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  • 职业考试
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    【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(9.8)考博加油! 1. Medical schools fail their students if they fail to ______ their minds and instead take the easier option of merely imparting factual information. A. accelerate B. proceed C. tackle D. nurture 2. As my examinations are coming next week, I’ll take advantage of the weekend to _______ on some reading. A. catch up B. clear up C. make up D. pick up 【考博英语长难句翻译】 On the whole such a conclusion can be drawn with a certain degree of confidence, but only if the child can be assumed to have had the same attitude
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    有同学会问,为什么需要知道医学考博英语发几张试卷?这确确实实是很细微的一件事,但是能让你在步入考场之前不那么慌张。 全国统考医学考博英语考试试卷包括试卷一(Paper One)和试卷二(Paper Two)。试卷一包括听力(30%),词语用法(10%),完形填空(10%)和阅读理解(30%),答卷时间115分钟;试卷二包括书面表达(20%),答卷时间50分钟。各部分考试题型如下: Part I:听力理解 听力内容多涉及医学方面的内容(多为谈论疾病、健康等),
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    考博英语每日一练(9.7)考博加油! 1. ______ a baby turtle is hatched, it must be able to fend for itself. A. Not sooner than B. No sooner than C. As soon as D. So soon as 2. In American universities, classes are often arranged in more flexible _______ and many jobs on campus are reserved for students. A. scales B. ranks C. grades D. patterns 【考博英语长难句翻译】 New sources of energy must be found, and this will take time, but it is not likely to result in any situation that will ever restore that sense of cheap and plentiful energy we have had in times past. 考博
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    摘要:医学考博英语考试题型包括:听力理解、完形填空、阅读理解、词汇用法和写作。整个试卷共五大部分,总分100分,答卷时间供165分钟,加上考场指令与试卷收发时间180分钟。 全国统考医学考博试卷分为两大部分:试卷一(Paper One)和试卷二(Paper Two)。试卷一包括听力(30%),词语用法(10%),完形填空(10%)和阅读理解(30%),答卷时间115分钟;试卷二包括书面表达(20%),答卷时间50分钟。各部分考试题型如下: Part I:听力理解 听力内
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    备考复习中,不能盲目复习,需要掌握一定的技巧和方法,从而让自己的备考之路变得轻松,提高复习效率下面为大家分析“医学考博英语冲刺建议”。 建议 1:把要背的所有材料列个清单,集中背诵一遍 为了便于记忆和应用,你要把重要内容列个清单,把需要集中背诵的文档打印好装订到一起。比如: 写作必背的全能句 听力中医学场景分类词汇 普通场景分类词汇 听力考试中常见习语 你自己平时积累的好词好句等等。 建议 2:大量做题,找到竞技
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    考博英语每日一练(9.4)考博加油! 1. We’re leaving at six o’clock, and hope _____ most of the journey by lunch time. A. to do B. to have done C. to make D. to have made 2. Six Arab countries ______ diplomatic relations with the United States, and Lebanon withdrew its Ambassador. A. broke off B. broke up C. broke down D. broke in 【考博英语长难句翻译】 The supply of oil can be shut off unexpectedly at any time, and in any case, the oil wells will all run dry in thirty years or so at the present rate of use. 考博英语每日一练(9.4)参考答案 1.B 【句
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    【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(9.3)考博加油! 1. Using extremely different decorating schemes in adjoining rooms may result in ______ and a lack of unity in style. A. conflict B. confrontation C. disturbance D. disharmony 2. The gym has been equipped with various pieces of weight-lifting ______. A. apparatus B. appliance C. gauge D. implement 【考博英语长难句翻译】 This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to continue agriculture in the high-energy American fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers with high yields. 【
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    医学考博英语这么难?怎么复习?完全没有头绪,接下来和大家分享一下医学考博英语复习的一些方法吧~ 一、熟悉考试题型 考试的题型是我们考前必须要了解。题型是考试形式,与考试内容关系密切。一般考试题型定了,考试内容也就基本定了。我们掌握了考试的题型,自然也就了解考试的内容,根据考试的内容来复习,在重难点的地方下功夫,才能高效的学习。考生一定要尽可能找到报考院校的历年真题,一般院校的考试题型都有固定性,考生一
