0经核实吧主爱恨几 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 gewar吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
0今天得知老外们沟通新工具Trillian 以前和他们一起玩用过msn,xfire等等 现在流行这个了,有PC/mac版本,还有ios/android版本,有繁体中文显示。
0gewar游戏仍在,,, 冒个泡
0大家好! gewar.cn域名已在我名下,准备做gewar游戏的中文版,有兴趣的可以沟通。
3今天gewar重启,引入众多新的功能,简要说明如下: 1、gewar版本进化到V3版本了; 2、现在正在测试VP(Victory Points,看运气了,可升可降)和XP(经验值,只会升高),只是beta版本,还没有正式引入到游戏中,会在界面展示,但是不产生实质性影响; 3、引入城市防护墙概念; 4、现在可以在浏览器中直接开矿了,当然在Google Earth中也能开矿; 5、卢克也将持续不断的编码改进,期待大家是反馈意见。 关于城市防护墙的changelog 1、基地防护墙也将被引入
120:10:01 - December 13th, 2015The city of Tokyo, Japan was nuked by keo using 2 nukes. The nuke shield was able to withstand the attack and protect the armies in the city, but it was damaged. 19:56:54 - December 13th, 2015keo has launched a nuke from Shanghai, China. 19:56:21 - December 13th, 2015keo has launched a nuke from Shanghai, China.
3这一轮太长了,从14:28:04 - November 24th, 2013开始,现在都7个月了,,,,很少这么长的周期了
0值此gewar 10周年庆典,gewar重启了! 同时本次附加有future版本也是test版本,加入了一个内置网页的google earth,不过是测试阶段,不影响正常版本的游戏。
0[05-09-2015 10:05 PM] Cash: Good addition... [05-09-2015 08:03 PM] thomas85: because the registration page says so [05-09-2015 07:11 PM] Cash: And smeeegle just said HI? [05-09-2015 07:10 PM] Cash: How do players even know to post in chat about g mail accounts? [05-09-2015 07:05 PM] thomas85: did you receive your activation email? [05-09-2015 07:05 PM] thomas85: hi smeeegle. [05-09-2015 11:42 AM] keo: hi newfish [05-09-2015 08:56 AM] SMEEEGLE: Hi [05-09-2015 06:04 AM] thomas85: losers [05-09-2015 06:04 AM] thomas85: wtf is this? I'm in a mood of playing but no not a peep here since several
1今天是个好日子; 10:25:01 - August 15th, 2014 The city of Tokyo, Japan was nuked by keo using 2 nukes. The city had a nuke shield in place and no armies were killed. 1 of the armies with a total of 20,199 troops were incinerated. Azrael lost the city.
0WTO之歌 找点空闲,抽点时间。 拉着部队,常出来转转。 带足geos,带上人品, 打开GE,到全球看看; 上午占住了资源油城; 中午还想着打不打鱼城; 打仗的清单让队长看看, 傲人的战绩让队友赞赞, 常出来转转,出来转转, 赶快把咱们的任务超额完一完; WTO不图咱为人民做多大贡献, 一辈子不容易就欺负个SAS看看....... 版权:nanjingjacky
0【18:10:01 - July 7th, 2014 The city of Tokyo, Japan was nuked by dggsod using 4 nukes. The city had a nuke shield in place and no armies were killed. The city was currently unoccupied 】 本想晚上突袭核炸东京的,不想被 然 先手一步,核掉东京,谨以此纪念中国全民族抗日战争爆发77周年。
0本轮为第12轮,历经了约7个月时间,是近年来非常长的一轮了。 本轮重要事件为:WTO集体回归。仍然组建zerg联盟,横扫老外。 keo仍旧打酱油组建单兵联盟NoZergStillPain,试图唤醒国人no zerg新玩法。 新的一轮大约已于2014年6月12日凌晨1点左右启动。 希望这一轮更加精彩。
1http://bbs.godeyes.cn/showtopic-377867.aspx 游戏将重启,11年WTO何去何从?大家请投下庄重的一票!
1878,居然没人中奖,奖池已到24w geos了,,, 功亏一篑,,,,
2今年第一次重启,据邮件说明是有重大改变,并为gewar V3版本做铺垫! 期待!
1刚收到邮件,gewar重启了。原文如下: Dear keo, You are receiving this e-mail because you recently played GEWar (http://www.gewar.net), and have checked the option to receive e-mails from administrators. We at GEWar are happy to announce that GEWar has just been reset. Now is the best time to get back into the action and get a small advantage. On top of that there are a few changes. Cities won't give you any real income anymore by default. You'll have invest in a city to gain revenue. This can be done by expanding the industry of a city. Another change is that there is a max on ar
2在历经短暂的上一轮之后,gewar今天终于迎来重启! 上一轮实行试验性质的“no alliance”——无盟制度,,,我没有过多参与,估计不大好玩,所以也很快就KO了,,期待新的一轮更加精彩! 也期待各位老骨灰的回归,游戏而已,没有过不去的坎不是,, 不得不说现在玩的魔剑shadowbane这个游戏,2003年开始的,国服倒闭之后,老骨灰们都去亚服,韩服,欧服,老外还不是一样德行,,,开挂都搞不过不屈不饶的我们。
0卢克今天发布帖子,说下周日冲重启。 原帖:http://www.gewar.net/forum/showthread.php?t=19016 大意是:下一轮将实施一种全新的搞法,即使是只能存在于下一轮而已,取决于是否能被大家所接受——没有联盟的存在! *** 天哪,玩了5年的gewar,这次确实是算最大最夸张的一次变革了,,看看吧,看没有联盟的日子是个啥局面,,,
0纪念我们的gewar 7周年!