52. 浦雷斯/プレッシー/Plessie


在游戏中,它的高度大约是马里奥的三到四倍,尽管3D世界的原声带中的图片显示它的高度只有马里奥的两倍。它的大肚子使它能够快速地在水中滑行。每只脚的底部,包括脚趾,都完全呈白色。它的背部有四条深色条纹,圆滑头冠垂直于尾巴。它的每只眼睛都有一个橙色的眼睑、一个白色的巩膜和一个被水绿色虹膜包围的椭圆形大瞳孔。它的口鼻上部像鳄鱼一样细长,靠近顶部有一个白色突出的末端,有两个鼻孔。它的尾巴很长,末端有一个三裂的青色结构,位于冠状面上。脖子左侧打结的是一条红色的大牛仔方巾。浦雷斯的设计与耀西的设计有一些共同之处,比如短腿的两足姿势,横跨下半身的白色软组织,白色巩膜指向前方的椭圆形大眼睛,鼻孔位于口鼻上部圆形突出端的顶部附近,后脑勺有一个脊,尽管浦雷斯的脊形状与耀西的不同。《超级马里奥兄弟百科全书》的法语翻译使用“il”(他)一词来描述浦雷斯,其可以表示男性或未确定的性别,因为男性在法语中也可以具有中性含义。然而,德语翻译在同一描述中使用了“sie”(她)和“ihr”(她)这两个术语,表明浦雷斯是女性。3D世界的德语游戏页面将浦雷斯描述为“Dinosaurier”(恐龙),这是德语中的一个阳性词,因此将其称为雄性,这可以从“den freundlichen Dinosaurier”和“der”的使用中看出。在《任天堂杂志》2023年夏季版的英文版中,浦雷斯被称为“他”。




浦雷斯的肖像也出现在Timer Gate和浦雷斯奖章上。当马里奥与这两个物体接触时,它们都会开始定时挑战,这两种类型的挑战都需要骑着浦雷斯才能完成。浦雷斯必须在与巨型酷霸王的战役的最后一场BOSS战斗中使用,在战斗中,它必须撞击到他的水晶球中以破坏它。在战斗结束时,这个水晶球破裂,浦雷斯同时收集了三个巨型铃铛,成为巨型猫咪浦雷斯。巨猫浦雷斯的巨大体型让巨形酷霸王在接触时飞了起来并击败了他,将他变回了原样。


贴吧:超级马里奥作者:DC_State 2024-02-01 17:43
回复:pl: 尤尔曼德最后很可能17-18M,因此次转会几乎肯定要创球队纪录
回复 五星意大利? :秋裤2300m到2600m能成交
贴吧:ac米兰作者:你睡在行李箱吗 2023-06-18 23:21
Alvarez VA, Sabatini BL. 2007. Anatomical and physiological plasticity of
dendritic spines [J]. Annu Rev Neurosci, 30: 79-97.
Amaral MD, Pozzo-Miller L. 2009. The dynamics of excitatory synapse
formation on dendritic spines [J]. Cellscience, 5(4): 19-25.
Bear MF, Huber KM, Warren ST. 2004. The mGluR theory of fragile X
mental retardation [J]. Trends Neurosci, 27(7): 370-377.
Bhatt DH, Zhang SX, Gan WB. 2009. Dendritic spine dynamics [J]. Annu
Rev Physiol, 71: 261-282.
Bourne J, Harris KM. 2007. Do thin spines learn to be mushroom spines
that remember [J]? Curr Opin Neurobiol, 17(3): 381-386.
Chen JL, Nedivi E. 2010. Neuronal structural remodeling: is it all about
access [J]? Curr Opin Neurobiol, 20(5): 557-562.
Chklovskii DB, Mel BW, Svoboda K. 2004. Cortical rewiring and
information storage [J]. Nature, 431(7010): 782-788.
Dahlen JE, Jimenez DA, Gerkin RC, Urban NN. 2011. Morphological
analysis of activity-reduced adult-born neurons in the mouse olfactory
bulb [J]. Front Neurosci, 5: 66.
De Paola V, Holtmaat A, Knott G, Song S, Wilbrecht L, Caroni P, Svoboda
K. 2006. Cell type-specific structural plasticity of axonal branches and
boutons in the adult neocortex [J]. Neuron, 49(6): 861-875.