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    考博英语每日一练(9.1)考博加油! 1. It is up to the Government to tackle the air pollution problem and ______ measures in line with the council’s suggestions. A. set about B. work out C. fill up D. bring over 2. His new theory has caused an enormous ______ throughout the civilized world. A. solidarity B. sentiment C. sermon D. sensation 【考博英语长难句翻译】 Until such time as mankind has the sense to lower its population to the point where the planet can provide a comfortable support for all, people will have to accept more “unnatural food”. 考博英语每
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    【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.28)考博加油!1. They______ the floor until the timber had turned white.A. sweptB. scrubbedC. dustedD. tidied 2. Personal computers are no longer something beyond the ordinary people; they are ______available these days.A. promptlyB. instantlyC. readilyD. quickly 【补全句子】1. We often use “x” to _________ _________ an unknown number while doing maths exercises. 当我们做数学题时,我们经常用 X 来代替未知数。 2. He has not only finished his own work, but helped others_________ _________. 他不仅自己完成了
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    医学考博英语考试题型包括:听力理解、完形填空、阅读理解、词汇用法和写作。整个试卷共五大部分,总分100分,答卷时间供165分钟,加上考场指令与试卷收发时间180分钟。#考博##医学考博英语##考博英语# 全国统考医学考博试卷分为两大部分:试卷一(Paper One)和试卷二(Paper Two)。试卷一包括听力(30%),词语用法(10%),完形填空(10%)和阅读理解(30%),答卷时间115分钟;试卷二包括书面表达(20%),答卷时间50分钟。各部分考试题型如下:
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    对于多数医学考博的学生而言,医学考博英语听力是比较难以攻克的题型之一。 原因有二:一是在日常工作和生活当中,能用到听力的地方并不多,所以对其的重视程度不够,二是由于对听力存在畏难情绪,英文的语速一般是1秒钟三个单词,而我们能接受的速度1秒钟最多为2个单词,所以听的越多,落下的越多,因此越听就越不想练习,加上对听力备考没有计划,因此更不愿意多花时间去练习,也没有花更多的精力。 针对这一问题,华慧考博老师给
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    【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.27)考博加油! 1. The police charged the man with the ______ of the watch. A. steal B. theft C. thief D. thesis 2. In many places, illness was seen either as an invasion of the body by some poison or it was ________ to the work of an angry god, malignant magic, or witchcraft. A. contributed B. attributed C. tribute D. distributed 【补全句子】 1. The book _________ _________ ________ the children. 这本书专门为小孩设计的。 2. _________ _________ different balloons and flags, our school looks very beautiful. 用不同的气球
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    首先,学会精神转移。 在英语学习的过程中,感到枯燥乏味,信心不足时,不要强迫自己往下学,因为从你的思想意识形态里已经开始产生了抵触英语的情绪。这时再继续只能是" 适得其反",请你先放一放你所学习的内容,可以去逛书店,选择一本自己喜欢的,翻开内容看上一两段,你就会发现原来你的英语已经很有水平了,以前的时间没有白费。 还有,当你置身到书店的时候,你才能够感受到很多中国人都和你一样在努力着,也许他(她)的
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    1. You can’t be ______ careful in making the decision as it was such a critical case. A. very B. quite C. too D. so 2. A galaxy is held together by the ______attraction between its constituent parts, while its rotational motion prevents it from collapsing on itself. A. gravy B. gravel C. gravimetric D. gravitational 【补全句子】 1. When you sleep in the open air, old newspapers can _________ _________a blanket. 当你在户外睡觉的时候,旧报纸可以充当毯子。 2. The machine has already been _________ _________. 机器已经被拆开。 【华慧考博】考博英语每
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    我是学术期刊的征稿编辑!普刊,学报,核心,SCI/SSCI,EI,ISTP,课题,著作,专利(SCI/SSCI翻译润色+投刊指导)投刊均可安排,四大论文网站均可检索,微信 xxn43331,QQ524057294,林编辑
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    【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.24)考博加油! 1. Marry couldn’t have received my letter; otherwise she would have replied before now.A. has receivedB. ought to have receivedC. couldn’t have receivedD. shouldn’t have received 2. Developments in ship design and construction methods came about in ________ to challenges encountered in trading. A. awarenessB. responseC. contrastD. agreement 【补全句子】1. ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ he will stay here with us. 毫无疑问,他将和我们一起呆在这儿。 2. What can we do for them _________ _________ _
