全文共1027个词,by Billy Nauman in New York A few short months ago, the lunch rush at Just Salad in Manhattan’s Hudson Square neighbourhood was a mob scene. On any given weekday around noon, throngs of office workers would peel themselves away from their spreadsheets, grab their brightly coloured reusable plastic bowls and trudge over to the restaurant to join a queue that snaked around the concrete floor and spilled out on to the street. 短短数月前,每逢午餐高峰期间,位于曼哈顿哈德逊广场(Hudson Square)的沙拉专门店Just Salad可谓门庭若市。每逢工
贴吧:久一英语作者:小白云湖 2020-11-23 18:34
(富兰克林图书馆)The World's Best-Loved Books经典丛书100本
(富兰克林图书馆)The World's Best-Loved Books, 世上人们最喜爱的经典丛书100本,限量版(见实物拍摄照片第5、6张),书名、作者和出版日期(1977至1985)见 ”详细描述“,豪华全真皮封面,三面刷金,珍贵外国艺术、文学参考资料!这套丛书重约100多公斤 电话:18807921700 价格:50000元 作者: Charles Dickens、等 出版社: Franklin Library 出版时间: 1977 出版地: 美国 印刷时间: 1977 装帧: 精装 The World's Best-Loved Books, 世界上人们最喜爱的经典丛书100本: 不同书
贴吧:三柜书屋绝版典籍作者:LOVE∷心 2020-11-09 13:42
mc: So what’s after this? You’re off to Dublin to shoot The Expatriates, which is also produced by Blossom Films.
NK: Yes, we’re going in November. We got Australian writer Alice Bell on that project, and she’s also writing another show for us called Hope. And then there’s Things I Know To Be True, written by another amazing Australian writer, Andrew Bovell. I bought a single ticket and sat on my own at the Belvoir Street Theatre on a Sunday afternoon, and I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. It’s the most incredible play. So, those are the two main things for now, and then who knows? But it’s just so great to be able to champion these incredible Australian writers
贴吧:妮可基德曼作者:Nic骨灰级影迷 2020-10-29 09:17
中医大《大学英语 上》在线作业【答案】
中医大《大学英语 上》在线作业 试卷总分:100 得分:98 一、单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 100 分) 1.— I’m wondering if you could give me some advice about my project.— (). A.I’d rather sit here if you don’t mind. B.I think it might be a good idea to do some research first. C.Certainly, why not? D.Yes, I like these two places. 2.—Hello, Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant. May I help you?—() A.I would like to reserve a table for four people at 6 tomorrow evening. B.I would rather speak to your manager. C.I want to leave a message. D.May I have your name please? 3.Jo
贴吧:奥鹏学习教育作者:加qq2177325690 2020-10-15 22:07
20年秋中医大《大学英语 上》在线作业
一、单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 100 分) 1.— I’m wondering if you could give me some advice about my project.— (). A.I’d rather sit here if you don’t mind. B.I think it might be a good idea to do some research first. C.Certainly, why not? D.Yes, I like these two places. 2.—Hello, Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant. May I help you?—() A.I would like to reserve a table for four people at 6 tomorrow evening. B.I would rather speak to your manager. C.I want to leave a message. D.May I have your name please? 3.John first suggested (). A.this idea to me B.me this idea C.me to this id
贴吧:奥鹏学生作者:奥鹏学业辅导? 2020-10-13 11:34
Feels Like Home - Raul Malo
Something in your eyes makes me wanna lose myself
Makes me wanna lose myself in your heart
There's something in your voice makes my heart beat fast
Hope this will feeling last the rest of my life
If you knew how lonely my life has been
And how low I've felt for so long
If you knew how I wanted someone to some along
And change my world the way you've done
It feels like home to me feels like home to me
Feels like I'm on my way back where I come from
Feels like home to me feels like home to me
Feels like I'm on my way back where I'm from
With your embrace down a long dark street
And a sigh of wind in the night
But I'm alright 'cause I have you here with me
And I can almost see the dark feels light
If you knew how much this moment means to me
And how long I've waited for your touch
If you knew how I have you here with me
I never thought I'd love anyone so much
Feels like home to me feels like home to me
Feels like I'm on my way to where I come from
Feels like home to me feels like home to me
Feels like I'm on my way back to where I belong
Feels like I'm on my way back to where I belong
贴吧:千里共良宵作者:我是谁 2020-09-27 23:58
回复:Pseudés 4:13与The Second Advent
Chapter 5: Judges (2/3)
The content was different, but a seal was stamped on the signature, as on my copy. Could see its strong implication between lines at a glance, that the Inquisition is having another purpose, which was veiled even to this legatus missus.