Derkach VA, Oh MC, Guire ES, Soderling TR. 2007. Regulatory
mechanisms of AMPA receptors in synaptic plasticity [J]. Nat Rev
Neurosci, 8(2): 101-113.
Engert F, Bonhoeffer T. 1999. Dendritic spine changes associated with
hippocampal long-term synaptic plasticity [J]. Nature, 399(6731):
Fox K, Wong ROL. 2005. A comparison of experience-dependent plasticity
in the visual and somatosensory systems [J]. Neuron, 48(3): 465-477.
Fu M, Yu XZ, Lu J, Zuo Y. 2012. Repetitive motor learning induces
coordinated formation of clustered dendritic spines in vivo [J]. Nature,
483(7387): 92-95.
Fu M, Zuo Y. 2011. Experience-dependent structural plasticity in the cortex
[J]. Trends Neurosci, 34(4): 177-187.
Greer PL, Greenberg ME. 2008. From synapse to nucleus:
calcium-dependent gene transcription in the control of synapse
development and function [J]. Neuron, 59(6): 846-860.
Grutzendler J, Kasthuri N, Gan WB. 2002. Long-term dendritic spine
stability in the adult cortex [J]. Nature, 420(6917): 812-816.
Hao JD, Rapp PR, Leffler AE, Leffler SR, Janssen WGM, Lou W, McKay H,
Roberts JA, Wearne SL, Hof PR, Morrison JH. 2006. Estrogen alters
spine number and morphology in prefrontal cortex of aged female
rhesus monkeys [J]. J Neurosci, 26(9): 2571-2578.
Ho VM, Lee JA, Martin KC. 2011. The cell biology of synaptic plasticity [J].
Science, 334(6056): 623-628.
Holtmaat A, Svoboda K. 2009. Experience-dependent structural synaptic
plasticity in the mammalian brain [J]. Nat Rev Neurosci, 10(9):
Holtmaat A, Wilbrecht L, Knott GW, Welker E, Svoboda K. 2006.
Experience-dependent and cell-type-specific spine growth in the
neocortex [J]. Nature, 441(7096): 979-983.
Holtmaat AJGD, Trachtenberg JT, Wilbrecht L, Shepherd GM, Zhang XQ,
Knott GW, Svoboda K. 2005. Transient and persistent dendritic spines
in the neocortex in vivo [J]. Neuron, 45(2): 279-291.
Kasai H, Fukuda M, Watanabe S, Hayashi-Takagi A, Noguchi J. 2010.
Structural dynamics of dendritic spines in memory and cognition [J].
Trends Neurosci, 33(3): 121-129.
Kaufmann WE, Moser HW. 2000. Dendritic anomalies in disorders
associated with mental retardation [J]. Cereb Cortex, 10(10): 981-991.
Kennedy MB, Beale HC, Carlisle HJ, Washburn LR. 2005. Integration of
biochemical signalling in spines [J]. Nat Rev Neurosci, 6(6): 423-434.
Kennedy MJ, Ehlers MD. 2006. Organelles and trafficking machinery for
postsynaptic plasticity [J]. Annu Rev Neurosci, 29: 325-362.
Kwon HB, Sabatini BL. 2011. Glutamate induces de novo growth of
functional spines in developing cortex [J]. Nature, 474(7349): 100-104.
Lee WC, Huang H, Feng GP, Sanes JR, Brown EN, So PT, Nedivi E. 2006.
Dynamic remodeling of dendritic arbors in GABAergic interneurons of
adult visual cortex [J]. PLoS Biol, 4(2): e29.
Lendvai B, Stern EA, Chen B, Svoboda K. 2000. Experience-dependent
plasticity of dendritic spines in the developing rat barrel cortex in vivo
[J]. Nature, 404(6780): 876-881.
Leslie JH, Nedivi E. 2011. Activity-regulated genes as mediators of neural
circuit plasticity [J]. Prog Neurobiol, 94(3): 223-237.
Majewska A, Sur M. 2003. Motility of dendritic spines in visual cortex in
vivo: changes during the critical period and effects of visual
deprivation [J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 100(26): 16024-16029.
