金变铜好无奈,但有奥运牌子总归不差 Yes , the final result is not at all what I would like to see . Especially when the Olympic championship was not just close , it was ours . But " bronze " in this context is an Olympic medal . This is what most children who were brought to figure skating and most parents who sent these very children to figure skating dream of . And to be honest , this is exactly one Olympic medal more than I expected to get in my life .
贴吧:新花样滑冰作者:icegirl779841 2024-08-08 21:24
已知单位负反馈系统的开环传递函数,试用频率法设计串联滞后—超前校正装置,使系统的相角裕量,静态速度误差系数。 4.1求开环系数 根据静态速度误差系数可求出K0=1600,并列写G(s)函数。 (1) 4.2利用MATLAB求出G(s)函数相角裕量 clc;clear;Kv=20;K0=Kv*2*40;% 建立数学模型num=K0;den=conv([1,0],conv([1 2],[1 40]));G=tf(num,den);%原开环传递函数[gm,pm,wcg,wcp]=margin(G) %求校正前的相位裕度pm 由运行结果可知原传递函数相角裕量为9.3528o,小于要求的大于40 o。系统虽然稳定,
贴吧:青岛大学作者:冰糖雪梨炖大肉 2024-08-12 14:54
5. API之本和字体函数 AddFontResource 在Windows系统中添加种字体资源 CreateFont 指定的属性创建种逻辑字体 CreateFontIndirect 指定的属性创建种逻辑字体 CreateScalableFontResource 为种TureType字体创建个资源件,以便能API函数AddFontResource将其加Windows系统 DrawText 将本描绘到指定的矩形中 DrawTextEx 与DrawText相似,只是加了更多的功能 EnumFontFamilies 列举指定设备可的字体 EnumFontFamiliesEx 列举指定设备可的字体 EnumFonts 列举指定设备可的字体 ExtTextOut 经过扩展的本描绘函数。
贴吧:gmkey作者:游戏百晓生 2024-01-28 19:10
clear clc close all % format compact %% 加载数据 load maydata.mat % load MNISTdata.match % ann_data [input,inputps]=mapminmax(ann_data,-1,1); [output,outputps]=mapminmax(ann_label,0,1); % [input,inputps]=mapminmax(ann_data,0,1); % [output,outputps]=mapminmax(ann_label,0,1); %% input1=input';% input = [input1 input1(:,10)]; %% for i=1:size(input,1) x=reshape(input(i,:),6,6); input_x(:,:,i)=x; end %% n = randperm(5000); train_x=input_x(:,:,n); train_y=output(:,n); test_x=input_x(:,:,n(4501:5000)); test_y=output(:,n(4501:5000)); %% 创建一个经典Lenet(卷积神经网络中代表模
贴吧:机器学习作者:大海96? 2023-11-08 11:11
在这儿转个老外的帖子Medicom Alien figure review.
I know you guys are not that much into "toys", but here's my review just for fun! So here it is! The official abake review of the Medicom Alien figure! So, is it the end-all, be-all of Alien figures? Is it a Mini-alien? Does the rubber suit suck? Read on valiant Alien fan and find answers to all these life-defining questions! As you all probably know by now, I am a rather rabid Alien fan. It is something close to an obsession. No, I’m not kidding. Next to my bed there is a small table, and on top of it I placed the NECA 21” figure, and every night I go to sleep gazing at it. Now, of course
贴吧:avp模型作者:超变Official 2011-03-25 20:08
【"Elk Compound Possessed Creatures 2"】
"A sudden noise draws your attention. A trio of guards, led by a <<person>>, run into the room. <<He>> takes one look at the guards on the ground, before turning to you. \"Grab <<phim>>.\" The <<fullGroup>> advance.",
"t": "突然的噪音引起了你的注意。三个警卫在一个npc的带领下跑进了房间。ta看了看倒在地上的警卫,然后转向你。“抓住ta”他们前进着
"The pale figure places a hand on your shoulder, and two more around your ears. "May not a single of their claws touch you. Hie away, " Still keeping its hands around your ears, it lets out a piercing shriek. Even with your ears covered, it's incredibly loud. You can only imagine how loud it is for the guards, who immediately stagger and collapse.",
"t": "苍白的身影将一只手放在你的肩上,另两只手捂住了你的耳朵。“愿他们永远无法触碰到你,赶快离开吧,()()”祂仍然用手捂着你的耳朵,祂的口中发出了刺耳的尖叫声。即使你的耳朵被捂住,声音仍然非常响亮。你可以想象警卫们听到的声音有多大,他们全都踉跄着倒下了。
"The figure closes its mouth, removes its hands and disappears. You run into the hallway and onto the lift, and the doors automatically close. The lift carries you up, and you walk out the door back into the compound.",
"Two arms emerge from your back and cover your ears. \"As you help me, so I you, " Still keeping its hands around your ears, it lets out a piercing shriek through your mouth. Even with your ears covered, it's incredibly loud. You can only imagine how loud it is for the guards, who immediately stagger and collapse. Your throat feels scraped raw.",
"The pale figure pulls itself out of your body through your back, making you stumble forward. Your stumble turns into a run as the figure disappears. You run into the hallway and onto the lift, and the doors automatically close. The lift carries you up, and you walk out the door back into the compound.",
贴吧:dol作者:阴暗の女鬼厨 2024-07-23 17:14
程序: clc; % Clear the command window. close all; % Close all figures (except those of imtool.) imtool close all; % Close all imtool figure
贴吧:matlab作者:战庭轩 2013-12-27 21:55
PVT指标简介PVT(Price Volume Trend)指标,即价格-成交量趋势指标,是一种动量指标,结合价格变动和成交量来评估资产的价格趋势和成交量的变化。PVT的目的是通过考虑成交量的变化来确认价格趋势的强度。这种指标类似于OBV(On-Balance Volume),但PVT在计算时不仅仅是简单地将成交量加到一个累积总和中,而是将当日的成交量与价格变动的百分比相乘,然后再加到累积总和中,从而提供关于价格趋势的更详细信息。PVT指标的计算方法添加图片注释,不超
贴吧:期货程序化交易作者:贴吧用户_JGtEtee 2024-04-12 15:32
贴吧:vb作者:时空穿梭lumia 2017-08-02 14:31
What… was… she… saying? What was she saying!? It was an auditory hallucination… it must have been an auditory hallucination! Even if it was not an auditory hallucination, it must also definitely be… some sort of test? From the first moment Yun Che laid his eyes on Shen Xi, he had felt that she was a woman who had been born among the cloud peaks, a woman who did not belong to this mortal realm. She had lived while shunning the world, never getting involved in the mundane world. Her temperament was detached but gentle, and she was a woman of few words, but every time she opened her mou
贴吧:逆天邪神作者:DAWEIgreat 2020-03-09 11:01


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