微信搜索小程序迅鸟搜题助手,积攒积分免费下载完整答案,还有更多国开、广开作业,奥鹏作业,搜题题库,包括奥鹏、国开电大、广开考试资料题库。只需微信扫一扫下方小程序码 1. 单选题 1. —Hurry up please, or I'll be late. —_______ A. Sorry sir, but the traffic is thick now. B. Well, it's alright, sir. C. How can you say that, sir? D. Oh, we are going the right way. 2. The Red Army seized the land and _____ it to the poor peasants. A. attributed B. distributed C. contributed D. assigned 3. If you refuse to go t
贴吧:奥鹏国开作业免费答案交流作者:学无止境 2021-11-30 13:14
初中英语6大词性/8大时态/3大从句等, 超全整理快收藏!
语法知识是在掌握一定量的单词和短语的基础上才能获得的。因此,单词的形态变化是语法学习的基础之基础。 而八种基本时态和含有不复杂的状语从句、定语从句及宾语从句的复合句,是初中生学习的重点,也是语法学习的难点。 句型是语法最基本的表现形式,牢记句型的表达方式,然后多做一些练习,那么语法就绝对不是问题! 本文归纳了6大词性、8种基本时态以及初中生需要掌握3种基本从句、50个必考句型,希望对中学生们有所帮助! 想要获
贴吧:北辰教育作者:大褂不大 2021-11-17 15:33
Hurry up please, or I'll be late. —_______ A.Sorry sir, but
2022春季福师《大学英语(1)》在线作业一二满分吴老师答案 ←←←← 左 ←←←← wbf170 福师《大学英语(1)》在线作业一-0004 试卷总分:100 得分:100 一、单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 100 分) 1.—Hurry up please, or I'll be late. —_______ A.Sorry sir, but the traffic is thick now. B.Well, it's alright, sir. C.How can you say that, sir? D.Oh, we are going the right way. 2.The Red Army seized the land and _____ it to the poor peasants. A.attributed B.distributed C.contributed D.assigned 3.If you refuse to go to the party,___________
贴吧:乐无忧学习资源作者:2502533676王Q 2021-10-19 23:28
WORLDMADAM 世界夫人非洲执行主席MiesNam先生组织公益活动
打开百度APP看高清图片 非洲时间2021年9月18日,WORLDMADAM 世界夫人非洲执行主席MiesNam先生在世界清洁日(World Cleanup Day )这一天,响应爱护地球、清洁地球,从身边做起,与大家一起捡垃圾。本次活动由博茨瓦纳华人慈善基金会和博茨瓦纳奥林匹克组织委员会参与主办,其中参与的孩子们来自Old Naledi华人慈善关爱中心(CCCC)。 African time September 18th 2021 , executive chairman of WM Africa division MiesNam was collecting the street waste with everyone on this World Cleanup Day . The even
贴吧:世界夫人作者:I节点网络 2021-09-24 15:29
回复:【S41】Meet The Cast

Naseer Muttalif
Age: 37
Hometown: Sri Lanka
Current Residence: Morgan Hill, Calif.
Occupation: Sales manager
Hobbies: Cricket, traveling, cooking
3 Words to Describe You: Authentic, outgoing, hardworking
Pet Peeves: Laziness and people who don't contribute to group efforts
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? I have achieved the American Dream. I grew up in poverty, living in a mud hut with no electricity or running water for half my life. I never held a cell phone or touched a computer until I was 18. I worked my way up from selling vegetables on the street to making multi-million-dollar sales for my company. I taught myself English. I am able to give my kids the life I didn't have growing up and still fully support my family back in Sri Lanka. I was able to help send my sister to college and support the education of my nieces and nephew. I recently saved enough money to buy land in Sri Lanka, where I hope to build my mom a more modern, safer home.
What is something we would never know from looking at you? People would never know that I grew up in a remote village and didn't experience modern conveniences or technology until I was grown. I didn't know how to use a real toilet or shower until I was 18 and moved overseas (in Sri Lanka, we had a hole in the ground in an outhouse for a toilet and bathed in the river behind the house). We washed our clothes in the river. I didn't get my driver's license (or really drive a car) until my wife — then girlfriend — helped me get one in Dubai when I was 26.
Who is your hero and why? My mom is absolutely my hero. She has sacrificed everything for her children. When I was young and my father was ill, she had to make the immensely difficult decision to leave behind three young children to go work in a foreign country as a housemaid. She suffered and was mistreated there, but she did what she had to do to keep us fed.
Which past Survivor will you play the game most like? I think I'm pretty original and not too similar to anyone who has played before. I have some aspects of former players, like my jungle skills and an engaging personality, but I think I'm unique and will bring something new and refreshing to the game.