Marik SA, Yamahachi H, McManus JNJ, Szabo G, Gilbert CD. 2010.
Axonal dynamics of excitatory and inhibitory neurons in
somatosensory cortex [J]. PLoS Biol, 8(6): e1000395.
Markram H, Toledo-Rodriguez M, Wang Y, Gupta A, Silberberg G, Wu CZ.
2004. Interneurons of the neocortical inhibitory system [J]. Nat Rev
Neurosci, 5(10): 793-807.
Mataga N, Mizuguchi Y, Hensch TK. 2004. Experience-dependent pruning
of dendritic spines in visual cortex by tissue plasminogen activator [J].
Neuron, 44(6): 1031-1041.
Matsuzaki M, Honkura N, Ellis-Davies GCR, Kasai H. 2004. Structural
basis of long-term potentiation in single dendritic spines [J]. Nature,
429(6993): 761-766.
Mizrahi A. 2007. Dendritic development and plasticity of adult-born
neurons in the mouse olfactory bulb [J]. Nat Neurosci, 10(4): 444-452.
Mizrahi A, Crowley JC, Shtoyerman E, Katz LC. 2004. High-resolution in
vivo imaging of hippocampal dendrites and spines [J]. J Neurosci,
24(13): 3147-3151.
Mizrahi A, Katz LC. 2003. Dendritic stability in the adult olfactory bulb [J].
Nat Neurosci, 6(11): 1201-1207.
Mozzachiodi R, Byrne JH. 2010. More than synaptic plasticity: role of
nonsynaptic plasticity in learning and memory [J]. Trends Neurosci,
33(1): 17-26.
Nedivi E, Hevroni D, Naot D, Israeli D, Citri Y. 1993. Numerous candidate
plasticity-related genes revealed by differential cDNA cloning [J].
Nature, 363(6431): 718-722.
Oray S, Majewska A, Sur M. 2004. Dendritic spine dynamics are regulated
by monocular deprivation and extracellular matrix degradation [J].
Neuron, 44(6): 1021-1030.
Pan F, Aldridge GM, Greenough WT, Gan WB. 2010. Dendritic spine
instability and insensitivity to modulation by sensory experience in a
mouse model of fragile X syndrome [J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,
107(41): 17768-17773.
Park M, Salgado JM, Ostroff L, Helton TD, Robinson CG, Harris KM,
Ehlers MD. 2006. Plasticity-induced growth of dendritic spines by
exocytic trafficking from recycling endosomes [J]. Neuron, 52(5):
Patterson M, Yasuda R. 2011. Signalling pathways underlying structural
plasticity of dendritic spines [J]. Br J Pharmacol, 163(8): 1626-1638.
Roberts TF, Tschida KA, Klein ME, Mooney R. 2010. Rapid spine
stabilization and synaptic enhancement at the onset of behavioural
learning [J]. Nature, 463(7283): 948-952.
贴吧:神经内科作者:Lucy赤い月 2014-06-28 01:48
Alvarez VA, Sabatini BL. 2007. Anatomical and physiological plasticity of
dendritic spines [J]. Annu Rev Neurosci, 30: 79-97.
Amaral MD, Pozzo-Miller L. 2009. The dynamics of excitatory synapse
formation on dendritic spines [J]. Cellscience, 5(4): 19-25.
Bear MF, Huber KM, Warren ST. 2004. The mGluR theory of fragile X
mental retardation [J]. Trends Neurosci, 27(7): 370-377.
Bhatt DH, Zhang SX, Gan WB. 2009. Dendritic spine dynamics [J]. Annu
Rev Physiol, 71: 261-282.
Bourne J, Harris KM. 2007. Do thin spines learn to be mushroom spines
that remember [J]? Curr Opin Neurobiol, 17(3): 381-386.
Chen JL, Nedivi E. 2010. Neuronal structural remodeling: is it all about
access [J]? Curr Opin Neurobiol, 20(5): 557-562.
Chklovskii DB, Mel BW, Svoboda K. 2004. Cortical rewiring and
information storage [J]. Nature, 431(7010): 782-788.
Dahlen JE, Jimenez DA, Gerkin RC, Urban NN. 2011. Morphological
analysis of activity-reduced adult-born neurons in the mouse olfactory
bulb [J]. Front Neurosci, 5: 66.