"Mah! Your Court is superior of them."
"Not directly, but if it was my messages caused the attention..." Iscario snorted, but assured me with a nod.
Seth didn't take that very serious. So did I.
"Let Hiro headache for now, to be honest. Even if the Curia might seeking influence over this city." I returned his letter, then let him leave for his office. His step was impatience than normal.
Due to an increase on monster witness on the shoreline, a daily patrol along the sea wall avenue was planned. I was trying to find a hidden or forming Blackgate, also clear monsters if they show up.
"What a nice day huh? You're not very energetic, let's find a comfortable place slack!" On the half way Seth opened his arms to the outwind, said.
"No way. I can cope, don't count on the inquisitors for everything." I dragged him go on by catching the back of his collar aswell. It was really useful.
"Can you not to learn this from Iscario?"
Seth only make struggles for some dignity until he signalled to me an old lady from the local congregation. She showed gratitude to Seth heartily, it seemed they would have a conversation.
I then rested on a bench on the street to wait, took the time to revise all the reports in hope of finding possible location of a Blackgate. The terminal has pinned every sighting reports to dots on map.
I zoomed in the map, the screen shut down suddenly, reflected the clear sky on its darkened surface. Had no idea how did I press on shutting down button, I laughed at myself secretly and re-start up my terminal.
Gentle breeze brought a salty scent, and was swaying the ribbon tied on Seth's sceptre. Watching at it was hypnotising while I was waiting for terminal starts up.
I shouldn't have shut my eye for longer than a blink.
Their chat drifted away in that second, while the cries of seagulls ripped out a precious serenity. Through the tearing, brought back were those unwanted.
The Blackgate is... I looked at the sky, then the sea. None of them could be reached, but they were staring back at me in profound silence. An realisation had risen from my ocean of memories.
I forced myself to walk in between them, and I must been awful enough to make that granny opened her eyes wide in fright.
I wanted to tell her: leave this city while you can. But I probably failed to utter my word out when I fall.
Someone pressed papers and a pen on me so excitedly at the moment I moved my finger.
"You're back! Ever considered become my object?"
"I've protected you from the villain scientist long enough, commander!" Seth didn't feign hard enough for that drama, Rachel's laughter was iconic though.
"Shut up! I have ethic! Just sign this consent form then all's good!"
"Wait, stop. Would someone update me first? Why am I on some kind of anatomage table?" I wrote fast on the blank side of the form by intuition, while they were bickering.
"In short, you passed out. We were nearer to Rachel's place so good old me brought you here."
"And how can commander keep this case from me? Your reading was just fascinating! Like you were wielding a Relic!" No wonder. The table was the only decent place to put me among all Rachel's fancy apparatuses.
"Actually I don't want to know the detail... But in case you want some fun, I do have an interesting one for you." I could hardly understand those phrases I wrote just a few seconds ago, they've became Greek already. "Seth? And thanks."
"OK, OK, I'll give you some privacy. What to do, what to do, commander's becoming crazy scientist too. What movie is that plot?" Seth grumbled to take his sceptre, and left the lab.
Rachel's jaw almost hit the ground. He were struck dumb once started to read that... thing I could not understand at all.
"Holy ****! Where did it come from?!"
"From a dream, maybe?"
"Afflatus! You know what? I gonna cut your head open to see what creature is a commander! This is connected to a schematic from Hiro!"
"I think you've messaged me about that... Is it for breaking something? I didn't understand your explaination."
"You get it quite accurately! It can damage boundary for example create a Blackgate! Was actually designed for Hiro, now plus you. Wielders will be drained of thaumaturgy and mortified in the process if they try to use."
"Both are Hiro would like to see?"
In the meantime, Rachel was showing off his work based on Hiro's designs so far, said these would help in battle. I chewed on his words to produce a bold idea.
"Can you modify this, Rachel? I also had a thought of... ehh, break a purified Core a little bit."
"Tsk, tsk. You dreamt of dangerous things, commander." He circled to survey me, then clapped on his forehead, yelled. "It might work! We all know thaumaturgy and Relics come from the Blackgate, but polluted! Through a stable Core we can create a... variety of the Blackgate? And you will level up to a more durable battery!"
He just filled the gaps on his own for me. I wasn't approving the battery part though.
"That's enough. How long will you take for preparation?"
