关注: 68 贴子: 97


  • 目录:
  • 游戏交易及功能
  • 7
    尊敬的舰长:   ESI数据接口地址已由迁移至,数据接口获取数据功能已逐步恢复,详情请查看:。   2023年10月26日
    来守家 12-14
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      如果您想开发属于自己的EVEOnline数据处理软件,现在完全不必阅读大量深奥的开发文档,仅需登陆ESI网站,打开相应的查询,点击"Try it out",即可测试能否返回正确数据。这极大的增强了软件或者网页开发的交互性和易用性。   详情请访问官方接口文档说明页及展示应用《ESI UI》:。
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    尊敬的舰长:   ESI功能维护已完成,数据接口获取数据功能已逐步恢复,本次维护后《星战前夜:晨曦》官网将增加ESI解除授权功能,各位舰长在登陆账号后可选择需要解除授权角色进行解绑,解绑完成后第三方平台将无法获取该角色需要授权的信息。   网易《EVE Online》运营团队   2021年11月15日
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    本文由“仁杰兄”翻译,于2018-05-06 09:44:02发表至CSDN。 原帖地址:
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    To all of our third party developers, Please note that version 4 of the character/{character_id} route on ESI was removed last Monday (25 October). Any applications which were written using v4 of the character route need to be updated to v5. The ESI changelog can be found at esi-issues/ at 【】 where you can find the official documentation of changes made to ESI. Related to this, we are currently seeing an increase in traffic to eve.character.skill endpoints since v4 character route was removed, possibly indicating applica
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    JEveAsset是一个资产跟踪和管理工具,可以跨越多个角色(包括军团)工作。 强大而又可自定义的筛选功能允许您深挖数据,并尽可能详细地分析您喜欢的数据。它跟踪市场销售和支出,让你知道什么时候需要补充库存,最重要的是计算你的净值。 原帖: 代码:
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    Today some changes to ESI were deployed, which may have caused some issues with third party applications that were not up to date. Although these changes were announced in a dev blog earlier this month, due to issues with the website rendering blogs inaccessible it may not have been properly communicated to all third party developers and we apologise for this. We have had reports from players for some third party applications failing, so we are reproducing the contents of the blog here for developers: UPDATE: Due to a case of PEBCAK I reproduced the wrong blog in OP. T

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  • 定制名片背景
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会员: 伊甸之星

目录: 游戏交易及功能