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原标题:The 50 Best Anime Series of All Time



为榜单撰写前言的是Jason DeMarco先生。我凑巧在他的日志上面看到了连载中的排行榜,觉得每部作品下的评语或风趣或深刻,很有参考价值。而且评语是由不同的人执笔,字里行间透露出他们的所思所想,有的风格迥异,有的耐人回味,透过他们的文字,或许我们可以窥见中西方文化与价值观的些许差异。

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        IP属地:加拿大11楼2018-10-13 10:18
          50. Berserk(剑风传奇,1997)

          Kentaro Miura’s Berserk is one of the most critically-acclaimed action series of the 1980s. Spanning 40 volumes and counting, the long-running manga, which follows Guts the Black Swordsman’s Sisyphean quest for revenge across the blighted plains of Midland, has spawned legions of fans over the series’ almost 30-year history. There’s been a handful of anime adaptations in that time, some more risible than others.The 1997 anime, produced by OLM, directed by Naohito Takahashi, and written by Yasuhiro Imagawa, is to this day widely regarded as the finest adaptation of Berserk ever made and considered a major contributing factor to the series’ ongoing popularity. With an iconic soundtrack by Susumu Hirasawa, intense battles, engrossing characters, and an ending that will shake you to your core, Berserk is a harrowing yet highly recommended plunge into a world fraught with feudal strife and cosmic cruelty. —Toussaint Egan

          IP属地:加拿大32楼2018-10-13 11:56
            49. Fate/Zero,2011
            评语梗概:由青木英执导的25集成人向动画。一群魔术师在一场名为第四次圣杯战争的战斗中竞争神话般的圣杯(绝对不是基督的杯子,但有着它的名字),因为圣杯能够给予它的拥有者愿望。 传统上有三个家族为控制圣杯而战,但每场战争都是在七个魔术师之间进行的,称为master。他们召唤极其强大的传奇英雄和世界上的历史人物,作为他们在冲突中的代表而战 。这意味着一直想知道谁将在亚瑟王和亚历山大大帝之间的战斗中获胜的历史狂热爱好者——那些充满肾上腺素的瘾君子——将会发现,通过这个节目,他们获得了丰厚的回报。 有点疯狂而缭乱的前提设定被华丽的动画风格、复杂的角色以及合理又令人心碎的曲折情节所抵消。

            The second anime adaptation of Type-Moon’s Fate franchise of light novels, this 25-episode seinen, directed by Ei Aoki, follows a group of mages as they compete in a battle royale called the Fourth Holy Grail War over a mythical chalice (decidedly not the Cup of Christ, but sharing its name) capable of granting the wish of its possessor. Three families of mages have traditionally fought for control the Grail, but each war is waged between seven mages, called Masters, who summon Servants, immensely powerful figures of legend and world history, to fight as their representatives in the conflict—meaning that adrenaline junkie history buffs who have always wondered who would win in a battle between King Arthur (again, it’s really not that Holy Grail) and Alexander the Great will find this show plentifully rewarding. The somewhat bananas premise is counterbalanced by a gorgeous animation style, complexity of character, and legitimately heartrending plot twists. —John Maher

            IP属地:加拿大34楼2018-10-13 12:06
              48. Bleach(死神)
              评语梗概:在所有出自奇幻动漫与动作片的转义中,最伟大的引申义(也可以算作流派)之一就是BFS—— “big ****ing sword.” 对于火影忍者,大剑,剑风传奇,浪客剑心和犬夜叉来说都是如此 - 而死神也是如此。 当然,我们的主角一护还有比他手中的巨剑更多的内涵。 他富有同情心,十分勇敢,作为“灵魂收割者”,他负责从邪恶的灵魂之下捍卫人类。 但是,我们还是不要自欺欺人了吧。 死神就是关于剑的传说。 就像,当网飞制作一部真人版死神电影时,并不是说它可以跳过剑道。 死神绝对不会出现这种情况:持续制作8年,366集,甚至画更多的漫画,却不带有粗暴的动作戏以及一把大剑。 他的剑是一把名为斩月的斩魄刀,它实在很棒。