"Around an hour. Off you go, have Seth feed you some corns." Rachel stuck his head out of the door to call out to Seth.
"I'm some kind of vending machine!?" Seth answered from the other end of the passageway.
While Rachel was preparing for the experiment, I went to sat beside Seth.
"Any solution from Rachel? I heard you passed out once days ago." He was having his magical corncobs, and passed one on me.
"I suppose... no? Wasn't really a big thing. By the way, why can't you just summon your staff when you dropped it?" How could Seth trap himself in a pit for his Relic, I didn't see the connection between these two things, when I saw Iscario summon the Holy Lance at will.
"Ouch, that's a long-long story, you can buy me a drink and listen after we done here." His brazen grin sold him out already.
"Please don't spoil it! I'm bankrupt, have to live on my Relic!"
"I will see how the story is first."
"No kidding, it is very long! But Iscario had a summary that every Relic has own characters. You know, my Relic's profile was from him, this sceptre can fulfill some wishes, so it must stay material to reflect God's infinite grace."
"What the heck, it's your Relic! How come he know it better?"
He picked a small bottle off his belt to serve himself a drink instead. I had to smack him on shoulder for this confirmed scam.
"Cuz... um, since he's working for the Signatura... the Supreme Court, you know that office? Nice."
Seth took another draught before he continued. "Back then when I, and some other brothers and sisters, were being accused with heresy, apostasy, paganism... whatever, for having uncanonical Relics. He pushed for the final verdict of innocence, with a theology monograph on Relics, just had the Holy Office ****ed-up!"
"It does... Remarkable. Means he's not in good terms with the others?"
贴吧:永远的7日之都作者:池长云 2020-09-18 22:34
回复:Pseudés 4:13与The Second Advent
Chapter 4: Psalms (2/3)
We had to search in those tunnels for clues afterwards. By the monster activities, there should be one Blackgate in this area. But the location was unclear that I could not sense, maybe it's currently inactive.
The inquisitors were of great help in battle. Though weren't Wielders, they had skills and gears, hardly no monster able to stand with their assault. Undoubtedly since the Blackgate event, monsters also added to their target list.
When Seth's voice rang out from the rear, I was surprised by his coming back, and that soon in half an hour. Cleaned up of course.
Followed the trail of dead monsters, he said. "Duty called just when I was gonna succumb to my favourite photo books! "
He came drag me aside and whispered, I can see his hair was still wet.
"That's it, there are Black Cores require your attention. One is in Old Town. Will I receive some bonus for my dedication?" Seth kept the conversation in private, for he considered it's business of the Central Department, but I didn't plan to hold out on Iscario.
"It depends. Anka told you about that?"
"Anka sent me mails after he's confirmed dead, it was very scaring I tell you! But just timed message after all." Seth tried to lift his spirit, yet still showed grief for Anka's death.
Somehow Iscario has heard Seth's whisper from a distance, he then forced the inquisitors to return to surface. Despite of their consideration for him and minor objection.
"I don't want the Inquisition to get involved." He came to me and went straightly onto the business.
"What? Are you personally joining the Central Department now?"
"No." Iscario simply denied it.
"Let's go without delay." I decided, Anka must've asked this for a reason.
As Seth wanted, he happily led the way ahead with his useful staff lit. Obviously he left a lot of hidden signs down here.
Venturing with two Wielders, to me the mobs became the least to worry about, the enviroment itself was much more trecherous. Caving-ins, fissures, leaks, all are troubles beyond monsters.
A presentiment made me stopped Iscario from approaching any further, just when Seth said it's near.
Then the Core came into view, it was floating in the air far ahead and above, with a dim but distinguishing halo around it. It was vibrating with unknown power and emiting ominous aura.
"Anka warned me this thing can cause mortifying, so protect us, commander. Hope there's no monster around." Seth picked up a piece of rubble and threw. Nothing happened, if there were monsters they must be clever.
"I suppose I can purify it. But why there's no sign of the Blackgate?" I looked at Iscario and found he had no answer. He simply stretched out the thorns that his Relic summoned and went on.
"Does the Core affect you?" I took strides to keep up with Iscario, he just kept going forth without a word. Though giving support was as natural as breathing, I was not sure if it's enough. Beacuse as we drew closer to it, even me could feel its familiar haunting pressure. It felt like a Blackgate but much more denser.
I worried about how to reach it. However it drained automatically from me once we got close enough, until itself fell on the ground.
While I was reaching for it, even more illusions that could not be memorised pierced through me, every one was a torment. Along with those voices, which wanted to become part of me so eagerly.
