的到关于数字的模糊用语,快来马🐎住! 小数字用 a couple of/ a few; 大数字用around/ about/ lots of/ loads of; 大约、左右 or so 20多一点/30多一点等 20-odd/ 30-odd etc 左右 -ish 几点左右 almost/ about/ around/ nearly
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    天寒地冻的季节🥶 又来了,今天就来说说一些关于冷的表达方法吧 Get chilled to the bone 冷得刺骨 例:When she turned off her scarf, got chilled to the bone. 当她把围巾摘下来的时候,冷得刺骨。 An icy blast of air 一阵刺骨的凉风 例:There is an icy blast of air when she opened the window in the morning. 她早晨打开窗,一阵刺骨的凉风袭来。 Get chilly 变冷 例:Our classroom won’t get chilly because of the heating. 我们教室因为有了暖气所以不会变冷。
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    经过小伙伴的科普,了解到break one’s word是食言的意思 例:She broke her word and provided us with nothing we needed. 她说话不算话,而且没有提供给我们任何所需物品。 但是很多小伙伴会把认为食言是eat one’s word, 其实这个词组是“收回前言,改正错话”这个意思 例:They will make you eat your words. 他们会让你收回你所说的话的。
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    又到了一年一度吃火锅🍲取暖的时候啦,今天我来分享一些相关的的短语叭[并不简单] Original/ Spicy/ Half&Half pot 原味/辣/鸳鸯锅底 🥩: Seafood Combo海鲜拼盘 Luncheon Pork 午餐肉 Fish fillet 龙利鱼片 House Shrimp Balls手打鲜虾丸 Fish Tofu鱼豆腐 Sponge tofu冻豆腐 Soft tofu鲜豆腐 🥬: Veggie Combo蔬菜拼盘 Mushroom combo菌菇套餐 Enoki Mushroom 金针菇 Wide potato noodle 宽粉 🥣: Soy sauce酱油 Peanut Sauce花生酱 Chopped garlic 蒜末 Chili oil 辣油 做一个国际化干饭人hhh
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    表达“理由,原因”的词语除了常见的reason、excuse之外,还有以下: Cause 理由,原因 ex: Unemployment was the chief cause of poverty. 失业是贫穷的主要原因。 Justification 正当理由 ex: It has about as much relevance and justification. 量子力学有太多的相关性和理由。 Grounds 充分的理由 ex: A judge rejected the suit on procedural grounds. 法官以程序理由驳回了该起诉。
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    talk show大多数指的是“鲁豫有约”, “Conan on TBS”, “ Ellen Show”这种访谈类节目 Talk show: a television or radio show in which various topics are discussed informally and listeners, viewers, or the studio audience are invited to participate in the discussion. “脱口秀”其实是一种电视、广播上的谈话节目,嘉宾、观众聚集在一起讨论主持人提出的话题。 但是像国内“脱口秀大会”这种吐槽嘉宾的形式,英文是Roast,很形象的表达了脱口秀吐槽他人的本质——把某人放在火上烤。这种roast属于
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    简单词汇用起来没新意?文章highlight不够?一起来学习一些闪光高分词吧! (1)重要的 简单词:important 闪光词:vital(至关重要的);significant(有重要意义的);essential(必不可少的) (2)美丽的 简单词:beautiful 闪光词:charming、fascinating(迷人的);appealing(动人的);attractive(吸引人的) (3)学习 简单词:learn 闪光词:pick up(偶然学到);master(掌握)
    醉在酒... 12-31
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    你知道以下哪个意为“持续的、始终如一的”吗? ①constant ②consistent ③continual
    醉在酒... 12-31
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    装饰华丽的圣诞树、白胡子的圣诞老人、装满礼物的圣诞袜……到处都洋溢着圣诞的节日气氛。今天,就让我们一起来重温关于圣诞节的英语短语吧! (1)Christmas Eve 平安夜 (2)Santa Claus圣诞老人 (3)Reindeer 驯鹿 (4)Christmas Stocking 圣诞袜 (5)Candy Cane 拐杖糖 (6)Ginger Bread 姜饼 (7)Boxing Day 圣诞节后的第一个工作日
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    光阴似箭,岁月如梭,距离迈入2021年仅剩下一周多的时间了。展望新的一年,你有没有什么想要实现的愿望,或者想要立的flag呢?快来看看新年祝福语用英文该怎么表达吧! (1)Wishing you the best of luck in the new year. (2)May the season’s joy fill you all the year round. (3)Good luck in the year ahead! (4)Season’s greetings and sincere wishes for a bright and happy New Year! (5)May the joy and happiness around you today and always.