              评语原文:One of the greatest fantasyaction anime tropes of all is the BFS—that is, the “big ****ing sword.” That’strue of Naruto, Claymore, Berserk, Rurouni Kenshin, and Inuyasha—and it’s trueof Bleach. Our protagonist, Ichigo, has plenty more going on than his giantsword, of course; he’s compassionate, brave, and as a “Soul Reaper” he isresponsible for defending humanity from evil spirits. But let’s not kidourselves. Bleach is all about the sword. Like, it’s not as if Netflix skippedthe sword when they made a live-action Bleach movie. It’s not like this wouldhave run for eight years, 366 episodes, and even more pages of manga withoutkick-ass action with a big ****ing sword. His sword is a zanpakuto namedZangetsu, and it’s awesome. —Eric Vilas-Boas

              IP属地:加拿大42楼2018-10-13 12:34
                47. Ping Pong The Animation (乒乓, 2014)
                评语梗概:把乒乓称为“现实的”本身是错误的,但它确实发掘出了现实主义,而这种现实主义是背景设为高中的其他动漫所欠缺的。 学生进行乒乓球比赛,纯粹而简单,这意味着乒乓在捕捉主角的内在焦虑和极端的弓步角度的基础上前进了很多里程。 在紧张的11集中,它网罗到了紧张和痛苦,关于认识到事实上你并不是你自己认为的才华横溢的魔法师的痛苦。 对于任何已经成年的人来说,这是一种瞬间就能分辨出的感觉,并且由导演汤浅政明(最近负责恶魔人,使用类似的不可思议的艺术风格)完美捕获。

                It’s wrong to call Ping Pong “realistic,” per se, but it certainly finds realism where other anime set in high school don’t. The students’ game is table tennis, pure and simple, and that means Ping Pong gets lots of mileage out of the internal angst of its protagonists and extreme camera angles of lunges. In a tight 11 episodes, it captures the tension and pain of learning that you are, in fact, not the talented wizard you thought you were. That’s a recognizable feeling to anyone who’s come of age, and it’s one that director Masaaki Yuasa (recently responsible for Devilman Crybaby, which used a similarly wonky art style) captures perfectly. —Eric Vilas-Boas

                IP属地:加拿大50楼2018-10-13 12:46
                  46. Steins;Gate (命运石之门,2011)
                  评语梗概:如果你发明了时间旅行的技术,会发生什么? 石头门就是这个问题的答案。电视动画改编自2009年同名视觉小说游戏。石头门讲述了18岁的自称“疯狂科学家”的冈部伦太郎和他的朋友们在“未来小工具实验室”的故事。一个爱好者俱乐部致力于研究位于电视商店二楼的“超级科学”。当凶真和助手不小心偶然发现了一个与神秘谋杀相关的时间旅行的基本形式,他们陷入了SERN的阴谋诡计,这是一个一心想统治世界的邪恶组织。由于凶真对他的发现进行了更深入的、甚至献出一生的探索,他不仅要与SERN抗争,而且还要与他亵渎时间所造成的致命后果相抗衡。 石头门开始很慢热,但是在时间旅行的迭代过程中,紧密的剧情绘图,令人难忘的角色以及真正新奇的转折构成了一次令人不能自拔的科幻迷航。

                  What would happen if you invented time travel? Steins;Gate is the answer to that question. The television anime adaptation of the 2009 visual novel game of the same name, Steins;Gate follows the story of Rintaro Okabe, an 18-year-old self-professed “mad scientist,” and his friends at the “Future Gadget Laboratory,” a hobbyist club devoted to researching “super science” located on the second floor of a television store. When Rintaro and co. accidentally stumble upon a rudimentary form of time travel coinciding with a mysterious murder, the group is ensnared in the machinations of SERN, a sinister organization bent on world domination. As Rintaro probes deeper at the discovery of a lifetime, he is forced to contend not only with SERN, but also with the mounting mortal consequences of his temporal dalliance. Steins;Gate is slow to start, but builds into an enthralling sci-fi mystery with tight plotting, memorable characters, and a genuinely novel twist on the iterative process of time travel. —Toussaint Egan

