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    【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(9.15)考博加油!1. Although American institutions have an unquestionable prestige in the ______ academic marketplace, their history was not comparable with that of the British ones. A. curricular B. contemporary C. communicative D. conceptual 2. Although most birds have only a negligible sense of smell, they have ______ vision. A. vigorous B. exact C. acute D. vivi 【补全句子】 1. Mrs. Smith shut the window lest_____(外面的噪音影响她儿子睡觉). 句意:史密斯太太关上了窗户,以免外面的噪音影响她儿子
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    A安沐660 9-11
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    只卖素质高的人.限分享3~5个人!看人卖不卖~问题太多的勿扰!仔细看完详情不要重复询问一些已经写明的问题。 因本人不打算考博了,现有一个名额。 希望认识一些真心想学习的朋友,能坚持一直学下去。目前10级,100一个月 2022年下半年6月底到期,分享的是线上课程。 单元课➕小组口语会话课 手机 ,iPad ,PC端都可以登录使用。 同时登录单元练习不冲突 课程包含: 1.单元练习 每个level包含6个单元,每单元包含相关情景的4组单元练习,单元练
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    【华慧考博英语长难句分享】 If, on the other hand, producing more of a commodity results in reducing its cost, this will tend to increase the supply offered by seller-producers, which in turn will lower the price and permit more consumers to buy the product. [参考译文] 另一方面,如果大量制造某种商品导致其成本下降,那么这就有可能增加卖方和制造商能提供的供给,而这也就会反过来降低价格并允许更多的消 费者购买产品。 2022考博加油!更多内容搜索关注微信公众号“huahuib2c” 考博英语真题请点
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    9月6日,期待已久的华慧考博体验营终于开营了! 群内老师与学生的互动、同学间的互相讨论,格外火爆。 看到体验群内活跃的场景与满满的学习氛围,华慧君心里缓缓舒了一口。 群里同学与老师们满满的活跃度与参与感,才是华慧君想要的效果,也是华慧考博体验营举办的初衷。 了解熟悉华慧考博的同学应该知道,华慧考博有将近40个考博交流群。 不按满群500人算,就按一个群平均400人算,40个群考博学生总人数也有16000人。 要知道,2020年考博人
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    【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(9.2)考博加油! 1. Training colleges for men and women respectively are to be built at Leeds and Hull. A. respectfully B. respectably C. separately D. jointly 2. I don’t say that to persuade you, but merely to ______ my conscience. A. revolve B. relieve C. retrieve D. revive 【补全句子】 1. I ______ ______ ______(梦想着)taking a bike trip ______ ______(自从……以来)high school. 句意:自从高中以来,我就梦想着骑自行车旅行。 【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(9.2)参考答案 1.C 【句
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    1. The patient is recovering soon. His disease is ______ treatment with drugs. A. responsive to B. responsible for C. subject to D. exposed to 2. It’s a mistake to think of Florida only ______ its tourist attractions. A. in the terms of B. in term of C. in terms of D. in terms with 【补全句子】 2. The farm grows various kinds of crops, _______ _______(比如)wheat, corn, cotton and rice. 句意:这个农场种植各种各样的农作物,比如小麦,玉米,棉花和水稻。 【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(9.6)参考答案 1.A 【句意】这位病人正在
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    关于听力提高需要分阶段,首先提高听力能力,如果你是考医学统考的话,先从短句-长句,精听➕听写(第一遍听,掌握大意,第二遍写大概内容,第三遍查漏补缺),待能力提升之后,再逐步进行对话和短文~听力是比较难攻克的专项,需要循序渐进,并且耐心扎实练习~至于具体的练习材料可以参考“华慧听力一本通”,按部学习~ 话说大家听力都是怎么学习的呢?欢迎一起打卡学习交流~
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    1. When the fire alarm rang, we ______ outside the emergency exit. A. resembled B. dissembled C. assembled D. scrambled 2. ______ at conveying her underlying messages through the skilled use of words that her lecture was greeted by students with deafening applause. A. So successful the speaker was B. So successful was the speaker C. The speaker so successful D. Because the speaker was so successful 【补全句子】 1. ______ _______ _____ teachers are present at the meeting, and _______ _______ ______ them is 300. 句意:许多教师参加了这个会议,他们的人数是300人。 【华
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    【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(9.1)参考答案1.C 【句意】当火警响起时,我们在紧急出口外集合。 【解析】动词词义辨析。resemble“类似,像”;dissemble“掩饰,掩盖;假装”;assemble“集合,聚集;装配;收集”;scramble“爬行,攀登;仓促行动”。由关键信息“fire alarm rang”及“outside the emergency exit”知“集合”符合,故C项正确。 2.B 【句意】这位演讲者通过言语的巧妙运用如此成功地表达了她的潜在信息,以致她的演讲得到学生们震耳欲聋的
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    【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(9.1)考博加油!1. When the fire alarm rang, we ______ outside the emergency exit. A. resembled B. dissembled C. assembled D. scrambled 2. ______ at conveying her underlying messages through the skilled use of words that her lecture was greeted by students with deafening applause. A. So successful the speaker was B. So successful was the speaker C. The speaker so successful D. Because the speaker was so successful 【补全句子】 1. ______ _______ _____ teachers are present at the meeting, and _______ _______ ______ them is 300.
