关注: 83,715 贴子: 913,820


  • 目录:
  • 单机与主机游戏
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    许久不见得日志 1st September – Stop right there, criminal scum! mollygos posted on September 1st, 2017 in Dev Blog, Featured Hey again, Starbounders! 又见面了,各位! We hope you’ve been enjoying the Starbound 1.3 Spacefarer update over the summer. You’ve have assembled some pretty cool mechs! Among other things, we’ve been working on our next Starbound update, and we’re excited for it as always! 希望各位喜欢夏季的Starbound 1.3。你们一定装配了非常酷的机甲!除此之外,我们已经开始准备Starbound的下一次升级了,像以往一样,
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    连日摸鱼导致贺图只能交个草稿【管不住点开屎大棒的这双手】……于是乎图中是7原创【游戏】角色+惯例7NPC 总而言之祝starbound来年优化越来越好【tan90°】,更新越来越勤,周边越出越多。
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    Starbound 1.3.2 ChangelogHealthire posted on July 18th, 2017 in News, Patch Notes Hello, 大家好 Starbound has been updated with some minor gameplay changes and bug fixes. Everyone on Steam should see the update immediately, but those on GOG and Humble may need to wait a little while for the files to update. Check below for patch notes! Starbound进行了一次小小的更新。Steam用户马上就能升级到新版本,但GOG和Humble用户可能还需要等一下才能更新 Additions & Changes 更改 Reduce cost of player station parts 减少了私人空间站扩建的花费 Show som
    jiahui 6-13
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    通过修改原版的空间站控制台而来 可以改变星球,含小行星带的重力 懒得做中文版了,就这样吧。这还不会用基本上可以放弃游戏了 就是不在贴吧放链接。 不然要修改太烦
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    发在论坛方便修改 楼下上几张图
    莫怨君 7-25
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    全文翻译搬运于屎大棒官方维基站 引用页面: 编辑日期:2017.06.11 转载请注明出处!
    waoshit 9-9
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    双色心 6-11
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    关于等级划分: 自己的机甲镇楼
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    转自reddit,作者quiqksilver 受够了机甲损伤过于严重而不敢攻击敌人?或是登录星球时机甲无法捡起电池回复能量?这款机甲修复工具允许你自己动手修复机甲!好好享受吧
    seed 11-6
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    Starbound 1.3 [UNSTABLE] mollygos posted on May 31st, 2017 in Featured, Patch Notes 我亲爱的sber们,我想死你们啦! 就在刚才我们更新了不稳定版的SB到1.3版本,这意味着你可以立刻下载体验。但是如果你不想遇到令人沮丧的BUG和未完成的尴尬内容,请期待紧接着就会到来的正式版1.3更新。 在1.3这个新版本里,我们计划让玩家们在宇宙中有更多事情可做!SB一直着重于从星球到星球的旅途,但不可否认比起星球宇宙中更多的是无垠的空间。
    真Leemoon 6-27
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    续 虽然大部分代码并不是bk填的 但是特效是bk做的! 附特效 附赠半年内企划【其实不是半年是短期】[超简易的浮游炮] inviproj,时序particle,if w..e.. then spaproj dec a-o a=ent........ 原理↑ 以上
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    名称: Starbound「星界边境」 类型: 动作, 冒险, 休闲, 独立, 角色扮演 发行商: Chucklefish 发行日期: 2016年7月23日 简介: Starbound is an extraterrestrial sandbox adventure game! You’ve fled your home, only to find yourself lost in space with a damaged ship. Your only option is to beam down to the planet below and gather the resources you need to repair your ship and set off to explore the vast, infinite...
    NYACO 7-3
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    9th May – Bless this Spess Healthire posted on May 9th, 2017 in Dev Blog, Featured Hey everyone! Since the last blog post we’ve been working hard on the features you’ve seen already, but we’ve also been working on an entirely new feature! This is something we’ve wanted for a really long time and it has finally found its place in the upcoming update. 嗨,大家好!从上次日志开始我们就一直忙于实现给各位看过的东西,而且我们还在做一个全新的功能!这个东西我们已经期待了好久并终于在即将到来的更新中占有一席之地。 Wh
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    标题Some Assembly Required似乎是一部电视剧的名字 26th April – Some Assembly Required mollygos posted on April 26th, 2017 in Dev Blog, Featured Happy Wednesday! 周三快乐! Today we’re excited to show off just how the mech assembly in Starbound’s upcoming 1.3 update will work. As we’ve touched on in previous blog posts, mechs are a single, modular vehicle type which are built of several different components. These mech components are items that you can craft, find blueprints for and trade with your friends 今天为大家显摆一下在即将到来的Starbound 1.3中机
    傅钊英 6-10
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    感谢吧友@歳月雲流 老哥的程序援助 上次我发帖提的设想做出来了 其实我感觉还是有点为我前一个mod服务的意思……三种全身像或者半身像背景可选,半身像是大地守护者那种,挂一起毫无违和
    傻鹅 3-20
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    主要内容是tiy的推 展示了一张新gif 然后声称还有(逆)优化 然后是程序员healthire的推,由于和游戏内容无关我就懒得翻了
    月无象 4-27
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    我的图在最新,最热门今日里才能看到,难道不点赞就无法让别人看到吗? 这是我的图:《翼族神官》,给喜欢翼族的朋友们。
    能猫 6-25
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    23rd February – Space Station 14 mollygos posted on February 23rd, 2017 in Dev Blog, Featured We’ve got a few pieces of news for you today. First off, we’ll be pushing a (very small) 1.2.3 hotfix update to the stable app. This update fixes a rare bug that caused a few players to have very low framerate with the “Multiplayer via Steam Friends” option enabled. For most players this should make no difference. 今天我们有些新的东西给你们看。首先,我们为稳定版app推送了一个(很小的)1.2.3修复补丁。这次更新修复了一个罕见的bug,该bug会导
