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法国是一个拥有悠久的发展历史的国度,文化底蕴非常的浓厚,艺术的历史氛围自古流传到了今天,在全世界都非常有名的文化古迹,比如说香榭里舍大街,卢浮宫等旅游胜地。法国文学非常发达。众所周知,法国是启蒙运动的中心 ,在启蒙运动中法国出现了很多的大作家和大思想家,伏尔泰就是其中之一, 伏尔泰的代表作有《老实人》《路易十四时代》。伏尔泰是一个很幽默的自由主义者,他有一句名言,我不同意你的话,但我誓死捍卫你说话的权力。除了文学,法国的艺术也很发达。作为一名建筑学学生,就先介绍一下法国的建筑与雕塑吧,法国建筑像巴黎圣母院,凯旋门,凡尔赛宫,埃菲尔铁塔都非常的雄伟壮观,这些建筑物显示着法国文化与艺术的繁荣。法国雕塑享誉世界,大雕塑家罗丹的作品有《思想者》《地狱之门》,他有一句名言很有名,就是“生活中不是没有美,而是缺少发现美的眼睛。”法国的绘画也很有名,像大画家莫奈的《日出 印象》和和生活在巴黎并加入了法国共产党的著名画家毕加索的代表作《格尔尼卡》。

IP属地:河南来自Android客户端1楼2021-05-20 00:31回复
    France is a country with a long history of development, with a strong cultural heritage. The historical atmosphere of art has been handed down from ancient times to today. It is a very famous cultural heritage in the world, such as Champs Elysees, Louvre and other tourist attractions. French literature is very developed. As we all know, France is the center of the enlightenment. In the enlightenment, there were many great writers and thinkers in France. Voltaire is one of them. Voltaire's representative works are the honest man and the age of Louis XIV. Voltaire is a very humorous liberalist. He has a famous saying that I don't agree with you, but I will defend your right to speak to the death. Besides literature, French art is also very developed. As an architecture student, let's first introduce the architecture and sculpture in France. French architecture, such as Notre Dame, the Arc de Triomphe, the palace of Versailles and the Eiffel Tower, is very magnificent. These buildings show the prosperity of French culture and art. French sculpture is famous all over the world. Rodin's works include the thinker and the gate of hell. He has a famous saying that "life is not without beauty, but the lack of eyes to discover beauty." French paintings are also very famous, such as impression of sunrise by Monet and Guernica by Picasso, a famous painter who lives in Paris and joined the French Communist Party.

    IP属地:河南来自Android客户端2楼2021-05-20 00:32
      法国是一个拥有悠久的发展历史的国度,文化底蕴非常的浓厚,艺术的历史氛围自古流传到了今天,在全世界都非常有名的文化古迹,比如说香榭里舍大街,卢浮宫等旅游胜地。法国文学非常发达。在启蒙运动中法国出现了很多的大作家和大思想家,伏尔泰就是其中之一, 伏尔泰的代表作有《老实人》《路易十四时代》。伏尔泰是一个很幽默的自由主义者,他有一句名言,我不同意你的话,但我誓死捍卫你说话的权力。除了文学,法国的艺术也很发达。作为一名建筑学学生,就先介绍一下法国的建筑与雕塑吧,法国建筑像巴黎圣母院,凯旋门,凡尔赛宫,埃菲尔铁塔都非常的雄伟壮观,这些建筑物显示着法国文化与艺术的繁荣。法国雕塑享誉世界,大雕塑家罗丹的作品有《思想者》《地狱之门》,他有一句名言很有名,就是“生活中不是没有美,而是缺少发现美的眼睛。”法国的绘画也很有名,像大画家莫奈的《日出 印象》和和生活在巴黎并加入了法国共产党的著名画家毕加索的代表作《格尔尼卡》。

      IP属地:河南来自Android客户端3楼2021-05-20 00:33
        France is a country with a long history of development, with a strong cultural heritage. The historical atmosphere of art has been handed down from ancient times to today. It is a very famous cultural heritage in the world, such as Champs Elysees, Louvre and other tourist attractions. French literature is very developed. In the enlightenment movement, there were many great writers and thinkers in France, and Voltaire was one of them. Voltaire's representative works were honest man and the age of Louis XIV. Voltaire is a very humorous liberalist. He has a famous saying that I don't agree with you, but I will defend your right to speak to the death. Besides literature, French art is also very developed. As an architecture student, let's first introduce the architecture and sculpture in France. French architecture, such as Notre Dame, the Arc de Triomphe, the palace of Versailles and the Eiffel Tower, is very magnificent. These buildings show the prosperity of French culture and art. French sculpture is famous all over the world. Rodin's works include the thinker and the gate of hell. He has a famous saying that "life is not without beauty, but the lack of eyes to discover beauty." French paintings are also very famous, such as impression of sunrise by Monet and Guernica by Picasso, a famous painter who lives in Paris and joined the French Communist Party.