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    今天给大家带来一个好消息:华慧考博英语《社群辅导体验营》正式开启报名啦~限时免费、名额有限。 ◆ 自制力差,每天的学习任务总是不能按时完成 ◆ 没有计划,一会背单词一会又学语法,不知从何下手 ◆ 方法不对,词汇背了好久还在A部分,学来学去毫无进展 为此,华慧考博特推出《社群辅导体验营》,由老师全程督导、带你一起学,让您更轻松、更高效地备考。入营你将获得: 1、 入营测试,并且一对一反馈测试中自身学习的问题。 2、 专
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    【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.30)考博加油! 1. It ______ to me that a trip round the world might be the best solution to his misery. A. occurred B. recruited C. recurred D. referred 2. If they’re looking for a ______ of information on a page or are engrossed in content, they won’t be distracted by the ads on the side. A. stripe B. sustainment C. series D. snippet 【每日译词:疾恶如仇】 1. 他的公正和疾恶如仇赢得了群众的拥护。 大家可以参与一下做题哟,把答案发群里面讨论,在没有正式开课之前,大家有什么学
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    湖南农业大学2015年博士入学考试英语试题 2 湖南农业大学2015年博士入学考试英语试题解析 13 湖南农业大学2014年博士入学考试英语试题 25 湖南农业大学2014年博士入学考试英语试题解析 35 湖南农业大学2013年博士入学考试英语试题 49 湖南农业大学2013年博士入学考试英语试题解析 60 湖南农业大学2012年博士入学考试英语试题 75 湖南农业大学2012年博士入学考试英语试题解析 86 湖南农业大学2011年博士入学考试英语试题 102 湖南农业大学2011年博士入学考试
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    1. If I had remembered ______ the window, the thief would not have got in. A. to close B. closing C. to have closed D. having closed 2. We ______ our breakfast when an old man came to the door. A. just have had B. have just had C. just had D. had just had 【每日译词:身不由己】 1. 他们总是说想帮助我们,但却身不由己。 【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.27)参考答案 1.A 【句意】要是我记得关上窗户,小偷就进不来了。 【解析】语法结构——虚拟语气。根据题干中的“the thief would not have got in小偷就进不来
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    过去我们上小学语文课时,老师总会说:“分析文章段落大意,总结全文中心思想。”让我们觉得中心思想是自己“总结”出来的。在英语考试的阅读题型中,一旦“总结”就会偏于主观,就犯了应试的大忌——觉得每个选项都有道理,以至于难以找到正确答案。同时,在解题的过程中,考生容易缺乏换位思考的能力,常常纠结于这道题“我觉得”应该选哪个选项,而忽视了命题人的思路。其实对于应试而言,摸清楚命题人的思路才是更重要的。 那
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    【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.24)考博加油! 1. The young couple is _________in their own factory. A. industrial B. industrious C. indulge D. individual 2. Beth worked hard to ________in with the locals during her visit. A. encounter B. blend C. merge D. adapt 【每日译词:全力以赴】 1. 你不是队里的明星队员,但你总是全力以赴,激励我们其他人一起努力。 【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.24)参考答案 1.B 【句意】这对年轻夫妇在他们自己的工厂里很勤奋。 【解析】形容词和动词词义辨析
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    【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.23)考博加油! 1. Some sports equipment requires a special ______. A. insulation B. preservation C. snap D. grip 2. It was a close boxing game, but the boxer in blue was ______ to be the winner by three of the four referees. A. destined B. deemed C. doomed D. adapted 【每日译词:遥遥领先】 1. 该国在石油出口方面仍然遥遥领先。 【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.23)参考答案 1.B 【句意】一些运动器材需要专门的维护。 【解析】名词词义辨析。insulation“绝缘;隔离;孤
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    看看你是不是适合继续读博士,这是每一个面临读博的学生甚至考试读博的学生的困惑。 现在,更多的本科生热衷于考研,等到上了研究生,却只有很少一部分人会选择考博。从我的导师所带学生来看,读博的确实很少,研究生每届都会招收四五个,但是这些学生中继续读博的却很少。这一现象让很多人发出疑问:到底该不该考博?博士毕业后到底好不好就业?为什么很多人不愿意考博?下面我就来为大家分析一下这其中的原因。 第一,考研是为了
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    【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.20)考博加油!1. ______no loss of energy by friction, the motion would continue definitely once it started. A. There were B. Were there C. There was D. If there is 2. The lawyer thought that piece of evidence was ______ early in the investigation but it turned out to be vital in convicting the man of theft. A. insignificant B. unchangeable C. unsuitable D. inevitable 【每日译词:一马当先】 1. 不管任务多么艰巨,他总是一马当先,挑起重担
