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贴吧:电瓶作者:撒旦发个和 2020-07-23 09:28
回复:「 installer 」 Wall Street Blues
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,
it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness,
it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity,
it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness.
it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair,
we had everything before us, we had nothing before us,
we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way--in short, the period was so.
far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.
贴吧:第十七只兔子作者:月与塔悖论 2020-07-16 13:13
回复:【剧本】《战争之歌》Songs of War
*hit by a branch and then falls with an umph a second later*
Timber stops and comes back to Senn and nuzzles him as he gets back up.
*tired* We have to keep going- we need to get help.
Senn climbs back on Timber and spots a small town through the trees.
Cuts to some quick shots of Timber racing into town and nearly knocking people over.
Slow down you moron!
Senn quickly ties Timber up and hurries through the town to what appears as the town hall. He bursts open the door hurriedly.
*desperate and still in shock* Help! Somebody- I need help. My village was attacked. It’s not far, we need to look for survivors!
The place is revealed as a tavern. Everyone is looking at Senn awkwardly. The bartender doesn’t seem to even understand.
Yeah we don’t sell that here- buy a drink or get out.
Cuts to Senn back outside. He’s walking through the street solemnly.
Anyone…? Please…
He accidentally bumps into a passerby.
Watch where you’re walkin’!
He sinks down onto his knees and puts his head in his hands nearly on the verge of tears as things are finally starting to sink in.
*sad* They’re all gone…
He suddenly frowns. Cuts to him untying Timber.
*serious* We’re not going back to Sendaria… there’s nothing left for us. Thalleous spoke of Ataraxia… our mission now is to find the place and figure out why he wanted us to go there.
Some commotion is heard which distracts Senn. He ties Timber back up and goes to investigate.
There are some people near the edge of town. A pig walks up to Senn and sniffs and oinks at him.
Senn gets up and goes towards the crowd.
What’s going on?
One of the people in the crowd responds.
One of them Magnorites is on the edge of our town. Been stirrin’ up trouble with the local folk? absolute menace I tell you, the lot of ‘em.
Well, have you tried asking it to leave?
Like anyone’s dumb enough to go near that thing!
Farmer throws an empty glass bottle towards it. It hits the tree and shatters.
I don’t think you belong here either, eh? Why don’t you get that Magnorite to leave with you?
Senn looks around to the villagers who are eyeing him uncomfortably as well.
Fine. I will.
He frowns and goes to the tree and walks around the far side of it. Slow suspense as the large and dangerous Magnorite comes into view.
The Magnorite is leaning against the tree reading a book. He looks up innocently and happily as Senn approaches.
Oh hello there! I hope you don’t mind if I read here.
Uh… well I don’t mind… but I think the people here want you to leave.
He stands up suddenly.
Ah… pity. *sigh* It’s difficult to find a place to catch up on my reading. Been forced to travel my whole life.
Hang on… would you, by chance, know where Ataraxia is?
In the middle of this next sentence, another bottle flies into Igneous and breaks apart on him. He doesn’t even notice.
Never heard of it. It appears you need a map! But you’ll never find one here… this town is too small, and rather lacking in the educational department if I might add.
Senn is surprised when the bottle breaks apart on him.
Did you- isn’t that bothering you?
Oh no- I’m used to it. Hey, you know what, why don’t we travel to Biggerton? It’s just up the road. Surely they have a map available for purchase.
Another bottle breaks apart on him. Senn glares at the Hogtown farmers.
Yeah, getting out of here sounds like a good idea. I’ll grab my horse.
Oh you have a horse! I can’t ride horses because I’m too heavy. But wait! We haven’t been introduced. My name’s Igneous… and you?
A rock hits Igneous and deflects harmlessly.
It’ll be great to have some company on the road, Senn! You see, I’ve been alone for a while and have had no one to talk to so I mostly just read books or descant with animals but that’s rarely an enjoyable experience because the animals don’t actually talk back so the conversation is often very one-sided…
His voice fades out as the scene changes back to the Tabora Crags.
Jalkar and Grim are walking along. In front of them some ender particles form and start swirling.