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    2020年已经进入到下半年,诸多准备2021年考博的考生的复习已经逐步进入到基础阶段。 在这个阶段,很多考生把主要精力用于积累单词上,而往往比较容易忽视语法知识的学习。他们认为,除了少部分院校会单独考察改错或者语法选择题以外,大部分院校都不会单独考察语法知识,因此他们觉得只要拓展了词汇量,掌握了各个题型的解题方法和思路,那么就完全足以应对考博英语了。 但是实际上,考生的这种想法是大错特错的。虽然在各个院校当中
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    1. Although ______ happened in that developed country sounds like science fiction, it could occur elsewhere in the world.A. whichB. whatC. whoD. that 2. They continue to ______ about and enjoy themselves until they became tired.A. strokeB. strollC. stammerD. string 【补全句子】1. We all _________ _________ ________her for her bravery in the face of danger. 我们都高度赞扬了她面对困难的勇气。 2. Many people went to Australia _________ _________ ________ gold mines. 很多人去澳大利亚寻找金矿。 【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.21)参考答案1.B
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    【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.20)考博加油!1. Neither John nor his roommates _______ in the dormitory yesterday evening.A. wasB. wereC. has beenD. had been 2. With ______ exceptions, the former president does not appear in public now.A. rareB. unusualC. extraordinaryD. unique 【补全句子】1. My goal is to provide humans with a life ________ _______ _______. 我的目标就是给人类提供高质量的生活。 2. I _____ _______ ________my future. 我对我的未来充满希望。 【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.20)参考答案1.B【句意】约
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    爱学习 8-20
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    Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. 世界上没有什么可以取代坚持。 考博加油!更多内容搜索关注微信公众号“huahuib2c” 关注后在公众号菜单回复“6”即可获得更多考博资料!
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    【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.19)考博加油!1. Since the war there have occurred on our British roads ______ casualties as we suffered in the war.A. more than halfB. what are half as manyC. half as many areD. more than half as many 2. Scientists can not _______ the disappearance of the dinosaurs.A. account withB. account forC. account onD. account about 【补全句子】1. He narrowly ______ ________ _________. 他侥幸逃脱了处罚。 2. A great person is someone who ______ his life ________ ________ others. 伟人就是把自己的人生致力于帮助别人的人
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    #留学##医学留学# 鹿特丹大学,全称鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯大学(荷文:Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam,英文:Erasmus University Rotterdam),位于荷兰王国第二大城市、欧洲第一大港口城市鹿特丹,是荷兰著名公立大学,享誉世界的顶尖高等学府。 鹿特丹大学医学院是世界顶尖的医学院,其临床医学学科2009年位列欧洲第1、世界第20。根据泰晤士高等教育,伊拉斯姆斯医学中心是欧洲最好的医疗机构之一。英国杂志每年发表有影响力的世界大学排名,鹿特丹大学的伊
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    【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.18)考博加油!1. The ______ of Confucius built the temple in memory of their ancestor.A. descendantsB. predecessorsC. correspondentsD. opponents 2. I must leave now. ________, if you want that book, I’ll bring it next time.A. AccidentallyB. IncidentallyC. EventuallyD. Naturally 【补全句子】1. A hospital will be built ______ _______ ________the famous doctor. 将建一个医院是来纪念那个著名的医生。 2. Mandela _______ ______ _______ in 1994. 曼德拉于 1994 年上台执政。 【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练
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    卡罗林斯卡学院(Karolinska Institute, KI),又名卡罗琳学院、卡罗琳医学院、卡罗林斯卡医学院。是瑞典著名的医学院,世界顶尖医学院之一,世界百强大学。 卡罗林斯卡学院是世界上最大最好的单一医学院之一,也是世界医学排名前十的医学院,承担了全国43%的医药类学术研究,并拥有一个附属的卡罗林斯卡大学医院(Karolinska University Hospital)。同时,学院有一个诺贝尔委员会而闻名于世,每年负责评审和颁发诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。 人类医学领域
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    随着疫情形势的好转, 大部分学校开始启动博士研究生招生考试工作了。国家医学考试中心也于近日发布了《关于统一招考博士考试时间的通知》,全国医学博士外语统一考试预计安排在2020年7月18日,以下是详细内容: 根据国家医学考试中心的《全国医学博士英语统一考试指南》,全国统考的考试时间为每年三月的第二个星期六,今年是3月14日,但是今年由于疫情的影响,打乱了考生们的步调和计划。原定于3月14日举行的全国医学考博外语统一考试
