回复:【89】奥斯卡 ★★★历届奥斯卡(提名)获奖名单★★★
第39届 提名名单
《四季之人》(A Man For All Seasons) - Fred Zinnemann
《灵欲春宵》(Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?) - Ernest Lehman
《沙石号炮艇》(The Sand Pebbles) - Robert Wise
《俄国人来了》(The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming) - Norman Jewison
《风流奇男子》(Alfie) - Lewis Gilbert
弗莱德·泽尼曼(Fred Zinnemann)《四季之人》(A Man For All Seasons)
迈克·尼科尔斯(Mike Nichols)《灵欲春宵》(Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?)
克劳德·勒鲁什(Claude Lelouch)《男欢女爱》(A Man and A Woman)
理查德·布鲁克斯(Richard Brooks)《职业大贼》(The Professionals)
米开朗基罗·安东尼奥尼(Michelangelo Antonioni)《春光乍泄》(Blowup)
保罗·斯科菲尔德(Paul Scofield)《四季之人》(A Man for All Seasons)
迈克尔·凯恩(Michael Caine)《风流奇男子》(Alfie)
阿兰·阿尔金(Alan Arkin)《俄国人来了》(The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming)
史提夫·麦昆(Steve McQueen)《沙石号炮艇》(The Sand Pebbles)
理查德·伯顿(Richard Burton)《灵欲春宵》(Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?)
伊莉莎白·泰勒(Elizabeth Taylor)《灵欲春宵》(Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?)
林恩·雷德格雷夫(Lynn Redgrave)《娇娇女郎》(Georgy Girl)
范妮莎·雷德格瑞夫(Vanessa Redgrave)《摩根事件》(Morgan: A Suitable Case for Treatment)
伊达·卡米斯卡(Ida Kaminska)《大街上的商店》(The Shop on Main Street)
安露·艾美(Anouk Aimée)《男欢女爱》(A Man and A Woman)
沃尔特·麦特华(Walter Matthau)《幸运甜饼》(The Fortune Cookie)
乔治·席格(George Segal)《灵欲春宵》(Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?)
崖松信(Makoto Iwamatsu)《沙石号炮艇》(The Sand Pebbles)
罗伯特·肖(Robert Shaw)《四季之人》(A Man for All Seasons)
詹姆斯·梅森(James Mason)《娇娇女郎》(Georgy Girl)
桑迪·丹尼斯(Sandy Dennis)《灵欲春宵》(Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?)
杰拉尔丁·佩奇(Geraldine Page)《艳侣迷春》(You're a Big Boy Now)
温迪·希勒(Wendy Hiller)《四季之人》(A Man for All Seasons)
祖丝莲·娜嘉迪(Jocelyne LaGarde)《夏威夷风云》(Hawaii)
慧云·美切特(Vivien Merchant)《风流奇男子》(Alfie)
Claude Lelouch/Pierre Uytterhoeven《男欢女爱》(A Man and A Woman)
Michelangelo Antonioni/Tonino Guerra/Edward Bond《春光乍泄》(Blowup)
Billy Wilder/I.A.L. Diamond《幸运甜饼》(The Fortune Cookie)
Robert Ardrey《沙漠龙虎会》(Khartoum)
Clint Johnston/Don Peters《裸杀万里追》(The Naked Prey)
Robert Bolt《四季之人》(A Man for All Seasons)
Bill Naughton《风流奇男子》(Alfie)
Richard Brooks《职业大贼》(The Professionals)
William Rose《俄国人来了》(The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming)
Ernest Lehman《灵欲春宵》(Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?)
Ted Moore《四季之人》(A Man for All Seasons)
Ernest Laszlo《神奇旅程》(Fantastic Voyage)
Russell Harlan《夏威夷风云》(Hawaii)
Conrad L. Hall《职业大贼》(The Professionals)
Joseph MacDonald《沙石号炮艇》(The Sand Pebbles)
Haskell Wexler《灵欲春宵》(Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?)
Joseph LaShelle《幸运甜饼》(The Fortune Cookie)
Kenneth Higgins《娇娇女郎》(Georgy Girl)
Marcel Grignon《巴黎战火》(Is Paris Burning?)
James Wong Howe《脱胎换骨》(Seconds)
Fredric Steinkamp/Henry Berman/Stu Linder/Frank Santillo《霹雳神风》(Grand Prix)
William B. Murphy《神奇旅程》(Fantastic Voyage)
Hal Ashby/J. Terry Williams《俄国人来了》(The Russians Are Coming, the Russians Are Coming)
William Reynolds《沙石号炮艇》(The Sand Pebbles)
Sam O'Steen《灵欲春宵》(Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?)
Jack Martin Smith/Dale Hennesy/Walter M. Scott/Stuart A. Reiss《神奇旅程》(Fantastic Voyage)
Piero Gherardi《朱丽叶与魔鬼》(Juliet of the Spirits)
Alexander Golitzen/George C. Webb/John McCarthy/John P. Austin《神偷艳贼》(Gambit)
Hal Pereira/Arthur Lonergan/Robert R. Benton/James W. Payne《影城大亨》(The Oscar)
Boris Leven/Walter M. Scott/John Sturtevant/William Kiernan《沙石号炮艇》(The Sand Pebbles)
Richard Sylbert/George James Hopkins《灵欲春宵》(Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?)
