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【Hey~ We want YOU for the Western Hunters Club!】


Hey guys
so me and my friends created a new guild called "WesternHuntersClub", we are in the South Region on the subserver 4.

If you are new to the game or a veteran, we would like you to join our new english-only western guild
Just write me ingame or here on 2P and i will invite you guys. As of now we still got room.
IGN: Jey18
Since many ppl are still in need of translations/tutorials I thought i would post a few. Credit goes to Dazgol/Aslind Samure for creating those

Translation of the system menu, guild interface, the hunting board and a few extras (as seen on the 2P frontpage)

IP属地:上海1楼2015-12-26 11:27回复
    Also since the question about the eng patch is still unanswered, ill give you a heads up.https://www.facebook.com/aslindsamure/ and his friends (some devs from tencent even) are working on an eng patch for everything item/quest related. The UI will not be changed at this point (tencent doesnt allow this). They were planning to test some of it in late december/early january. Cant say for sure, but the patch is probably about a month away.
    Happy Hunting!
    Edit: Discord-link https://discord.gg/0ieljTWfItKHThPN
    Since i cant be online all the time you guys can also request to join the guild. To do that you need to go the top of the village (looking at the minimap here) there is a old dude standing. The second option shows you all the guilds available, type in our guild name on top, click on the guild name then the button in the middle and you should be good. Ill add you guys when i am back online

    IP属地:上海10楼2015-12-26 11:31

      IP属地:上海104楼2015-12-26 20:49