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【自制地图】建设I.P.K.R.(the Imperial Peking-Kalgan Railway)


1. 为保证成就的获得,设定了必须的模组为 Acheatments²,感谢 mediziner & Merk。
2. 设定开始时间为1904年1月1日。一年后,即1905年9月,京张铁路正式开始修建,到1909年10月建成通车,耗时四年,费用693万两白银。
3. 期待国内外模组老鸟能有更多的适合该线路的机车车辆、建筑资产模组出现。比如马莱型系列蒸汽机车、丰沙线上的法国橙8K电力机车、长城、历史车站、人物纪念雕塑等。
4. 感谢王嵬的《我的京张铁路》一书。
p.s. 可以新老线路并行,让复兴号与蒸汽机在时光车轮中飞奔!

IP属地:河北1楼2019-12-28 14:22回复
    English Readme:
    On the eve of the opening of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou high speed railway, this map was made to reflect some features of the Jingzhang Line and the Fengsha line in the TPF world.
    Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway Line(Historically known as the Imperial Peking-Kalgan Railway, I.P.K.R.), as the first main railway line designed and built by Chinese people, carries the inner complex of many railway fans.
    Due to the limitation of the map scale and the inability to simulate the flow characteristics, this map only includes some towns along the line, i.e. the part from Guangou line to Xuanhua, and the Yongding River valley section of fengsha line, and controls the altitude of North Beijing area, changes part of the landform to adapt to the construction of rivers and reservoirs, but reflects the distribution of resources, minerals and industries along the line as far as possible, and simulates the cross-mountain line of Nankou to Badaling, as famous of Zigzag railway line.
    I hope you guys can review the history and get pleasure in the simulation. Salute to Jeme Tien Yow and Chinese railway workers.
    1. To ensure the achievement, the necessary module is set as “Acheatments²”. Thanks mediziner & Merk.
    2. Set the start time as January 1, 1904. One year later, in September 1905, the I.P.K.R. officially began to be built and opened to traffic in October 1909. It took four years and cost 6.93 million liang of silver.
    3. It is expected that more mods are suitable for the line. For example, ML series steam locomotive, Great Wall, historical station, figure memorial sculpture, etc.
    4. Thank Wang Wei for his book "My Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway".

    IP属地:河北2楼2019-12-28 14:22

      IP属地:北京来自Android客户端3楼2019-12-28 14:37

        IP属地:韩国来自Android客户端4楼2019-12-28 18:20

          IP属地:广西6楼2019-12-31 00:24