贴吧:blackplasmastudios作者:临界-? 2020-06-20 20:49
简单麦麦 下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/1300274/ 标题(title):Americana - The Kinks, The Road and The Perfect Riff 美国式的-扭结,道路和完美的裂痕 作者(author):Ray Davies 出版社(publisher):Random House 大小(size):1 MB (1117601 bytes) 格式(extension):epub 注意:如果文件下载解压完成后为无法打开的格式,请修改后缀名为格式对应后缀 作为战后英国的一个男孩,传奇的怪癖歌手兼词曲作家雷·戴维斯爱上了美国——美国的电影和音乐,美国的自由文化,
贴吧:山阳社区作者:alpha? 2020-06-18 13:45
6: Bruce Springsteen: Tunnel Of Love (Columbia, 1987)
The rock embodiment of the blue-collar American everyman, The Boss gritted his teeth and bared his soul on this album, which chronicled his disintegrating marriage to actress Julianne Phillips. Its angst-ridden themes of deceit, betrayal, doubt, and heartbreak were so personal to Springsteen that he recorded much of the music by himself without his trusted sidekicks, The E Street Band. A bleak post-mortem of tainted love, this cathartic opus fails to reveal even the smallest chink of light and hope at the end of its dark tunnel.
Must hear: ‘Brilliant Disguise’
贴吧:billboard作者:闫子贝 2020-06-13 22:21
需答案 1119571153 同v 西南大学网络与继续教育学院课程考试试题卷类别:网教 专业:英语 课程名称[编号]:英语阅读二[0065] A卷 满分:100分 语法和词汇填空。(每题2分,10小题,共20分) This kind of behavior _the criminal mind. A.characterizes B.characters C.features D.characteristicThe relics miraculous powers.A.are credited to B.are credited for C.are credited of D.are credited withExercise .the flow of blood. A.encouragesB.stimulates C.spurs D.reducesHe from the storm in a hut. A.took hostage B.took away C.took leave D.took refuge
贴吧:奥鹏辅导ok作者:shanuyfuvp1 2020-06-09 13:41
The SBM 3.2 brings back the AI. At least I tried to integrate them as goodas I could.
The scenarios should come to life again.
If there are still bugs, please see me. It is and remains a difficult taskto make the AI compatible...Thank you !!!!!
How do I go about it?
It is not necessary to download orpre-install another SBM !!??
1) Make a complete copy of your main game to any location.
· Main Game: Anno 1404 + Addon + Patch 2.1------ Anno 1404 K?nigs-Edition + Patch 3.1------ Anno 1404 Gold-EditionVers.
2) Download SBM 3
3) Unzip the packed file.
3) Run application / installer SBM 3.exe.
4) Follow the installation instructions.
Innovations briefly mentioned.
· Formerly seed sugar cane is and remainsseed tobacco. (As in 3.1)
· Scenarios "Vendetta" and"Ray of hope" reduced again
· Lighthouse on land and on water in 4construction stages
· A new Furriery inserted
· New various market houses Occident /Orient added
· New Corsair setting
· For the production of beverages addedhoney farm and methhouse
· Field path and stone road can no longer bebuilt in water. Therefore a harbour road was designed. "You have the AI'sto thank for that."
· A magnificent street inserted
· Oriental gatehouse and oriental city wallrebuilt on land and water. But no wall function. Switch elements with the"C" key !
· Nomad hut on water added
· StorehouseTown Orient now has the functionof a harbour master's office
· Market stalls Occident / Orient listedseparately in the building menu
The following seeds can be grown in bothclimate zones.
· Seeds Wheat
· Seeds Tobacco
· Seed Clay
· Seed Cider
· Seeds Silk
Ship pool for Lord Richard Northburgh and Grand Vizier Al Zahir remainsactive.
Attention !!!!
If you are playing with AI, an increased attention span is required whenbuying ships. You also have to click really fast to Northburgh and Co when themessage "A new flagship is ready for purchase" appears, otherwise theAI will snatch the ships from under your nose.
In SBM 3.2 it is (in my estimation) best to start with a flagship orflagship with escort or armada plus open map. Here you can be the first to buythe offered ships immediately after entering the island world. But after that,as already mentioned, the race for buying ships is opened.
Good luck..........!!!!!!!!
Diplomatic ranks in the Orient / As before.
Visitor of the Orient 50 Reputation / Guest of the Bedouins 100 Reputation/ Ally of the Sheikh 150 Reputation / Privileged of the Caliph 200 Reputation /Advisor of the Grand Vizier 250 Reputation / Confidante of the Sultan 300Reputation.
