关注: 392,265 贴子: 7,102,915

  • 目录:
  • 单机与主机游戏
  • 62
    Hello, and welcome to the 41st development diary for Hearts of Iron IV. In HoI4, we call our basic military unit for a division, even if it may be as small as a single battalion, or as large 30 battalions. These can be grouped into what we call Armies. They have been referred to as command groups in the past, but that concept was a bit confusing. An Army is the entity which interacts with battleplans, and be given a commander. You can have as many armies as you want, but you need at least 1 division in each. Each Army can be named to whatever you want it to be. Armies are organised in Theatres
  • 1112
    各位吧友们,欢迎收看钢铁雄心4附加日志暨钢铁雄心4的第一份战报:掷弹兵——周三大作战。 注:此贴为唯一的正式贴,将以直播图文的方式持续更新,每次更新时间都定于每周五下午6:30前,如有变动,另行通知。
  • 84
    Welcome to another development diary for Hearts of Iron IV. This week we look at some of the changes that has been done to the game lately. In december, we completely revised how you get factory slots in the game, as the previous system of three different caps, depending on hidden formulas for manpower & infrastructure was too obtuse for players, and impossible to balance. Now the system is much more clear. Each state is set to a regiontype, which defines the basic amount of factory slots it has. Then we have various national focuses which will add to the cap of factory slots in a state, a
  • 57
    Welcome to another development diary on Hearts of Iron IV.Today we’ll talk about one of the most important gadgets of WW2, the radio. The radio was used for communication and for propaganda. It was used on the battlefield, and in people’s homes. In our game, we have a technology called “Radio” which simulates adopting the inventions of amateur radio operators and extending the use of FM radio to reduce radio interference and allow us to find new uses for radio technology. This later on leads to the construction of Radar Stations. Looking closely at this technology tells us it gives +10
    夜王WAVE 1-29
  • 102
    Welcome back to another development diary for Hearts of Iron IV. We have talked a lot about equipment in various development diaries. Most o
    yark9t 9-22
  • 81
    wanid 6-28
  • 43
    Counters. So there are a lot of feelings connected to this, so I will clarify our thoughts on this and what we are working with, because stuff is still under construction and always is until release. So grab a cuppa of something hot and snuggle up to your life sized Von Rundstedt doll and lets go. NATO or icons?! From a pure game design standpoint nato counters are insane. There is almost nothing about the symbols that indicates what they symbolize, so thats why they arent the standard symbol for stuff. However, in wargames they are pretty common so a lot of people have experience with them an
  • 29
    Published on 07-11-2014 17:08 Hello! Welcome to the art portion of Hearts of iron 4(HOI4) dev diary series. This diary will focus on the visual aesthetics of the game and sexy graphic-stuff. My name is Joakim Larsen and Im a 3D artist working with the HOI4 team on giving players of HOI4 the most visual pleasure out of the game. Today we are happy to show some of the work we have done on the graphic side of HOI4. For this dev diary, please ignore borders and country colors. Focus instead on the visual look of the images we will show. Borders, country colors are not final and are subject for cha
    497167931 10-19
  • 167
    大家好,欢迎大家来到我们的fans gathering大会上,接下来我们会给大家展示一些我们已经开发好的内容。首先要给大家展示的就是我们叼的不行的plan system,在这里我先设置一个防御性计划。左边是所有选定执行这些计划的师团,指挥官的话,我们先选择龙德施泰德将军,不过好像因为军衔不够高有一点点超编了。但是没关系,一旦我们的计划调整好,点选执行按钮,选定的师团就会自动进入预定阵地,是不是很酷炫?
  • 47
    Hello! It's time for another Hearts of Iron 4 Developer Diary, and this one is about Land Doctrines. For HoI4, we are leaning more towards the Doctrine paths you may remember from HoI2 than the mix-and-match of HoI3. We have 4 main mutually exclusive Doctrine paths which nations can research. Each path also has one or more mutually exclusive choices to further differentiate the doctrines and sub-doctrines. Because we are still pre-alpha, I can't really describe exactly what each tech in the tree does at the moment; this can and will change as we implement, test and iterate over them. I can des
    诺德人 7-30
  • 56
    本吧是基于游戏《钢铁雄心4》的相关贴吧,以讨论游戏内容为主。 基于游戏内容的特殊性,允许适当讨论某些时事内容。但与游戏本身关联不紧密,或超越某些界限的内容,吧务组为保证贴吧的正常运行保有无可置疑的删帖权利。 同时,希望各位吧友在讨论过程中文明语言,如有发现人身攻击与辱骂等情况请呼叫吧务组处理,吧务组无条件支持任何文明的吧友在贴吧发言的权力 如有任何疑问。欢迎各位私信或呼叫本人。 =====================================
    托先知 8-12

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会员: 指挥艺术

目录: 单机与主机游戏