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最近因为电影原因银河守护者这个团队一下大火,但是很多人对这个团队的认识有些问题。启发电影的还是V2,从Annihilation到Thanos Imperative
具体漫画期刊可以看下这个链接:http://www.comicvine.com/guardians-of-the-galaxy/4050-21550/还有和其他宇宙事件的一些互动,主要是Dan Abnett(泰拉至高领主)和Andy lanning写的
至于为什么团队选择这些人,可以看下Infinite Trilogy,电影也从这里借鉴了很多。楼下整理以下阅读书目

1楼2014-08-09 09:55回复
    1.银河守护者主要漫画:Guardians of the Galaxy V2 , The Thanos Imperative, Annihilation: Conques, Annihilation: Conques Starlord, Annihilators
    2.合集:Guardians of the Galaxy By Abnett And Lanning Complete Collection
    此外还有相关宇宙线的Quasar和Nova,主要是Marvel 2008-2011年的宇宙线

    2楼2014-08-09 10:02
      It should be noted that his cosmic Marvel comics with probably-best friend Andy Lanning are not at all shit, and are in fact some of the greatest modern Marvel comics. The Thanos Imperative stands out amongst them, and is worth a read even if you have no familiarity with Cosmic Marvel or the Marvel Universe at all. Like, seriously, go get that shit right now. I*m not fucking kidding. It*s what got me into comics. D*n*A also wrote the reboot of Guardians of the Galaxy, which now has a movie. Yes。
      --摘自Warhammer 4chan 对于Dan Abnett的描述

      6楼2014-08-09 10:18