SBM 3.2带来了人工智能。至少我试着尽可能地整合它们。
1) 把你的主要游戏复制到任何地方。
主游戏:Anno 1404+插件+补丁2.1--Anno 1404 Kónigs Edition+补丁3.1--Anno1404 Gold Edition Vers.
2) 下载SBM 3
3) 解压缩打包的文件。
3) 运行应用程序/installerSBM 3.exe。
4) 按照安装说明进行操作。
如果你在玩人工智能,购买船只时需要增加注意力的跨度。当出现“新旗舰已准备好购买”的信息时,你还必须快速点击Northburgh and Co,否则人工智能会从你的眼皮底下抢走船只。
在SBM 3.2中(据我估计)最好从一个旗舰或旗舰开始,带护航或舰队加开放地图。在这里,你可以第一个购买提供的船舶后,立即进入岛屿世界。但在那之后,如前所述,购买船只的竞赛开始了。
贴吧:纪元1404作者:缥缈孤鸿影23 2020-05-04 07:16
【电子书分享】黑色纽约的自由故事-Stories of F
简单麦麦 下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/529043/ 标题(title):Stories of Freedom in Black New York 黑色纽约的自由故事 作者(author):Shane White 出版社(publisher): 大小(size):689 kB (705026 bytes) 格式(extension):pdf 注意:如果文件下载解压完成后为无法打开的格式,请修改后缀名为格式对应后缀 黑人纽约的自由故事再现了黑人纽约人从奴隶制走向自由的经历。19世纪初,纽约市黑人社区努力实现自由的意义,找到一种新的自我意识,并在此过程中创
贴吧:山阳社区作者:alpha? 2020-05-02 20:09
Dear Donna,
At this time of national emergency and the coronavirus wreaking havoc on the entire world, I hope that you and your loved ones are healthy and safe. I worry — and I wish the best for — the health of all of our industry colleagues. Never in our lifetimes has there been a more challenging time.
Amidst a global pandemic as a backdrop, I wish we were spared from also having to address a different issue that arises from Universal actions currently underway.
For 100 years, AMC Theatres has served as a strategically critical and highly profitable distribution platform for movie makers, and for all that time the exclusivity of the theatrical release has been fundamental. When a movie is “Only in Theaters,” consumers perceive it to be higher quality entertainment. Countless filmmakers and moviegoers believe that their creative works are best enjoyed by consumers on the big screen. And we all know that those theatrical releases indeed boost publicity, positive word-of-mouth, critical acclaim and downstream revenues.
For much of the past four and a half years, I have been in direct dialogue with Jeff Shell and Peter Levinsohn of Universal about the importance of a robust theatrical window to the viability of the motion picture exhibition industry. Throughout that time, AMC has expressed a willingness to consider alternatives to the current windowing strategy common in our industry, where the aim of such alternatives is to improve both studio profitability and theater operator profitability.
Universal stated it only pursued a direct-to-home entertainment release for “Trolls World Tour” because theaters were closed and Universal was committed to a lucrative toy licensing deal. We had our doubts that this was wholly Universal’s motivations, as it has been a longstanding desire by Universal to go to the home day and date. Nonetheless, we accepted this action as an exception to our longstanding business practices in these unprecedented times.
In today’s Wall Street Journal, Jeff Shell is quoted as saying that:
“The results for ‘Trolls World Tour’ have exceeded our expectations and demonstrated the viability of PVOD,” Mr. Shell said. “As soon as theaters reopen, we expect to release movies on both formats.”
This radical change by Universal to the business model that currently exists between our two companies represents nothing but downside for us and is categorically unacceptable to AMC Entertainment, the worlds largest collection of movie theatres.
Going forward, AMC will not license any Universal movies in any of our 1,000 theatres globally on these terms.
Accordingly, we want to be absolutely clear, so that there is no ambiguity of any kind. AMC believes that with this proposed action to go to the home and theatres simultaneously, Universal is breaking the business model and dealings between our two companies. It assumes that we will meekly accept a reshaped view of how studios and exhibitors should interact, with zero concern on Universal’s part as to how its actions affect us. It also presumes that Universal in fact can have its cake and eat it too, that Universal film product can be released to the home and theatres at the same time, without modification to the current economic arrangements between us.