De Paola V, Holtmaat A, Knott G, Song S, Wilbrecht L, Caroni P, Svoboda
K. 2006. Cell type-specific structural plasticity of axonal branches and
boutons in the adult neocortex [J]. Neuron, 49(6): 861-875.
Derkach VA, Oh MC, Guire ES, Soderling TR. 2007. Regulatory
mechanisms of AMPA receptors in synaptic plasticity [J]. Nat Rev
Neurosci, 8(2): 101-113.
Engert F, Bonhoeffer T. 1999. Dendritic spine changes associated with
hippocampal long-term synaptic plasticity [J]. Nature, 399(6731):
Fox K, Wong ROL. 2005. A comparison of experience-dependent plasticity
in the visual and somatosensory systems [J]. Neuron, 48(3): 465-477.
Fu M, Yu XZ, Lu J, Zuo Y. 2012. Repetitive motor learning induces
coordinated formation of clustered dendritic spines in vivo [J]. Nature,
483(7387): 92-95.
Fu M, Zuo Y. 2011. Experience-dependent structural plasticity in the cortex
[J]. Trends Neurosci, 34(4): 177-187.
Greer PL, Greenberg ME. 2008. From synapse to nucleus:
calcium-dependent gene transcription in the control of synapse
development and function [J]. Neuron, 59(6): 846-860.
Grutzendler J, Kasthuri N, Gan WB. 2002. Long-term dendritic spine
stability in the adult cortex [J]. Nature, 420(6917): 812-816.
Hao JD, Rapp PR, Leffler AE, Leffler SR, Janssen WGM, Lou W, McKay H,
Roberts JA, Wearne SL, Hof PR, Morrison JH. 2006. Estrogen alters
spine number and morphology in prefrontal cortex of aged female
rhesus monkeys [J]. J Neurosci, 26(9): 2571-2578.
Ho VM, Lee JA, Martin KC. 2011. The cell biology of synaptic plasticity [J].
Science, 334(6056): 623-628.
Holtmaat A, Svoboda K. 2009. Experience-dependent structural synaptic
plasticity in the mammalian brain [J]. Nat Rev Neurosci, 10(9):
Holtmaat A, Wilbrecht L, Knott GW, Welker E, Svoboda K. 2006.
Experience-dependent and cell-type-specific spine growth in the
neocortex [J]. Nature, 441(7096): 979-983.
Holtmaat AJGD, Trachtenberg JT, Wilbrecht L, Shepherd GM, Zhang XQ,
Knott GW, Svoboda K. 2005. Transient and persistent dendritic spines
in the neocortex in vivo [J]. Neuron, 45(2): 279-291.
Kasai H, Fukuda M, Watanabe S, Hayashi-Takagi A, Noguchi J. 2010.
Structural dynamics of dendritic spines in memory and cognition [J].
Trends Neurosci, 33(3): 121-129.
Kaufmann WE, Moser HW. 2000. Dendritic anomalies in disorders
associated with mental retardation [J]. Cereb Cortex, 10(10): 981-991.
Kennedy MB, Beale HC, Carlisle HJ, Washburn LR. 2005. Integration of
biochemical signalling in spines [J]. Nat Rev Neurosci, 6(6): 423-434.
Kennedy MJ, Ehlers MD. 2006. Organelles and trafficking machinery for
postsynaptic plasticity [J]. Annu Rev Neurosci, 29: 325-362.
Kwon HB, Sabatini BL. 2011. Glutamate induces de novo growth of
functional spines in developing cortex [J]. Nature, 474(7349): 100-104.
Lee WC, Huang H, Feng GP, Sanes JR, Brown EN, So PT, Nedivi E. 2006.
Dynamic remodeling of dendritic arbors in GABAergic interneurons of
adult visual cortex [J]. PLoS Biol, 4(2): e29.
Lendvai B, Stern EA, Chen B, Svoboda K. 2000. Experience-dependent
plasticity of dendritic spines in the developing rat barrel cortex in vivo
[J]. Nature, 404(6780): 876-881.
Leslie JH, Nedivi E. 2011. Activity-regulated genes as mediators of neural
circuit plasticity [J]. Prog Neurobiol, 94(3): 223-237.