                  IP属地:加拿大54楼2018-10-13 12:55
                    44. Pokémon(神奇宝贝)

                    If ahigher-ranked anime on this list didn’t introduce you to the genre, thenPokémon likely did. To the joy of ’90s kids everywhere, Pokémon helped solidifyanime (and, hopefully, good punnery) in the West: Pikachu still hovers over theMacy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, and a certain mobile game was possibly the onlygood thing about 2016. Pokémon may not be high artistry (because, you know,it’s for children), but the show’s pervasiveness is a testament to the power ofnostalgia. —Sarra Sedghi

                    IP属地:加拿大59楼2018-10-13 13:09
                      42. Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo (岩窟王,2004)
                      评语梗概:基督山伯爵......在太空中。这并非巧合,正是人们对于阿尔弗雷德·贝斯特之原始网络朋克的试金石“我们的征途是星辰大海”的描述——这是有意义的,因为由前田城弘执导的这部24集成人向动画,最初的目的是改编贝斯特的小说。然而,亚历山大·仲马的经典复仇故事虽然比贝斯特的小说中的字面意义更加严格 --实际上,EdmondDantès,这里拼写的Edmund Dantes和法国巴黎仍然是一个中心位置 -- 在此却存在着更加奇特的转变。前田城弘的宇宙不再是邪恶的超级公司和个人传送,而拥有了外星帝国和恶魔力量。艺术风格独特,从欧洲和日本的19世纪艺术运动中汲取灵感,核心主题由来自英国后朋克乐队Stranglers的贝斯手Jean-Jacques Burnel创作。它并不适合所有人,但实际上没有其他动画和它很相像。

                      The Count of Monte Cristo... in space. This is, not coincidentally, exactly how one might describe Alfred Bester’s proto-cyberpunk touchstone The Stars My Destination—which makes sense, as this 24-episode seinen, directed by Mahiro Maeda, was initially intended as an adaptation of Bester’s novel. Yet Alexandre Dumas’s classic revenge tale, while interpreted more literally than in Bester’s novel—the titular count is, in fact, Edmond Dantès, here spelled Edmund Dantes, and Paris, France, remains a central location—takes an even weirder turn here. Instead of sinister mega-corporations and personal teleportation, Maeda’s universe is peopled with alien empires and demonic forces. The art style is unique, almost overwhelmingly so, taking its cues from 19th century art movements in both Europe and Japan, and the main themes were composed by Jean-Jacques Burnel, bassist from English post-punk band the Stranglers. It’s not for everyone, but there really is no other anime quite like it. —John Maher

                      IP属地:加拿大63楼2018-10-13 13:35
                        40. Gurren Lagann(天元突破红莲螺岩,2007)

                        Up until to the release of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Gainax had always been a studio perilously skirting the line between disaster and success. The runaway success of Neon Genesis Evangelion had buoyed the studio from the brink of disaster, and in the intervening years Gainax found itself again in need of another boon. Hiroyuki Imaishi’s directorial television debut, a “hot-blooded” and “unconventional” super robot anime that functioned as a spiritual successor to the studio’s prior works like Gunbuster and Evangelion. With boundless charisma, meteoric stakes, and exponential heaps of absurd spectacle that laugh in the face of sensibility, Gurren Lagann delivered Gainax another cult classic and became the launchpad for the studio’s own successor, Trigger. On the height of Gurren Lagann’s success, Imaishi and co. pierced through the heavens and showed the world just who the hell they were. —Toussaint Egan