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    Do one thing at a time, and do well. 一次只做一件事,做到最好!
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    Success is a progressive failure and do not lose confidence.——Winston Churchill 成功就是不断失败而不失信心。——丘吉尔
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    你知道a far cry是什么意思吗? ①嚎啕大哭 ②大不相同 ③大叫一声
    醉在酒... 12-30
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    你知道“make an exhibition of oneself”是什么意思吗? A.表现自己 B.出洋相 答案:B。这里的exhibition是“难看的/可怜的情景”的意思。本短语的意思是“自己硬要做出难看的、可怜的或者滑稽的样子当众出丑”。例:I’m very poor at public speaking, so I refuse to make an exhibition of myself by trying to make a speech before hundreds of people. 我不善于在众人面前讲话,因此我拒绝了向几百个人作演说,免得当众出丑。
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    醉在酒... 2020-12
    A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life. ---Charles Darwin
    醉在酒... 12-30
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    在冬天的早晨,最困难的事情之一就是从暖和的被窝里起床,即便闹钟响了,也很容易转头接着睡过去。今天与大家分享一些关于睡得很沉的表达,一起来看看吧。 ①sleep like a log睡得像块木头一动不动 log:原木;(航海或飞行)日志;(定期或系统的)观察记录 例句:I just slept like a log when I got home. ②be dead to the world字面意思是“和世界说再见”,其实是表示睡得很沉 例句:You can’t wake him up. He is dead to the world. ③sleep through一觉睡到底 例句:Some chi
    醉在酒... 12-30
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    由于今年的疫情,西方国家的人们庆祝圣诞节也比较特殊,呆在家里,远离人群,然而这些也并未阻挡他们对于圣诞节的重视,仪式感仍然满满哒~今天来讲一下西方国家过圣诞节都有哪些习俗和他们的起源吧! 1. 圣诞卡片 Christmas Card Having helped set up the Public Records Office (now the Post Office), Sir Henry Cole and artist John Horsley created the first Christmas card in 1843 as a way of encouraging people to use its services. 在协助成立了公共档案室(后发展成现代邮局)之后,亨利·科尔
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    Two heads are better than one. 人多智广 释义: a. to have more than one participant in an activity to make it better b. two people thinking together can come up with better solutions c. more people working together will yield better results 例句: The counsellor was sure that the project would get completed with more people on board becausetwo heads are better than one. 顾问确定了这个项目将在更多人的参与下完成因为人多智广。 (Source:theidioms.com)
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    在眼镜领域有这样一个单位 Diopter /daɪˈɒptə(r)/ a unit for measuring the power of a lens to refract light (= make it change direction) 屈光度 在英文中,眼镜度数的单位是屈光度diopter 大家在视力检验报告上就能看到屈光度,如果是-3.5D,这里的D就是diopter的缩写。而-3.5D代表的也就是近视350度。 A “plus” (+) sign in front of the number means you are farsighted, and a “minus” (-) sign means you are nearsighted. These numbers represent diopters, the unit used to measure the correction, or focusing power, of the lens your
    Lapis 12-27
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    国才高级口语部分有什么要注意的呢 难度大不大,求经验贴
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    Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come. 要时刻记住你现在的处境并不是你最终的归属,最好的尚未到来。
    Lapis 12-27
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    珍珠奶茶/波霸奶茶一般包括四个元素 基底茶,牛奶,加料,风味剂 常用基底茶 红茶 black tea 绿茶 green tea 白茶 white tea 调味茶 blended tea 常见加料 粉圆 small tapioca balls 波霸 tapioca balls 布丁 pudding 仙草 grass jelly 芋头 taro 红豆 red bean, 学名 azuki bean 绿豆 green bean 学名 mung bean 西米 sago 爆爆珍珠 popping boba (即裹着陷的珍珠) 椰果 coconut jelly, nata de coco 果肉 pulp 奶盖 milk cap, cheese foam, milk foam 关于风味 半糖 Half sugar 无糖 Sugar free 去冰 No ice 少冰 Half ice 例句: I'
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    1. remember to do sth. 记住要做某事(未做) remember doing sth. 记得做过某事(已做) Remember to close the door,please. 记着关门。 I remember closing the door. 我记得关了门了。 2. forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事(未做) forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事(已做) The light in the office is stil on. He forgot to turn it off. 办公室的灯还在亮着,他忘记关了。 He forgot turning the light off. 他忘记他已经关了灯了。 3. regret to do sth. 遗憾要做某事(未做) regret doing sth. 后悔/抱歉做过某事(已做) I reg
    Lapis 12-27

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会员: 国才精英

目录: 学校话题