Majewska A, Sur M. 2003. Motility of dendritic spines in visual cortex in
vivo: changes during the critical period and effects of visual
deprivation [J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 100(26): 16024-16029.
Marik SA, Yamahachi H, McManus JNJ, Szabo G, Gilbert CD. 2010.
Axonal dynamics of excitatory and inhibitory neurons in
somatosensory cortex [J]. PLoS Biol, 8(6): e1000395.
Markram H, Toledo-Rodriguez M, Wang Y, Gupta A, Silberberg G, Wu CZ.
2004. Interneurons of the neocortical inhibitory system [J]. Nat Rev
Neurosci, 5(10): 793-807.
Mataga N, Mizuguchi Y, Hensch TK. 2004. Experience-dependent pruning
of dendritic spines in visual cortex by tissue plasminogen activator [J].
Neuron, 44(6): 1031-1041.
Matsuzaki M, Honkura N, Ellis-Davies GCR, Kasai H. 2004. Structural
basis of long-term potentiation in single dendritic spines [J]. Nature,
429(6993): 761-766.
Mizrahi A. 2007. Dendritic development and plasticity of adult-born
neurons in the mouse olfactory bulb [J]. Nat Neurosci, 10(4): 444-452.
Mizrahi A, Crowley JC, Shtoyerman E, Katz LC. 2004. High-resolution in
vivo imaging of hippocampal dendrites and spines [J]. J Neurosci,
24(13): 3147-3151.
Mizrahi A, Katz LC. 2003. Dendritic stability in the adult olfactory bulb [J].
Nat Neurosci, 6(11): 1201-1207.
Mozzachiodi R, Byrne JH. 2010. More than synaptic plasticity: role of
nonsynaptic plasticity in learning and memory [J]. Trends Neurosci,
33(1): 17-26.
Nedivi E, Hevroni D, Naot D, Israeli D, Citri Y. 1993. Numerous candidate
plasticity-related genes revealed by differential cDNA cloning [J].
Nature, 363(6431): 718-722.
Oray S, Majewska A, Sur M. 2004. Dendritic spine dynamics are regulated
by monocular deprivation and extracellular matrix degradation [J].
Neuron, 44(6): 1021-1030.
Pan F, Aldridge GM, Greenough WT, Gan WB. 2010. Dendritic spine
instability and insensitivity to modulation by sensory experience in a
mouse model of fragile X syndrome [J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,
107(41): 17768-17773.
Park M, Salgado JM, Ostroff L, Helton TD, Robinson CG, Harris KM,
Ehlers MD. 2006. Plasticity-induced growth of dendritic spines by
exocytic trafficking from recycling endosomes [J]. Neuron, 52(5):
Patterson M, Yasuda R. 2011. Signalling pathways underlying structural
plasticity of dendritic spines [J]. Br J Pharmacol, 163(8): 1626-1638.
Roberts TF, Tschida KA, Klein ME, Mooney R. 2010. Rapid spine
stabilization and synaptic enhancement at the onset of behavioural
learning [J]. Nature, 463(7283): 948-952.
贴吧:神经科学作者:Lucy赤い月 2014-06-28 01:46
Alvarez VA, Sabatini BL. 2007. Anatomical and physiological plasticity of
dendritic spines [J]. Annu Rev Neurosci, 30: 79-97.
Amaral MD, Pozzo-Miller L. 2009. The dynamics of excitatory synapse
formation on dendritic spines [J]. Cellscience, 5(4): 19-25.
Bear MF, Huber KM, Warren ST. 2004. The mGluR theory of fragile X
mental retardation [J]. Trends Neurosci, 27(7): 370-377.
Bhatt DH, Zhang SX, Gan WB. 2009. Dendritic spine dynamics [J]. Annu
Rev Physiol, 71: 261-282.
Bourne J, Harris KM. 2007. Do thin spines learn to be mushroom spines
that remember [J]? Curr Opin Neurobiol, 17(3): 381-386.
Chen JL, Nedivi E. 2010. Neuronal structural remodeling: is it all about
access [J]? Curr Opin Neurobiol, 20(5): 557-562.
Chklovskii DB, Mel BW, Svoboda K. 2004. Cortical rewiring and
information storage [J]. Nature, 431(7010): 782-788.