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    真题,视频,加q1436061080回复“考博英语”或搜索咸鱼 雷神还好吗1436061080
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    加qq群组团啊 249478636
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    【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.18)参考答案 1.【句意】这一击把他打昏了,直到几分钟后他才苏醒。 【解析】词组辨析。come(其动词过去式为came)on“来吧;快点;开始”;come down“下降;落下”;come to“苏醒;”;come with“伴随……发生”。由句中关键词“The blow knocked him unconscious and it was several minutes before he…这一击把他打昏了,直到几分钟后他才……”的对应可推知“regained consciousness”有“苏醒”的意思,故C项“苏醒”正确。 2.A 【句意
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    【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.18) 考博加油! 1. The blow knocked him unconscious and it was several minutes before he regained consciousness.(划线词:regained consciousness) A. came on B. came down C. came to D. came with C 2. Now the cheers and applause ______ in a single sustained roar. A. mingled B. concentrated C. assembled D. permeated 【每日译词:杀一儆百】 1. 对他的惩罚但愿能起到杀一儆百的作用。
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    【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.18)考博加油! 1. The blow knocked him unconscious and it was several minutes before he regained consciousness.(划线词:regained consciousness) A. came on B. came down C. came to D. came with C 2. Now the cheers and applause ______ in a single sustained roar. A. mingled B. concentrated C. assembled D. permeated 【每日译词:杀一儆百】 1. 对他的惩罚但愿能起到杀一儆百的作用。 【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.18)参考答案 1.【句意】这一击把他打昏了,直到几分钟后他才苏
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    【每日任务】华慧考博英语精品高频词汇精解与练习(2)各位考生: 考博英语对于考生的词汇要求非常的高,因此如何掌握足够的英语词汇量,是保证考博英语考试获得高分的一个关键所在。那么如何才可能让自己的英语词汇不会在刚刚记住之后又快速忘让呢。华慧考博老师认为,实时的多做词汇练习是保证词汇记忆的有效手段。华慧考博官网精广大考生精品汇总了一批考博英语高频词汇供广大考生学习与练习。每日一发布一组精品高频词汇以及之
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    【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.17)参考答案1.B 【句意】新王国面对的另一个紧迫问题是国民教育的问题。 【解析】动词词义辨析。conflict(其现在分词为conflicting)“冲突,抵触”;confront(其现在分词为confronting)“面对;遭遇”;compete(其现在分词为competing)“竞争;比赛;对抗”;combat(其现在分词为combating)“与……战斗”。由句中关键词“the new kingdom新王国”和“urgent problem 紧迫问题”的对应知“面对”符合语境,故B项正确。 2.B 【句
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    【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.17)考博加油! 1. Another urgent problem ______ the new kingdom was that of the education of its citizens. A. conflicting B. confronting C. competing D. combating 2. Mathematics as well as other subjects ______ a science. A. was B. is C. are D. belong to 【每日译词:怒不可遏】 1. 他怒不可遏,把照片撕得粉碎。
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    【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.16)考博加油!1. When she began the job, Lisa showed ______ and was promoted to manager after a year. A. initiative B. ambition C. attribute D. popularity 2. When you go to a new country, you must ______ yourself to new manners and customs. A. adopt B. fit C. suit D. adapt 【每日译词:声嘶力竭】 1. 她声嘶力竭地尖叫着。
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    【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.16)参考答案1.A 【句意】丽莎在开始工作时就表现出主动性,一年以后就被提拔为经理。 【解析】名词词义辨析。initiative“倡议;主动性”;ambition“雄心;志向”;attribute“特质”;popularity“普及,流行”。由句中关键词“showed表现出”与“was promoted to manager after a year一年以后就被提拔为经理”的对应知“主动性”符合语境,故A项正确。 2.D 【句意】到一个新国家后,你一定要让自己适应新的礼仪和风俗。 【解
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    【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.16)考博加油! 1. When she began the job, Lisa showed ______ and was promoted to manager after a year. A. initiative B. ambition C. attribute D. popularity 2. When you go to a new country, you must ______ yourself to new manners and customs. A. adopt B. fit C. suit D. adapt 【每日译词:声嘶力竭】 1. 她声嘶力竭地尖叫着。 【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.16)参考答案 1.A 【句意】丽莎在开始工作时就表现出主动性,一年以后就被提拔为经理。 【解析】名词词义辨析。initi