                        IP属地:加拿大80楼2018-10-15 09:17
                          38. The Vision of Escaflowne(天空之艾斯嘉科尼,1996)
                          评语梗概:艾斯嘉科尼的愿景就是完整地把人们的幻想打包。它有龙,有被战争拆散得支离破碎的另一个地球,有蒸汽机器人,有华丽的剑与剑决斗动画,塔罗牌以及由传奇菅野洋子策划的非常精彩的交响音轨。组成它的元素也许都是可识别的,但化学成分完美。艾斯嘉科尼仍然是一个值得关注的爆炸性事件,但它可能最为引人注目的是这个事件凶手们的名字:河森正治(超时空要塞)创造了这个系列; 山口亮太(海贼王,乱马 1/2,美少女战士)撰写了很多内容; 渡边信一郎(星际牛仔)设计动画分镜; 菅野(也是牛仔)做了音乐; 逢坂浩司(工作室BONES的联合创始人)执导动画; 入江泰浩(钢之炼金术师:兄弟)共同执导了一集。艾斯嘉科尼的远见卓识长存。

                          The Vision of Escaflowne is just about the full fantasy package. It’s got dragons, an alternate Earth rent asunder by war, steampunky robots, gorgeous sword-duel animation, tarot cards, and a rad symphonic soundtrack masterminded by the legendary Yoko Kanno. The elements may all be recognizable, but the chemistry works perfectly. Escaflowne’s still a blast to watch, but it’s probably most notable for the murderers’ row of names behind it. Shoji Kawamori (Macross franchise mastermind) created the series; Ryota Yamaguchi (One Piece, Ranma 1/2, Sailor Moon) wrote much of it; Shinichiro Watanabe (Cowboy Bebop) did storyboards; Kanno (also Bebop) did the music; Hiroshi Osaka (cofounder of the anime studio BONES) directed animation; and Yasuhiro Irie (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood) co-directed an episode. Its visionary legacy lived on. —Eric Vilas-Boas

                          IP属地:加拿大88楼2018-10-18 09:34

                            IP属地:加拿大来自Android客户端91楼2018-10-21 07:46
                              35. Devilman Crybaby(恶魔人Crybaby,2018)
                              评语梗概:说实话,永井豪是一个有名望的人。除了身为他的创作——魔神Z——的“超级机器人”流派的先驱之一,他还以制作推动禁忌元素的作品而闻名,并促使日本动漫从以儿童为导向的产业转向更黑暗和更具有性感冲击力的目标。例证即为恶魔人。汤浅政明对飞鸟了与不动明的“爱情”故事的当代重现与永井豪的原始漫画一样具有狂热的暴力和坚定的伤风败俗倾向,这是对创作者的全部作品和角色的传奇故事的恰当致敬。从剑风传奇格里菲斯的路西法美女到新生代的新世纪福音战士的世界末日孤独感,到处都可以看到恶魔人的影响。出于这些理由以及更多原因,恶魔人 Crybaby不仅将自己定位为近期大众记忆中最好的系列剧集之一,而且未来仍然经得起时间的考验。

                              评语原文:To put it lightly, Go Nagai is a man with a reputation. Aside from being one of the forefathers of the “Super Robo”’ subgenre of mecha for his creation Mazinger Z, he is also known for creating works that pushed taboos and prompted the anime industry’s shift from children-oriented fare to darker and more sexually-charged subject matter. Case in point: Devilman. Masaaki Yuasa’s contemporary reprise of Akira Fudo and Ryo Asuka’s “love” story is as orgiastically violent and unflinchingly risqué as Nagai’s original manga, a fitting tribute to both the creator’s oeuvre and the character’s storied legacy. Devilman’s influence can be seen everywhere from the Luciferian beauty of Berserk’s Griffith to the apocalyptic loneliness of Neon Genesis Evangelion. For all these reasons and more, Devilman Crybaby positions itself not only as one of the best series in recent memory, but one that will stand the test of time in the years to come. —Toussaint Egan

                              IP属地:加拿大95楼2018-10-24 11:51