Dahlen JE, Jimenez DA, Gerkin RC, Urban NN. 2011. Morphological
analysis of activity-reduced adult-born neurons in the mouse olfactory
bulb [J]. Front Neurosci, 5: 66.
De Paola V, Holtmaat A, Knott G, Song S, Wilbrecht L, Caroni P, Svoboda
K. 2006. Cell type-specific structural plasticity of axonal branches and
boutons in the adult neocortex [J]. Neuron, 49(6): 861-875.
Derkach VA, Oh MC, Guire ES, Soderling TR. 2007. Regulatory
mechanisms of AMPA receptors in synaptic plasticity [J]. Nat Rev
Neurosci, 8(2): 101-113.
Engert F, Bonhoeffer T. 1999. Dendritic spine changes associated with
hippocampal long-term synaptic plasticity [J]. Nature, 399(6731):
Fox K, Wong ROL. 2005. A comparison of experience-dependent plasticity
in the visual and somatosensory systems [J]. Neuron, 48(3): 465-477.
Fu M, Yu XZ, Lu J, Zuo Y. 2012. Repetitive motor learning induces
coordinated formation of clustered dendritic spines in vivo [J]. Nature,
483(7387): 92-95.
Fu M, Zuo Y. 2011. Experience-dependent structural plasticity in the cortex
[J]. Trends Neurosci, 34(4): 177-187.
Greer PL, Greenberg ME. 2008. From synapse to nucleus:
calcium-dependent gene transcription in the control of synapse
development and function [J]. Neuron, 59(6): 846-860.
Grutzendler J, Kasthuri N, Gan WB. 2002. Long-term dendritic spine
stability in the adult cortex [J]. Nature, 420(6917): 812-816.
Hao JD, Rapp PR, Leffler AE, Leffler SR, Janssen WGM, Lou W, McKay H,
Roberts JA, Wearne SL, Hof PR, Morrison JH. 2006. Estrogen alters
spine number and morphology in prefrontal cortex of aged female
rhesus monkeys [J]. J Neurosci, 26(9): 2571-2578.
Ho VM, Lee JA, Martin KC. 2011. The cell biology of synaptic plasticity [J].
Science, 334(6056): 623-628.
Holtmaat A, Svoboda K. 2009. Experience-dependent structural synaptic
plasticity in the mammalian brain [J]. Nat Rev Neurosci, 10(9):
Holtmaat A, Wilbrecht L, Knott GW, Welker E, Svoboda K. 2006.
Experience-dependent and cell-type-specific spine growth in the
neocortex [J]. Nature, 441(7096): 979-983.
Holtmaat AJGD, Trachtenberg JT, Wilbrecht L, Shepherd GM, Zhang XQ,
Knott GW, Svoboda K. 2005. Transient and persistent dendritic spines
in the neocortex in vivo [J]. Neuron, 45(2): 279-291.
Kasai H, Fukuda M, Watanabe S, Hayashi-Takagi A, Noguchi J. 2010.
Structural dynamics of dendritic spines in memory and cognition [J].
Trends Neurosci, 33(3): 121-129.
Kaufmann WE, Moser HW. 2000. Dendritic anomalies in disorders
associated with mental retardation [J]. Cereb Cortex, 10(10): 981-991.
Kennedy MB, Beale HC, Carlisle HJ, Washburn LR. 2005. Integration of
biochemical signalling in spines [J]. Nat Rev Neurosci, 6(6): 423-434.
Kennedy MJ, Ehlers MD. 2006. Organelles and trafficking machinery for
postsynaptic plasticity [J]. Annu Rev Neurosci, 29: 325-362.
Kwon HB, Sabatini BL. 2011. Glutamate induces de novo growth of
functional spines in developing cortex [J]. Nature, 474(7349): 100-104.
Lee WC, Huang H, Feng GP, Sanes JR, Brown EN, So PT, Nedivi E. 2006.
Dynamic remodeling of dendritic arbors in GABAergic interneurons of
adult visual cortex [J]. PLoS Biol, 4(2): e29.
Lendvai B, Stern EA, Chen B, Svoboda K. 2000. Experience-dependent
plasticity of dendritic spines in the developing rat barrel cortex in vivo
[J]. Nature, 404(6780): 876-881.