Robert Luthardt/Edward G. Boyle《幸运甜饼》(The Fortune Cookie)
George W. Davis/Paul Groesse/Henry Grace/Hugh Hunt《长相忆》(Mister Buddwing)
Willy Holt/Marc Frederix/Pierre Guffroy《巴黎战火》(Is Paris Burning?)
Luigi Scaccianoce《马太福音》(The Gospel According to St. Matthew)
Elizabeth Haffenden/Joan Bridge《四季之人》(A Man for All Seasons)
Piero Gherardi《朱丽叶与魔鬼》(Juliet of the Spirits)
Jean Louis《神偷艳贼》(Gambit)
Dorothy Jeakins《夏威夷风云》(Hawaii)
Edith Head《影城大亨》(The Oscar)
Irene Sharaff《灵欲春宵》(Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?)
Danilo Donati《最后的落叶》(Mandragola: The Love Root)
Helen Rose《长相忆》(Mister Buddwing)
Jocelyn Rickards《摩根事件》(Morgan: A Suitable Case for Treatment)
Danilo Donati《马太福音》(The Gospel According to St. Matthew)
Franklin Milton《霹雳神风》(Grand Prix)
Waldon O. Watson《神偷艳贼》(Gambit)
Gordon Sawyer《夏威夷风云》(Hawaii)
James Corcoran《沙石号炮艇》(The Sand Pebbles)
George Groves《灵欲春宵》(Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?)
Gordon Daniel《霹雳神风》(Grand Prix)
Walter Rossi《神奇旅程》(Fantastic Voyage)
Art Cruickshank《神奇旅程》(Fantastic Voyage)
Linwood G. Dunn《夏威夷风云》(Hawaii)
John Barry《生来自由》(Born Free)
Toshiro Mayuzumi《圣经:创世纪》(The Bible: In the Beginning)
Elmer Bernstein《夏威夷风云》(Hawaii)
Jerry Goldsmith《沙石号炮艇》(The Sand Pebbles)
Alex North《灵欲春宵》(Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?)
Ken Thorne《光怪陆离嬉人间》(A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum)
Elmer Bernstein《豪勇七蛟龙续集》(Return of the Seven)
Harry Sukman《修女之歌》(The Singing Nun)
Al Ham《世界停顿逃亡记》(Stop the World: I Want to Get Off)
Luis Enriquez Bacalov《马太福音》(The Gospel According to St. Matthew)
Born Free-John Barry/Don Black《生来自由》(Born Free)
Alfie-Burt Bacharach/Hal David《风流奇男子》(Alfie)
A Time for Love-Johnny Mandel/Paul Francis Webster《美国春梦》(An American Dream)
Georgy Girl-Tom Springfield/Jim Dale《娇娇女郎》(Georgy Girl)
My Wishing Doll-Elmer Bernstein/Mack David《夏威夷风云》(Hawaii)
《男欢女爱》(A Man and A Woman) 法国
《阿尔及尔之战》(The Battle of Algiers) 意大利
《法老王》(Pharaoh) 波兰
《金发有误》(Loves of a Blonde) 捷克斯洛伐克
《三人心》(Three) 南斯拉夫
War Game, The (1965) - Peter Watkins
Face of a Genius, The (1966) - Alfred R. Kelman
Helicopter Canada (1966) - Peter Jones (III); Tom Daly (I)
Really Big Family, The (1966) - Alexander Grasshoff
Volcan interdit, Le (1966) - Haroun Tazieff
Year Toward Tomorrow, A (1966) - Edmund A. Levy
Adolescence (1966) - Marin Karmitz; Vladimir Forgency
Cowboy (1966) - Michael Ahnemann; Gary Schlosser
Odds Against, The (1966) - Lee R. Bobker; Helen Kristt Radin
Saint Matthew Passion (1966) - Hungarofilm
Wild Wings (1966) - Edgar Anstey
Turkey the Bridge (1966) - Derek Williams (I)
Winning Strain, The (1966) - Leslie Winik
Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass Double Feature (1966) - John Hubley; Faith Hubley
Drag, The (1966) - Wolf Koenig; Robert Verrall
Pink Blueprint, The (1966) - David H. DePatie; Friz Freleng
贴吧:奥斯卡作者:奥斯卡迷 2017-03-28 08:46
42、私枭 血
44、豪勇七蛟龙 三部续集:
1966年的《豪勇七蛟龙续集》(Return of the Seven
1969年的《荒野七镖客》(Guns of the Magnificent Seven)
1972年的《虎胆奇谋七勇士》(The Magnificent Seven Ride)
贴吧:西部片作者:一个完美的选择 2013-03-21 14:15


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