Because an observer on the ground sees the satellites in motion relative
to them, Special Relativity predicts that we should see their clocks ticking
more slowly (see the Special Relativity lecture). Special Relativity predicts
that the on-board atomic clocks on the satellites should fall behind clocks
on the ground by about 7 microseconds per day because of the slower ticking
rate due to the time dilation effect of their relative motion [2].
时间膨胀效应导致慢了些的“滴答率”(slower ticking rate),并给出了引用文
Because an observer on the ground sees the satellites in motion relative
to them, Special Relativity predicts that we should see their clocks ticking
more slowly (see the Special Relativity lecture). Special Relativity predicts
that the on-board atomic clocks on the satellites should fall behind clocks
on the ground by about 7 microseconds per day because of the slower ticking
rate due to the time dilation effect of their relative motion [2].
时间膨胀效应导致慢了些的“滴答率”(slower ticking rate),并给出了引用文