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    Honos761 6-21
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    骚猪 6-21
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    ゙深 6-21
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    The sister-in-law told the brother. Then he remarked her changing shape, which he should have noticed some time before. He was a hard man. Softness and gentleness and youth (he was just forty) and almost everything else except a kind of stubborn and despairing fortitude and the bleak heritage of his bloodpride had been sweated out of him. He called her whore. He accused the right man (young bachelors, or sawdust Casanovas anyway, were even fewer in number than families) but she would not admit it, though the man had departed six months ago. She just repeated stubbornly, “He’s going to send
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    She slept in a leanto room at the back of the house. It had a window which she learned to open and close again in the dark without making a sound, even though there also slept in the leanto room at first her oldest nephew and then the two oldest and then the three. She had lived there eight years before she opened the window for the first time. She had not opened it a dozen times hardly before she discovered that she should not have opened it at all. She said to herself, ‘That’s just my luck.’
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    There were perhaps five families there when Lena arrived. There was a track and a station, and once a day a mixed train fled shrieking through it. The train could be stopped with a red flag, but by ordinary it appeared out of the devastated hills with apparitionlike suddenness and wailing like a banshee, athwart and past that little less-than-village like a forgotten bead from a broken string. The brother was twenty years her senior. She hardly remembered him at all when she came to live with him. He lived in a four room and unpainted house with his labor-and child-ridden wife. For almost half
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    行吧,没了就没了 希望巢友们继续加油,和玩盒的共享同一片天空 33姐没事还能出来吐槽两句,有的人的苦可要咽在肚子里了 枝江地狱再也不见
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    When she was twelve years old her father and mother died in the same summer, in a log house of three rooms and a hall, without screens, in a room lighted by a bug-swirled kerosene lamp, the naked floor worn smooth as old silver by naked feet. She was the youngest living child. Her mother died first. She said, “Take care of paw.” Lena did so. Then one day her father said, “You go to Doane’s Mill with McKinley. You get ready to go, be ready when he comes.” Then he died. McKinley, the brother, arrived in a wagon. They buried the father in a grove behind a country church one afternoon, w
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    SITTING beside the road, watching the wagon mount the hill toward her, Lena thinks, ‘I have come from Alabama: a fur piece. All the way from Alabama a-walking. A fur piece.’ Thinkingalthough I have not been quite a month on the road I am already in Mississippi, further from home than I have ever been before. I am now further from Doane’s Mill than I have been since I was twelve years old She had never even been to Doane’s Mill until after her father and mother died, though six or eight times a year she went to town on Saturday, in the wagon, in a mailorder dress and her bare feet flat
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    [cp]#一个字为高考生加油##李现送高考少年一个勤字#】又是一年高考季,@李现ing 为高考少年加油:“少年辛苦终身事,莫向光阴惰寸功。”学问勤中得,萤窗万卷书。厚积薄发,用勤奋改变人生;永不言败,以执着成就未来!#加油高考生#
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    [cp]超越时光的战士 缔造永恒的传奇 🏆14座罗兰加洛斯男单冠军得主:拉斐尔·纳达尔 转发微博,说出你对冠军的祝福。我们将于6月13日随机抽取3位粉丝送出以下奖品: 1⃣️OPPO Find X5手机*1 2⃣️RG自动雨伞*1 3⃣️RG线圈笔记本*1 #法网2022##纳达尔夺大满贯第22冠##纳达尔夺法网第14冠# [/cp]
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    [cp]【#刘洋到达后刷起了手机# 网友:我搬完家也是这样[偷笑]】目前,#神十四乘组进驻天和核心舱#。忙碌了一天,航天员刘洋掏出了手机↓↓网友:休息一下,明天准备拆太空快递![哈哈](图自@我们的太空 ) [/cp]
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    楚江微雨里,建业暮时钟.漠漠帆来重,冥冥鸟去迟.   海门深不见,浦树远含滋.相送情无限,沾襟比散丝.
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    渡远荆门外,来从楚国游.山随平野尽,江入大荒流.   月下飞天镜,云生接海楼.仍怜故乡水,万里送行舟.

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