        IP属地:河南来自Android客户端5楼2021-05-20 00:35
          French fashion represents an art form. French fashion has gone through many "revolutions", but French high-end clothing has always maintained its elegant and elegant characteristics in the ever-changing, which makes Paris maintain its position as the world fashion center. French fashion is divided into two categories: high-end fashion and ready to wear. French often say Paris fashion, mostly refers to high-end fashion. It is designed by famous designers, handmade clothing. Of course, high-end fashion is the symbol of French fashion, which is mostly used in fashion shows to show the designer's ability. Another major category of fashion is ready-made clothes, which are designed by famous designers and produced in factories. Their styles and colors are designed according to high-end fashion, and their prices are generally very high.

          IP属地:河南来自Android客户端6楼2021-05-20 00:36
            French perfume is known to the world. The famous luxury brands such as Chanel and L'OREAL are mainly perfume, and the noble brand of perfume is famous.

            IP属地:河南来自Android客户端7楼2021-05-20 00:37
              法国是一个拥有悠久的发展历史的国度,文化底蕴非常的浓厚,艺术的历史氛围自古流传到了今天。卢浮宫等旅游胜地。法国文学非常发达。在启蒙运动中法国出现了很多的大作家和大思想家,伏尔泰就是其中之一, 伏尔泰的代表作有《老实人》《路易十四时代》。除了文学,法国的艺术也很发达。作为一名建筑学学生,就先介绍一下法国的建筑与雕塑吧,法国建筑像巴黎圣母院,凯旋门,凡尔赛宫,埃菲尔铁塔都非常的雄伟壮观,这些建筑物显示着法国文化与艺术的繁荣。法国雕塑享誉世界,大雕塑家罗丹的作品有《思想者》《地狱之门》,他有一句名言很有名,就是“生活中不是没有美,而是缺少发现美的眼睛。”法国的绘画也很有名,像大画家莫奈的《日出 印象》和和生活在巴黎并加入了法国共产党的著名画家毕加索的代表作《格尔尼卡》。

              IP属地:河南来自Android客户端8楼2021-05-20 00:39
                France is a country with a long history of development, cultural heritage is very strong, the historical atmosphere of art has been handed down from ancient times to today. The Louvre and other tourist attractions. French literature is very developed. In the enlightenment movement, there were many great writers and thinkers in France, and Voltaire was one of them. Voltaire's representative works were honest man and the age of Louis XIV. Besides literature, French art is also very developed. As an architecture student, let's first introduce the architecture and sculpture in France. French architecture, such as Notre Dame, the Arc de Triomphe, the palace of Versailles and the Eiffel Tower, is very magnificent. These buildings show the prosperity of French culture and art. French sculpture is famous all over the world. Rodin's works include the thinker and the gate of hell. He has a famous saying that "life is not without beauty, but the lack of eyes to discover beauty." French paintings are also very famous, such as impression of sunrise by Monet and Guernica by Picasso, a famous painter who lives in Paris and joined the French Communist Party.

                IP属地:河南来自Android客户端9楼2021-05-20 00:40
                  France is a country with a long history of development, cultural heritage is very strong, the historical atmosphere of art has been handed down from ancient times to today. The Louvre and other tourist attractions. French literature is very developed. In the enlightenment movement, there were many great writers and thinkers in France, and Voltaire was one of them. Voltaire's representative works were honest man and the age of Louis XIV. Besides literature, French art is also very developed. As an architecture student, let's first introduce the architecture and sculpture in France. French architecture, such as Notre Dame, the Arc de Triomphe, the palace of Versailles and the Eiffel Tower, is very magnificent. These buildings show the prosperity of French culture and art. French sculpture is famous all over the world. Rodin's works include the thinker and the gate of hell. He has a famous saying that "life is not without beauty, but the lack of eyes to discover beauty." French paintings are also very famous, such as impression of sunrise by Monet and Guernica by Picasso, a famous painter who lives in Paris and joined the French Communist Party.

                  IP属地:河南来自Android客户端10楼2021-05-20 00:40

                    IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端11楼2021-05-21 09:19

                      IP属地:山东来自Android客户端12楼2021-05-23 01:16