完蛋我被美女包围了吧 关注:8,242贴子:70,556



I did zero research on this game and bought it thinking it was "a Chinese Super Seducer" to play it with friends and have a laugh.
It's not that, it's actually "serious" even though it has its funny moments.
But even with that, this entertained us nicely for the hours it took to complete a full run through it and some extra endings.
There isn't much to say about the game, it's a "dating sim" with a romcom plot with a beginning and an end. You play as Gu Yi, a guy that is broke and in deep debt. Even then, you meet six girls who for some reason are really glad to lend you money, rent, houses, rooms, jobs, lives and in the end even their love.
The acting is not that great and the game feels really cheap despite some cool shots.
Even then, I recommend this wholeheartedly.
My friends and I actually had tons of fun and were engaged in the story. We each had our favourite girl but since I was the one playing I went the Xiao Lu route because she is the best and sweetest girl of them all, with Zheng Ziyan a close second.
This game while far from being the best out there is a really cute and sweet read/watch and if you like this kind of games I'm sure you'll love it.
One thing I really want to stress out is to be careful to play this if you suffer from depression/loneliness and are in a bad spot overall. While it may relieve you a bit with filling that gap with 6 virtual girls showing you love in sincere forms, you may end up taking it badly, thinking "I'll never have this irl" and it may worsen your situation. If you think I'm bullshitting you, you can check Steam forums and reviews to see how, among many meme ones, there's actually some people sharing how this game affected them.
I'll admit that I also felt a bit of sadness after reflecting on it since I'm not in the best spot myself, but luckily playing it with friends made me associate mostly funny thoughts to the events of the game.
This is all ll I had to say about the game. I bought it for the memes but I actually enjoyed it quite a bit.
Oh, and for those asking, there is no NSFW content, not even hinted. And it's better this way.

IP属地:四川1楼2024-01-06 15:30回复
    It's really well made, sometimes cheesy but I have never played a game with multiple endings where the game was interesting enough that I wanted to re-play the game multiple times to get to a different ending. There are quite a few funny scenes, e.g. about Zheng ZiYang's ex boyfriends supposed deaths and a few totally unexpected scenes. It's not the type of game I usually play but I think this made me want to try a few more of these dating sim genre games.

    IP属地:四川2楼2024-01-06 15:32
      There're a lot of crashes (black screen where you have to restart the game). The buttons aren't smooth at all. UI are not really good either. However, the acting was great, and the abundant of options and BTS and albums were really cool as well. In general, I think it's actually not bad for the price. It's a real-life interactive game, so definitely outrank those cartoons stuffs. I just don't recommend unrealistic scenarios (that and it is actually not very well made technical-wise). But maybe there're ppl who need these pink dreamy worlds to escape real life. I am just not one of those ppl :) But don't get me wrong, this is a really fun romcom-harem style xD. But the routing is really not intuitive.

      IP属地:四川3楼2024-01-06 15:32
        My wife and I loved this cute little film game. Got Xiao's ending, it was cute. I would definitely recommend it for a cute game to enjoy.

        IP属地:四川4楼2024-01-06 15:33
          ya idk if you like wheeling mad babes in unrealistic fashion by all means, slam that purchase button

          IP属地:四川5楼2024-01-06 15:33
            我在Steam Game Awards上看到了这一点,在查看了其他评论并查看了这个商店页面上的预览后,我开始感兴趣。我在高中时学了一些中文,尽管我大部分都忘了;所以我觉得通过玩这个游戏来唤起我的记忆也很有趣。
            Cute, silly, all around decent story game. For a $10, it actually has great content.
            Simple and cute point and click story game with many possible story lines. Some minor issues with freezing and getting stuck on a black screen after some cutscenes, but only happened a few times in the 17 hours I put into the game.
            I saw this on the Steam Game Awards and ended up becoming interested after looking at other reviews and checking out the preview on this store page. I learned some Chinese in high school, even though I forgot most of it; so I thought it also be fun to jog my memory by playing this game.
            The first time I played, I went in blind and just tried to experience the story, even though it does encourage you to go back and try other options and even forces you sometimes if you don't get enough affection with the girls. But I do recommend just going in blind the first time to experience the story line you chose. There are cute, sweet, romantic, heartbreaking, and silly moments with every girl.
            If you want to 100% this, there is plenty to grind for but it becomes very repetitive when grinding for 100%. I usually don't grind for getting all the achievements but all the stories ended up pulling me in so I did it anyway, and it's not too hard to do. There are some great guides out there to help you get there. I ended up beating the game (100%) in just 17 hours, with a chunk of those hours just experiencing the story my first time through.
            Definitely recommend if you like romance story games. It felt like I was in a C-drama. but extra silly. And it's very PG-13.
            Can we add a story line to be able to romance Liu? I'd be cute hahahaha

            IP属地:四川6楼2024-01-06 15:34
              REDACTED* 21 Oct @ 8:24pm
              Why do you, a Swede, like Oriental girls?

              IP属地:四川7楼2024-01-06 15:35
                Ive been addicted and i dont even play dating sim games.

                IP属地:四川8楼2024-01-06 15:35
                  How to feel lonely 101.
                  also great story, timeline stage, comedy, and choices. feels like c-drama.

                  IP属地:四川9楼2024-01-06 15:36
                    I was a bit hesitant at first to try this game, but once i started playing it, it's a different story. The whole first person view is really interesting. The video and the game play is clean. I didn't see any lag issues during my game play. The story might be a bit disorienting at times, but it all comes down to your choices. The characters are good and have depth to them . Some consequences can't be changed no matter how you play. The overall point system to unlock the next stage can get a bit tedious at times, but it gives you a chance to explore different endings. Overall, definitely recommended game to play if you are interested in sims like these.

                    IP属地:四川10楼2024-01-06 15:36
                      I am playing this to learn Chinese. Would be great if they added dual subtitles and pinyin or allowed a modder to do it; easy change that would open up another market but for now Google Lens and my Chinese dictionary is working.
                      Cool story too! Although I have only played chapter 1 so far, so not into it yet but I am obviously moving super slowly!

                      IP属地:四川11楼2024-01-06 15:36
                        I have to say i thoroughly enjoyed this game. Yeah audio quality is somewhat spotty in areas but all in all solid line of cast and direction. Also Zheng Ziyan best girl. 9/10 solid game.

                        IP属地:四川12楼2024-01-06 15:37
                          13.来信息了 我想她想要我
                          Yo chat i think she wants me

                          IP属地:四川13楼2024-01-06 15:38
                            This game is more than what I expected and the story line and acting in this game are top notch. Would recommend

                            IP属地:四川14楼2024-01-06 15:38
                              Best galgame I have ever played

                              IP属地:四川15楼2024-01-06 15:39