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    【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.13)考博加油! 1. The seeing eye dog was the blind man’s ______ companion. A. continual B. consistent C. constant D. continuous 2. I feel rather at a ______ talking to her, because she is so clever. A. defect B. fault C. disadvantage D. mistake 【每日译词:快马加鞭】 1. 要赶超世界先进水平,我们还得快马加鞭。 【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.13)参考答案 1.C 【句意】导盲犬是盲人忠诚的同伴。 【解析】形容词词义辨析。continual“持续不断的;频繁的”;consis
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    1. It was his peculiar doctrine that a man has a perfect right to interfere by force to rescue a slave.(划线单词:interfere) A. intervene B. convince C. prevent D. exchange 2. When most managers take the time to plan, they often ignore the unknown and ______ the future from what has happened in the past. A. exclude B. explore C. exploit D. infer 【每日译词:趁热打铁】 1. 他们提出的交易条件非常不错。如果我是你,我会趁热打铁。 【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.12)考博加油! 1. It was his peculiar doctrine that a man has a perfect
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    1. I’m sorry I can’t see you immediately; but if you’d like to take a seat, I’ll be with you ______. A. for a moment B. in a moment C. for the moment D. at the moment 2. In the busy holiday season, extra buses are provided to ______ the existing service. A. supplement B. complement C. implement D. experiment 【每日译词:察言观色】 1. 她善于察言观色,能领会经理的心思。 【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.10)参考答案 1.B 【句意】对不起,我不能马上见你;但如果你愿意坐下来(等我一会儿的话),我一会就来见
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    1. In a time of social reform, people’s state of mind tends to keep ______ with the rapid changes of society. A. step B. progress C. pace D. touch 2. He was ______ for his years of service to the company with a grand farewell party and several presents. A. awarded B. rewarded C. warded D. safeguarded 【每日译词:心悦诚服】 1. 我们对他的观点心悦诚服。 【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.9)参考答案 1.C 【句意】在社会变革的时代,人们的心态往往与社会的快速变化保持同步。 【解析】固定搭配。由句中关键词“In a t
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    2021年的博士招生考试已经结束了,很多考生想要知道2022年博士招生考试的时间是什么时候开始?根据华慧考博老师这些年以来的总结发现,各大院校博士招生时间基本与上一次考博时间几乎相差不会超过一个星期的.所以想要知道2022年博士招生考博时间,考生可以根据2021年考博时间来进行参考.以下就是华慧考博老师为大家总结的湖北地区各大院校的博士招生报名时间,供大家做为参考. 招生简章 考博时间 湖北 武汉体育学院 12月14日-1月15日 武汉大学 11月21
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    1. Over a third of the population was estimated to have no ______ to the health service. A. assessment B. assignment C. exception D. access 2. We need to make sure that we ______ our resources as fully as possible. A. use B. exploit C. employ D. explore 【每日译词:焦头烂额】 1. 一连串不幸事件使他焦头烂额。 【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.5)参考答案 1.D 【句意】估计超过三分之一的人口无法获得公共医疗服务。 【解析】名词词义辨析。assessment“估算;评估”;assignment“(分派的)任务;(工作等的
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    1. The old man got into the ______ of storing money under the bed. A. tradition B. habit C. use D. custom 2. The government claimed that it was accidental, but the hollow and ______ excuse could not convince the public. A. feeble B. deliberate C. fluent D. delicate 【每日译词:君子之交淡如水】 1. 他们的友谊能维持这么长时间,是因为他们尊重彼此的隐私。君子之交淡如水。 【华慧考博】考博英语每日一练(8.4)参考答案 1.B 【句意】这个老人养成了把钱藏在床底下的习惯。 【解析】固定搭配。tradition“传统

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