It is disappointing to us, but Jeff’s comments as to Universal’s unilateral actions and intentions have left us with no choice. Therefore, effectively immediately AMC will no longer play any Universal movies in any of our theatres in the United States, Europe or the Middle East. This policy affects any and all Universal movies per se, goes into effect today and as our theatres reopen, and is not some hollow or ill-considered threat. Incidentally, this policy is not aimed solely at Universal out of pique or to be punitive in any way, it also extends to any movie maker who unilaterally abandons current windowing practices absent good faith negotiations between us, so that they as distributor and we as exhibitor both benefit and neither are hurt from such changes. Currently, with the press comment today, Universal is the only studio contemplating a wholesale change to the status quo. Hence, this immediate communication in response.
AMC has invested significant time and energy with Universal executives over the past few years trying to figure out a new windows model that would be beneficial both for your studio and for our theatre operations. While Universal’s unilateral pronouncements on this issue are unpalatable to us, as has always been the case, AMC is willing to sit down with Universal to discuss different windows strategies and different economic models between your company and ours. However, in the absence of such discussions, and an acceptable conclusion thereto, our decades of incredibly successful business activity together has sadly come to an end.
贴吧:北美票房榜作者:粗苯开 2020-04-29 09:40

We were in the backseat drunk on something stronger than the drinks in the bar
我们在车后座 醉倒于某些比酒吧饮料 更强烈的东西
I rent a place on Cornelia Street, I say casually in the car
我租了一处地方 在柯妮莉亚街 我在车上随意地说
We were a fresh page on the desk filling in the blanks as we go
我们是崭新的白纸 在桌上 于途中陆续填满空白
As if the streetlights pointed in an arrowhead leading us home
就像街灯们 如箭头指着 引领我们回家
And I hope I never lose you
Hope it never ends
I’d never walk Cornelia Street again
That’s the kind of heartbreak
Time could never mend
I’d never walk Cornelia Street again
And baby I get mystified by how this city screams your name
宝贝 我感到迷惑 为这城市是如何呼喊你的名字
And baby I’m so terrified of if you ever walk away
宝贝 我是如此惊恐 害怕有天你或许会离开
I’d never walk Cornelia Street again
I’d never walk Cornelia Street again
Windows flung right open Autumn air, jacket round my shoulders is yours
窗户晃开 秋天的空气 围在我肩膀上的夹克是你的
We bless the rains on Cornelia Street Memorize the creaks in the floor
我们祝福雨 下于柯妮莉亚街 回忆木地板的吱哑声
Back when we were card sharks Playing games I thought you were leadingme on
当时我们都是老手 耍玩纸牌游戏 我以为你会带领我前进
I packed my bags, left Cornelia Street Before you even knew I was gone
我收拾行李 离开柯妮莉亚街 甚至在你意识到我离去之前
But then you called Showed your hand
但接着你打来 摊开手里的牌
I turned around before I hit the tunnel
我转过头来 在冲进隧道之前
Sat on the roof
You and I
I hope I never lose you
Hope it never ends
I’d never walk Cornelia Street again
That’s the kind of heartbreak
Time could never mend
I’d never walk Cornelia Street again
And baby I get mystified by how this city screams your name
宝贝 我感到迷惑 为这城市是如何呼喊你的名字
And baby I’m so terrified of if you ever walk away
宝贝 我是如此惊恐 害怕有天你或许会离开
I’d never walk Cornelia Street again
I’d never walk Cornelia Street again
You hold my hand On the street
你握住我的手 在街上
Walk me back to that apartment
Years ago we were just inside
几年前 我们就在里面
Barefoot in the kitchen
Sacred new beginnings
That became my religion
I hope I never lose you
I’d never walk Cornelia Street again
Never again
And baby I get mystified by how this city screams your name
宝贝 我感到迷惑 为这城市是如何呼喊你的名字
And baby I’m so terrified of if you ever walk away
宝贝 我是如此惊恐 害怕有天你或许会离开
I’d never walk Cornelia Street again
I’d never walk Cornelia Street again
(I don’t wanna lose you)
I’d never walk Cornelia Street again
(I don’t wanna lose you)
I rent a place on Cornelia Street
我租了处地方 在柯妮莉亚街
I say casually in the car
贴吧:泰勒·斯威夫特作者:乔哀 2020-04-27 00:05


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