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Pressure and performance: Overwatch League’s most vital DPS players on the 2021 season
Sep 21, 2021 1:38 pm
Liz Richardson
Kevster and nero spoke about the highs and lows of being considered a "clutch" player.
Overwatch at its highest level has overwhelmingly been run by tanks and supports for the past few years. From the omnipresent GOATS meta of 2019 to the dull double-shield brought on by Sigma’s introduction, the top tier of the game has revolved around everyone except damage dealers.
This year, something shifted. Whether due to Hero Pools or improved balance changes, the Overwatch League somehow morphed into a smarter version of its inaugural self. Compositions reverted from slow and steady to fast-paced and chaotic, inviting sneaky Sombras, quick-shooting cowboys, and snappy Tracer players back to the fray.
Though the chess-like exchange of ultimates remained important, the era of the “clutch” DPS player had somehow finally returned. For better or worse, teamfights once again rode on the backs of singular players, many of whom became the “missing pieces” their teams had long been looking for.
Los Angeles Gladiators DPS Kevin “Kevster” Persson, for example, has been the definition of clutch for his team, despite spending nearly half the season stuck in “visa hell” in his homeland of Sweden. Currently holding the league’s second highest death-to-final-blow ratio (2.1), he was a key part of the Gladiators’ recent Countdown Cup victory. Though he racks up impressive stats, the Tracer expert apparently doesn’t internalize his success.
例如,洛杉矶角斗士的输出选手的Kevin “Kevster” Persson就是所谓的“队伍的关键人物”,尽管他在自己的祖国瑞典度过了将近半个赛季的“签证地狱”。目前他拥有联盟第二高的死亡数/最后一击的比率(2.1),他是角斗士最近的倒计时杯胜利的关键。虽然他的数据令人印象深刻,但这位猎空“专家”显然没有把他的成功内化。
“It’s a bit weird because I don’t really consider myself as that, but I’m really happy people consider me as a clutch player,” Kevster said. “It’s a positive thing, right? Obviously, it feels good. I’m happy people see me in a good way like that.”
He’s one of many DPS players that have risen to godhood in the eyes of fans during the 2021 season. Atlanta Reign phenom Oh “Pelican” Se-hyun rose from unknown rookie to MVP candidate in months, inspiring his team to send him on a cross-country roadtrip to the West Coast just so he could play on reduced ping for the upcoming playoffs.
在2021赛季,他是众多在粉丝眼中被奉为神的DPS选手之一。亚特兰大君临的Oh “Pelican” Se-hyun在几个月的时间里从一名不知名的新秀变成了MVP候选人,他的队伍送他去西海岸进行一场横跨全国的旅行,以便他在即将到来的季后赛中尽可能地降低延迟。
As another damage dealer who previously traveled the world, former Guangzhou Charge DPS Charlie “nero” Zwarg is no stranger to being a clutch player. When he was drafted to the San Francisco Shock before the 2021 season, however, he was unknowingly signing up to become a perpetual starter for the two-time championship team.
作为另一个曾经周游世界的输出选手,前广州冲锋的Charlie “nero” Zwarg对做一个关键选手并不陌生。然而,当他在2021年赛季前被旧金山震动选中时,他在不知情的情况下成为了这支两届总冠军球队的长期首发。
“I have a lot of pressure,” nero said of his position. “Mostly from my team, because they always expect me to perform. Some days, you have your off days and always being a starter no matter what — it’s taxing. It’s mentally taxing sometimes.”
Much like Kevster and Pelican, nero’s talents and adaptability have been a boon to his team, making him a critical part of Shock strategy in most instances.
“I feel like I’m at that point where I’m going to be playing 100 percent of the maps and it’s a lot of pressure, but at the same time, I can handle it,” nero said. “It kind of makes me play better, especially when the spotlight’s on me.”
While some players work best with a fire under their chairs, others apparently thrive as one cog in a great machine. Kevster says joining his team physically in Los Angeles helped him a lot as a player; ask any analyst and they’ll agree that his performance improved after the move.
“Being around [the] team” helped Kevster upgrade his skills, as did “getting better practice and communication, building synergy and all that.” The Gladiators squad apparently also keeps him grounded when he pops off.
“My team’s always flaming me for the things I do wrong,” said Kevster with a laugh.
Fans undoubtedly enjoy the presence of game-changing DPS players. Nothing really beats the endorphin rush of witnessing an entire team get destroyed by one person. But when that performance is expected time and time again, players can often become the targets of fans’ ire. Nero points to his inner confidence as to how he handles constant pressure.
“I don’t really need words from anyone, any kind of compliments like some other players need to get their confidence up,” he said. “I feel like I have that in myself. If my confidence is up, that’s basically it. I don’t need anything else.”
When asked where that confidence comes from, nero had a simple response: “It’s just how my brain works. Honestly, I don’t even know.”
Despite its plainness, this mindset is likely shared by many of the Overwatch League’s most clutch players. “I don’t want to think badly about myself and I feel like if I did, it would make me play worse,” he said. “So I’m just always confident. I feel like there’s no other way.”

IP属地:美国1楼2021-09-22 17:52回复