Most specifically, one of those voices was crying, as a reminder of something.
They are not ... while they live.
Then I found the Core laid on my palm peacefully, had no idea how did I pick it up.
"Is... is there anything weird?" The other two had a strange look, so I asked and quickly wiped my eyes with a sleeve.
Iscario released my shoulder, remained silent and seemingly was contemplating. His grip left with a similar discomfort, similar to those visions brought.
"The most strange thing is you. You went blank completely and didn't respond to us at all. Can you recognise what's this? Just test." While Seth waved the ribbon on his staff in front of me. He was also curious to see me passed the Core to Iscario.
"I didn't get hit on head! Well, perhaps I did. It's your precious sceptre and its excellent ornament, OK?"
The returning was much easier, there was another way out nearby. It's exit was not far away from the grand library.
Rachel's call came in at the same time when I treaded on cemented street again.
"Bad news for you commander! Gotta find Black Cores fast if you treasure your Wielders!" Rachel announced dramatically.
"What's the matter?"
"I was testing on your request, just found out Hiro's plan on mortifying Wielders with Black Core! And some interesting schematics, come to my institute when you are available!"
"You want to take a look on those, Iscario?"
"If you think it's proper." Iscario finally came to me and replied gently, he lingered at the tunnel exit a while longer until he could fully get used to the daylight.
"Mwahahaha, you're getting to the cardinal! Do try to gain some more objects from that stubborn Church for me, commander! Oh and remember that, don't let your Wielder get too close to the Core unprotected. Bye!" Rachel teased me then cut the communication, before I could tell him we've got another Core.
"We know that already!" Seth cried out proudly, for finally there was something he can put in a word.
"Alright, have to double effort to spoil Hiro's plan. He's definitely won't pay for this work overtime." I was yawning when thinking of this job.
"Be at ease, I will be with you." Iscario smiled.
"It does feel easier." A strange satisfication filled me, even dispelled the drowsy feeling I had.
"Hello? Don't unsee me you two." Seth said sourly.
"Ahem, you can deliver this to Rachel. I think I shouldn't bring it back to the Central Department." I gave Seth the first Black Core I found.
"It applies to every Core commander collect afterwards, since you have located them." Iscario extended this quest, in spite of the poor face Seth made.
The daily schedules were still packed in following days, full of wiping out monster, patrolling, and searching Cores with Seth, though the first one was much easier with the aid of the Inquisition. But maddening dreams recurred over and over, those were questions and answers which I have known but wanted to deny.
In return, they denied me any peaceful rest, and delayed my plan on visiting Rachel. Eventually Rachel he himself sent me the database entries about Rin, said I'm too slow.
For I could not sleep, I arrive at the church very early these days, often with a headache. At the time Iscario usually is performing his curial duty, and prayers.
When I was hanging about the corridors the day, I saw Serres was weeding the garden.
"Good morning, Mother Serres. I've been in doubt." I leant over the ledge and questioned her with the thought just brought back to me. "What good is God if She only sits on high and watches?"
"You mean that parable of Her garden, commander?"
"Yes, how can the garden reach the perfection She wants, while weeds and flowers grow all by themselves?"
"Conventionally the Church says, there will be no room left for weeds when the virtues we nurtured bloom. But parable is simply a way to make God's truth understandable to us, we all have interpretation of our own even under a same teaching. For your wisdom I cannot enlighten you, commander, I believe your insight is no inferior than any other."
"I didn't really get it... Thank you for your patience anyway, dear Mother." I yawned, my exhausted mind wasn't able to work out any idea yet.
"Commander." While I was trying to concentrate myself to think it over, Iscario's calm voice was a shock.
贴吧:永远的7日之都作者:池长云 2020-08-18 17:45
【老帖重发】The Burden of Inflation(膨胀之重担:印度梦之死
这是2008年7月30日发表在美国《时代周刊》上一篇文章,作者是Aravind Adiga,生活在孟买,著有小说The White Tiger. Inflation in India has hit a 13-year high, but you wouldn't know that as you walk around the Infiniti Mall in Andheri, a Mumbai suburb. The young men and women — many of whom are aspiring models and film stars (the Bollywood studios are not far from here) — are crowding in with their cell phones and laptops, and the place looks as busy as ever. Visiting a stall that serves bhelpuri — a mix of puffed rice, dough, tomato and coriander that is
贴吧:紫翎炽天使作者:紫翎炽天使 2020-07-27 11:59


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