Why do you believe you can win Survivor? I am a strong competitor. I have a unique and engaging personality and believe my tribe would want to keep me because I can provide, win challenges and keep them entertained. I will do whatever it takes to win. This game is so important to me and winning it would be my greatest achievement. I have unique life experiences that will help me to make it to the end.
贴吧:幸存者作者:超级fcx2 2021-09-02 15:52
In answering a telephone call, why do you say “Who is this?” instead of “Who is that?”
"This" and "that" are used to reference something. "This" usually refers to something close by. "That" refers to something far away. So the distance differentiates "This" and "That. The distance does not have to be a physical distance but could be a metaphorical distance too; closeness in time or similarity. You can say "Who is this?" to someone on the phone (close to your ear). But you say "Who is that?" to someone on the street while you are sitting in the living room. I hope this clears it up for you. Otherwise, the confusion continues and we don't want that.
贴吧:英语作者:你问我就对了 2021-07-29 20:06
考研进入到暑期阶段了,考研人的暑期没有快乐可言,这个阶段要准备专业课、政治,英语的话也要开始重点放到阅读部分了。英语除了阅读部分之外最基础的单词,也是不要落下,每月30天至少要有26天是背了英语单词的。背英语单词也要有个针对性,把大纲词汇刷了之后,就要重点背考研真题词汇、高频词汇,这是得分的重点。搜集整理了近10年考研英语真题的444个高频词组。 1. abide by (=be faithful to; obey)忠于;遵守。 2. be absent from….缺席,不在 3. a
贴吧:雷哥考研作者:吾胸藏千百计 2021-07-10 11:07
每日一篇作文素材,点滴积累,聚少成多。 A Letter to My Parents 给爸爸妈妈的信 Dear Mum and Dad, I'm writing to you in Beijing. I'm very happy to visit Beijing again. To my surprise, great changes have taken place here recently. Today I went to Wangfujing Street. Now the streets are cleaner and nicer than before. There are many flowers everywhere and there is a fine smell of the flowers in the air. There are more new buildings, modern shops and large markets in it. People in Beijing are happy. Everyone has a smile on the face. I know they are working hard for th
贴吧:洛阳英语作者:西点教育总部办 2021-07-07 08:48
One old and one new of mine spending time together. I tried writing a story around the image. It became quite long. I hope you like it and the english not too bad.
Ellie and Minh rocking out:
It was a quiet Saturday morning in the residential care facility. But it wouldn’t be for long. The sky was blue, the birds were chirping and the temperature was just alright to leave the jacket at home. This early nobody was outside at the little apartment complex which rather resembled an university campus than a typical nursing home. Except fora singleperson. Slowly Ellie made her way to the apartment of her friend Minh. Ellie’s own one-room-apartment was less than 20 meters away from her friends home. Both were on the ground floor of the three-storeybuilding which housed several dozen little apartments. Ellie passed several apartments until the reached the last door of the building. Minh had been lucky to get an apartment at the corner of the long building. Unlike the other apartments she had an extra window on the side.
Ellie didn’t stop at the door of her friend. She turned around the corner and to look into the window of the apartment. The shutters were up, but Ellie could not see anybody. Minhs bed was directly next to the window. But it was too low and Ellie could not see, if anybody was in it. The door to the garden at the other side of the elongated room was open. But a high wall blocked the view into the garden from the street. Ellie sighed and turned back around the corner. She stopped at the front door. Like all apartment-doors of the building there was an intercom with big buttons next to the door frame. It was positioned quite low. Next to a button for the doorbell was a button with the inscription “push to open”. Ellie anticipated, the door to be unlocked. Minh knew she was coming.
贴吧:gl向南走作者:贴吧用户_0MJ496C 2021-05-05 09:17
回复:【Billboard】34th Street选出15张201
★Blonde (2016) – Frank Ocean
★In 2012, Frank Ocean released the critically acclaimed album Channel Orange and quickly got attention for his ability to blend soul, R&B and hip hop to create emotionally vivid, story–like songs. Then, he disappeared from the public eye. Breaking his silence in 2016, Frank Ocean returned with the meditative and confessional album Blonde. Weaving in and out of music genres, the album represented a visionary form of pop from an elusive, new type of pop star. From the candid social commentary on consumerism and police abuse in “Nikes,” to his contemplations on loneliness in “Solo,” Frank Ocean brought to life feelings that have resonated with many. His raw and mesmerizing vocals capture profound pain and longing, yet confer a sense of hope and empathy.
贴吧:billboard作者:闫子贝 2021-05-01 22:25


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  • Onthehome
  • On The Way
  • The one
  • OnTheList
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  • The end
  • the world
  • the time
  • The king
  • the sun
  • The shy