    珑嵩 3-15
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    实验对象镇楼 长文,结束后会发end,中间请勿断楼
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    10th February – Space/Off mollygos posted on February 10th, 2017 in Dev Blog, News In our previous posts we’ve mentioned that ‘space’ is the overarching theme of this patch, and showed a little preview of some exciting new space vehicles. We have some even bigger (downright galactic) changes planned, including fleshing out one of the most fundamental parts of the game: interplanetary travel! To get an idea of what we have in mind, here’s a look at a WIP version of the new navigation interface: 在上篇日志中我们提到了“太空”是这次升级的重要主题,并且展示
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    3rd February – Painted Love mollygos posted on February 3rd, 2017 in Dev Blog, Featured Hey everyone! Happy Friday! 大家好!周五愉快! In our last dev blog, we established that our next update will involve space,and include mechs. I feel like that’s a pretty good start! 在上一次日志中,我们已确定下次升级将要涉及太空,并且包括机甲。我觉得这是一个相当不错的开始! Your personal mech will be your primary tool for exploring hostile new space environments. Upgrading and equipping your mech will be key as you take on greater and greater chall
  • 13
    23rd January – Mobile Suit Fun-Time mollygos posted on January 23rd, 2017 in News, Patch Notes Hey everyone! 大家好! Our first two posts of the year were a bit brief – we were catching up after the holidays, and we had a hotfix to release and patch notes to post! We’ve comfortably settled back into our routines and projects now, and we’ve got a brand new Starbound update in the works. Seems like a good time to take a minute to catch up. 今年的前两篇日志一言以蔽之–假期过后我们开始赶进度,而且我们推出了一个补丁并发了日志!如今,我们
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    Starbound 1.2.2 [UNSTABLE] mollygos posted on January 13th, 2017 in News, Patch Notes Hey, it’s Friday! Happy Friday! We’ve just pushed a small hotfix to the unstable branch. Here’swhat we’ve changed: 嘿,周五到了!周五快乐!我们刚刚推送了一个不稳定版的小补丁。下面是我们所做的改动: •Fix a bug causing frequent save file corruption on Windows after power loss 修复了Windows操作系统在power loss后频繁发生的存档文件损坏的bug •Fix generated monsters not using their special attacks 修复了生成的怪物不用特殊攻击的
    No0B 1-18
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    又是我!这回我认真制作了包括对话栏以及窗口的贴图,共计12张,比原来的更好 分为两版 分别是采用之前分辨率的版本和较高分辨率的版本 分别使用在对话框和窗口 原帖我稍后自行删除 预览: 创意工坊链接 度盘链接: 密码:714i
    凶鸟mk3m 2-28
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    将你的SAIL替换成一个卡哇伊森! 我把几乎所有图片都重做了,至少我觉得我应该是全重做了。 请享用。 谢谢支持。 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 只能用于人类种族 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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    Starbound 1.2.1 Changelog mollygos posted on December 21st, 2016 in News, Patch Notes Hey everyone! We’ve pushed a small update . Here’s a changelog! 大家好!我们推送了一个小小的更新。下面是更新日志! •Update bundled steam api 更新与Steam api绑定 •Various fixes to the ancient vault dungeon 对远古庇护所地牢的各种修复 •Fix chat tabs not being clickable 聊天标签不能被点击已修复 •Fix a potential threading issue related to steam p2p networking 修复了关于steam p2p网络的一个潜在的线程问题 •Allow players to repeat th
    PhD_Royal 1-9
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    Adetuddy_Max 12-17
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    Starbound 1.2.0 RC2 [不稳定版] RC的意思是发布候选版,懒得详细解释了…… Happy Monday! 周一好! We’ve pushed a new patch to the unstable branch – mostly to address some bugs, but we’ve implemented a couple of small features, too! 我们向不稳定分支推送了一个新补丁——基本上是解决bug的,但也加入了一些小的新特性! ·Added upgraded graphics for all upgradeable weapons 给升级的武器添加了图像 ·Celebrate the holidays with the variety of festive items bought from Space Santa at the Outpost! 为庆祝节日,去前哨站
    kommtdas 12-28
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    剧透注意 剧透注意 剧透注意 喂度娘注意
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    bbg0216 1-14
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    简介: 富兰克林的宇宙(Frackin' Universe)是一个星际边境(Starbound)的一个拓展内容最为丰富的Mod。 对于这样一款优秀的Mod,不少玩家却因为英语水平的不足,而望而却步。 现在大家可以欢呼了!富兰克林的宇宙有独立汉化补丁了! 请注意,这是创意工坊上的FU独立的汉化补丁(此搬运贴经过汉化者授权,本贴下方特意示出),这不是整合在FUMod的本体,而是独立的汉化补丁!
    a22456 5-27
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    哈哈!我又回来啦! 原来是发布过《紫叶的星界冒险》 已经重写到7章,每天一章,把存稿挥霍完后进入怠惰模式。 本文同时在创世中文网发布,有条件可以去支持一下,那里能看得到已经发布的章节。 ps:贴吧里与作者互动更舒心噢~
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    大家好,我是捣蛋猪2003。今天给大家带来我的新mod,BadPig's Universe,这个mod会逐渐更新内容,而且更新内容不再固定,有什么想法就加入什么。 根据上次的经验,我决定以后更新的版本会保存到一个文件夹里,默认只留下最新版本,可能哪天我会建立个OLD文件夹里面都会是旧版本的文件。 如果大家有什么创意可以告诉我,我会考虑加入的!如果有bug,请反馈!
    84014610 9-19

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会员: 屎大棒

目录: 单机与主机游戏