Leslie JH, Nedivi E. 2011. Activity-regulated genes as mediators of neural
circuit plasticity [J]. Prog Neurobiol, 94(3): 223-237.
Majewska A, Sur M. 2003. Motility of dendritic spines in visual cortex in
vivo: changes during the critical period and effects of visual
deprivation [J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 100(26): 16024-16029.
Marik SA, Yamahachi H, McManus JNJ, Szabo G, Gilbert CD. 2010.
Axonal dynamics of excitatory and inhibitory neurons in
somatosensory cortex [J]. PLoS Biol, 8(6): e1000395.
Markram H, Toledo-Rodriguez M, Wang Y, Gupta A, Silberberg G, Wu CZ.
2004. Interneurons of the neocortical inhibitory system [J]. Nat Rev
Neurosci, 5(10): 793-807.
Mataga N, Mizuguchi Y, Hensch TK. 2004. Experience-dependent pruning
of dendritic spines in visual cortex by tissue plasminogen activator [J].
Neuron, 44(6): 1031-1041.
Matsuzaki M, Honkura N, Ellis-Davies GCR, Kasai H. 2004. Structural
basis of long-term potentiation in single dendritic spines [J]. Nature,
429(6993): 761-766.
Mizrahi A. 2007. Dendritic development and plasticity of adult-born
neurons in the mouse olfactory bulb [J]. Nat Neurosci, 10(4): 444-452.
Mizrahi A, Crowley JC, Shtoyerman E, Katz LC. 2004. High-resolution in
vivo imaging of hippocampal dendrites and spines [J]. J Neurosci,
24(13): 3147-3151.
Mizrahi A, Katz LC. 2003. Dendritic stability in the adult olfactory bulb [J].
Nat Neurosci, 6(11): 1201-1207.
Mozzachiodi R, Byrne JH. 2010. More than synaptic plasticity: role of
nonsynaptic plasticity in learning and memory [J]. Trends Neurosci,
33(1): 17-26.
Nedivi E, Hevroni D, Naot D, Israeli D, Citri Y. 1993. Numerous candidate
plasticity-related genes revealed by differential cDNA cloning [J].
Nature, 363(6431): 718-722.
Oray S, Majewska A, Sur M. 2004. Dendritic spine dynamics are regulated
by monocular deprivation and extracellular matrix degradation [J].
Neuron, 44(6): 1021-1030.
Pan F, Aldridge GM, Greenough WT, Gan WB. 2010. Dendritic spine
instability and insensitivity to modulation by sensory experience in a
mouse model of fragile X syndrome [J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,
107(41): 17768-17773.
Park M, Salgado JM, Ostroff L, Helton TD, Robinson CG, Harris KM,
Ehlers MD. 2006. Plasticity-induced growth of dendritic spines by
exocytic trafficking from recycling endosomes [J]. Neuron, 52(5):
Patterson M, Yasuda R. 2011. Signalling pathways underlying structural
plasticity of dendritic spines [J]. Br J Pharmacol, 163(8): 1626-1638.
Roberts TF, Tschida KA, Klein ME, Mooney R. 2010. Rapid spine
stabilization and synaptic enhancement at the onset of behavioural
learning [J]. Nature, 463(7283): 948-952.
贴吧:神经学作者:Lucy赤い月 2014-06-28 01:45
回复:第2571章 风云四起(第一更)(8月25日)
【怪兽军团】 怪兽召唤列表 :
@阿紫很平凡 @老辣不行了 @灰原仙 @54尛怪兽 @qq344598558 @狱太邪神 @心弦WY @水神小小小翌 @收服冷无常 @z86860
希瑶的老爸 09:52
21楼. . @丨丨娃娃丨丨 @鹿粦4591 @771687955 @很厉害的怪兽 @Mc小锐锐 @牡牡xf @她说年少悱恻 @东方无邪99 @希瑶的老爸 @542306521
希瑶的老爸 09:52
22楼. @21g轻摇氵衮 @无___望 @chenyunpl @w248296 @lu1995happy @魔帅吉日 @堕落滴青年 @Cool灬小唐 @苦笑X佛欲度我 @Yihan20120816
希瑶的老爸 09:5
贴吧:都市少帅作者:791086549 2012-08-25 13:44


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