叫嚣的中士 Abusive Sergeant Get in there and fight, maggot! Suffer my wrath!
苦痛侍僧 Acolyte of Pain Let the pain speak to me. Bring the pain. 死亡: Yes!
风领主奥拉基尔 Al'Akir the Windlord Winds!Obey my command! Like swatting insects!
奥尔多守护者 Aldor Peacekeeper Follow the rules. Last warning!
阿莱克斯塔萨 Alexstrasza I bring life and hope. I will mourn your death.
阿曼尼狂战士 Amani Berserker Heh heh heh, it's time for a little blood. Whoyouwanmekill
年迈的酒仙 Ancient Brewmaster I'll put it on your tab. Another round?
年迈的法师 Ancient Mage Sometimes, I forget things. Where am I?
阿拉希武器匠 Arathi Weaponsmith Try this! Watch this!
大法师 Archmage Are you ready for this? Don't blink.
大法师安东尼达斯 Archmage Antonidas You require my assistance? To battle!
银色指挥官 Argent Commander To Northrend! Victory or death!
银色保卫者 Argent Protector Not on my watch. This is my responsibility.
银色侍从 Argent Squire The light protects me. I fight!
铸甲师 Armorsmith Armor made to fit. Strike!
奥金尼灵魂祭祀 Auchenai Soulpriest Embrace the void. Feel my pain.
王牌猎人 Big Game Hunter I've got the beast in my sights! Gotcha!
鲜血小鬼 Blood Imp Do I have to? Sure, send the little guy.
血骑士 Blood Knight Glory to the Sin'dorei. For Lor'themar!
血法师萨尔诺斯 Bloodmage Thalnos We hunger for vengeance. More! More souls!
血帆海盗 Bloodsail Corsair Avast, m'dear! Arr!!!
血帆袭击者 Bloodsail Raider X marks the spot! Die, land-lubber!
藏宝海湾保镖 Booty Bay Bodyguard Get behind me. I'll take him out.
石拳食人魔 Boulderfist Ogre What you looking at? Me smash!
密教暗影祭司 Cabal Shadow Priest Let me change your mind. Obey!
凯恩·血蹄 Carine Bloodhoof Take heart, young one. The Earthmother is near. (对手是加尔鲁·什地狱咆哮时进场: Garrosh! You are not fit to rule the Horde). For honor!
贴吧:炉石传说作者:来件银鳞胸甲卜 2015-10-27 09:10