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    2020年全国医学考博英语考试大纲使用新版本,新大纲是由国家医学考试中心编写、人民卫生出版社出版的《全国医学博士外语统一考试指南》(2020 版)。包括考试介绍,英语考试样卷、词汇表、答题卡样张,考生须知和考场指令等内容。国家医学考试中心是全国医学博士英语统考的命题方。 为适应医学教育和外语考试改革发展的要求,更加科学、客观、公正地开展医学博士专业学位和医学博士研究生入学选拔,国家医学考试中心自2018年起组织试题
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    #留学##医学留学# 44 鲁汶大学(荷兰语) KU Leuven 100-150 鲁汶大学(法语) CatholicUniversity of Louvain 100-150 根特大学 Ghent University 150-200 布鲁塞尔自由大学(法语) Université libre de Bruxelles 200-250 安特卫普大学 University of Antwerp 200-250 布鲁塞尔自由大学(荷语) VrijeUniversiteit Bruss 250-300 列日大学 Universitéde Liège 鲁汶大学(荷兰语) KU Leuven KU Leuven,是比利时久负盛名的最高学府,世界百强名校,2020泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名50强高校之一,欧洲历史最悠久
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    【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.13)考博加油! 1. Retirement is obviously a very complex ______ period; and the earlier you start planning for it, the better. A. transformation B. transmission C. transaction D. transition 2. The city government is getting its residents to properly ______their garbage. A. break up B. dispose of C. check out D. hand out 【补全句子】 1. Please don’t _______ _______, you still have more chances. 别灰心,你还有更多的机会 2. The World Trade Centre was ________ ________ by terrorists. 世贸中心被恐怖分子炸毁了。
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    【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.12)考博加油! 1. With the rapid development of motor industry in China, SIBR, a kind of novel tread rubber, has showed a(n) ______ market prospect. A. impressive B. comprehensive C. intensive D. extensive 2. In finance, opportunity cost analysis refers to the amount that could have been made in other investments ______ the expected investment return. A. compared in B. as comparing C. compared D. compared with 【补全句子】 1. _________ _______ his appearance, he didn’t understand what you said. 根据他的表情判断,他没有听
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    北大,年底年初,不限单位,数学方向 1。~~研究中数学方法的应用 2。数学建模思维在~~实践应用 SSCI收稿。收稿方向:公共医疗,电子商务,电子图书馆等结合。不限制单位,周期一年左右,系统录用。 SCI…1-2优质刊物,版面费自理。可代发生物医学方面。 2. 生物医学……………粘附研究综述 3. T细胞………………白血病的新生物学见解 4. 乳腺癌细胞……………………及其生物学意义
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    SCI 3分以上 医学全科 SCI 环境相关 0-1 SCI 材料相关0-5分及各分区,大量 SCI 药学0-1秒录 年内出刊 SCI 工科二区发 2个月内录 年内出刊 SCI 计算机网络期刊 各科 1-2 SCI 海洋期刊 各科 SCI 糖尿病相关3-5分两个月内录用 SCI 健康相关 体育 计算机 自动化 电子 通信 SCI 2.4分 3区摘要检索 各科 第三季度 大量收 EI源刊 正刊 教育 体育 经济 管理 计算机 艺术 等 90% 检索几率 各科
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    【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.10)考博加油! 1. Only native-born citizens are ______ for the U.S. Presidency. A. eligible B. elegant C. legitimate D. liable 2. The colleges are financially supported partly by endowments, partly by fees paid by the students. (划线词): endowments A. millionaires B. endorsements C. governments D. donations 【补全句子】 1. _______ _______ twenty people _______ ________ in the accident. 20 多人在事故中受伤。 2. _______ _______ _________ _______people are watching the game in the stadium. 数以万计的人正在体育馆里
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    【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.7)考博加油! 1. The 1982 Oil and Gas Act gives power to permit the disposal of assets held by the corporation, and ______ the corporation’s statutory monopoly in the supply of gas for fuel purposes so as to permit private companies to compete in this supply. A. defers B. curtails C. triggers D. sparks 2. The International Olympic Committee rejects the accusations that Beijing’s budget-cutting move might ______ its preparation for the games. A. degrade B. deliberate C. deploy D. defend 【补全句子】 1. After the disaster, ______ ___
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    【早安!华慧考博给你加油!】 I am simply I, and I cannot be labeled. 我就是我,无法被贴上任何标签。 考博加油!更多内容搜索关注微信公众号“huahuib2c” 关注后在公众号菜单回复“6”即可获得更多考博资料!

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