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    ①下载百词斩APP,注册并登陆 ②点击底部【发现】,进入【学习小班】 ③点击【+加入小班】,输入邀请码 邀请码:3f09aa5
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    复制该口令 w$16dc16f353400005$w到万词王 App(真人实景背单词) 即可加入我的队伍,组队背单词赢奖励
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    看一遍就能记住单词age age年龄;年纪 拆分单词:a(阿)+ge(哥) 中式记忆:阿哥年纪还小。 #背单词#
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    arm手臂;胳膊 拆分单词:a(一只)+rm(热门) 中式记忆:那个人只有一只手臂上了热门。#背英语单词##英语词汇##英语学习##英语口语#
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    quake VerbI 颤抖, 地震 Noun 颤抖, 地震 Naples does not sit squarely on a fault line but is close enough to be at risk for major damage if a strong quake hits nearby. 那普乐思并没有完全位于断层线上但也非常的靠近,因此有着巨大伤害的风险如果附近出现强大的地震。
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:pro-life 背单词打卡 2023.03.16 感觉是一种加强版的生活。但是从词义上看一个“un”或者“anti”前缀更合适。实际的词义和生活没太大关系,更多的体现对生命的尊重。有意思的是它的反义词是pro-choice。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: The laws are about as firmly pro-life as it gets. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: pro-life It feels like an enhanced version of life. But lexically an 'un' or '
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:chives 背单词打卡 2023.03.14 这个坑就是单词chive。从拼写来看,明显可以认为chives是chive的复数形式。但是从词义上来说,两者并不一致。虽然chives保留了chive的词义,但是chives是一个独立的单词。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: Top baked potatoes with yogurt and chives. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: chives The trick is the word chive, and from the spelling it is obvious that chives is the plural form of
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:rung 背单词打卡 2023.03.12 这是单词ring的过去分词,这个是我们熟悉的。但是这个词还是一个独立的单词,有其自己独立的词义,猜一下吧。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: He put his foot on the bottom rung to keep the ladder steady. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: rung This is the past participle of the word ring, which is familiar to us. But it is still a separate word with its own separate meaning, so guess. Please gues
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    world Noun 世界, 地球, 宇宙, 万物, 世人, 人间, 领域, 世事, 世故, 社会生活, 大量 [法] 世界, 地球, 世人 It is the furthest distance is you did not know what I love you stand before you and is not live and die in the world. 世界上最遥远的距离不是生与死,而是我站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你
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    retinitis Noun 视网膜炎 [医] 视网膜炎 Objective To detect mutation in the rhodopsin gene ( RHO ) in a Chinese family with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP). 目的确定常染色体显性遗传视网膜色素变性家系的致病基因及其突变位点,并研究其临床表型。
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:outnumber 背单词打卡 2023.03.10 经常遇到的out大概是这样的:out of window,out of service。前几天还遇到过outgrow,今天是一个更抽象的词了。直觉是在数字的外面,当然这不对。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: Here the poor greatly outnumber the wealthy. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: outnumber There are familiar phrases of out such as out of window,out of service. the other day I also came across outgrow, today it&#
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:requiem 背单词打卡 2023.03.08 一看到这个单词时,我的第一反应就是单词quiet。拼写部分有相似的地方,词义也和安静有关联,只不过需要引申一下。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: Consider these, from his latest novel, "Nanjing Requiem" : "Finally Ban began to talk." Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: ye When I saw this word, my first thought was that the word quiet was similar in spelling and related in
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    steck 鱼排 On the Administration Structure of the Joint-Steck Company 浅谈股份公司的治理结构
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:gastric 背单词打卡 2023.03.04 gas是气体的意思。事实上这个单词确实和气体多少有点关系,其亮点在于这个气是从何而来的?先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: He suffered from diabetes and gastric ulcers. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: gastric gas means gas. The word does in fact have more or less to do with gas, the highlight of which is where does it come from? Please guess the meaning of the word first, and then look it up in t
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:viewfinder 背单词打卡 2023.03.02 view和finder放在了一起,词义也是与view和finder匹配的。所以不算难,但是不要太自信,因为不一定就能猜对。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: You are your cameras best viewfinder! Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: viewfinder The view and the finder are put together and the meaning of the word is matched with the view and the finder. So it's not too difficult, but don't be too sure, as it&#
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    equine Noun 马 Adj 马的, 象马的 Objective To improve the therapeutic effect of cauda equine injury with microsurgery. 目的探讨提高马尾神经损伤的手术治愈率与方法。
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:joyrider 背单词打卡 2023.02.28 joy和rider都是很简单的词,现在放在一起了,那么乘车的感觉好么?先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: And last year at Ilford, an escaping joyrider, being chased by police, held up play between Essex and Surrey. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: joyrider joy and rider are both very simple words, now they are put together, so does the ride feel good? Please guess the meaning of the word first, and then look it up
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    defraud VerbT 欺骗 [经] 骗取, 诈取, 欺骗 Money, of course, encourages fraud, and ISOS participants have many ways to try to defraud one another. 当然,有钱就会有诈欺,ISOS的参与者若想欺骗对方多的是方法。
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    styling Noun 款式, 式样 The car has been criticized for its outdated body styling. 这种轿车因其过时的车身式样而受到批评。
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:seminal 背单词打卡 2023.02.26 seminar应该都知道的,那么seminal应该是它的形容了么?非也,非也,单词的不确定性和股市是一样滴。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: It suggests chronic exposure to mercury vapor may cause adverse effects on Sertoli's cells of spermatogenic epithelium and seminal vesicle function. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: seminal The seminar should know it, so is seminal supposed to be the adjective for
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    marsupia Noun (有袋目动物腹部的)育幼袋( marsupium的名词复数 ); [医](单marsupium)育儿袋, 卵袋, 阴囊
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:offshoot 背单词打卡 2023.02.24 字面是不要开枪的意思。有点难,也很意外,参考例句来猜吧。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: Psychology began as a purely academic offshoot of natural philosophy. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: offshoot Literally means don't shoot. A bit difficult and unexpected, refer to the example sentence to guess. Please guess the meaning of the word first, and then look it up in the dictionary. The unexpected can
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    tile Noun 砖瓦, 瓷砖, 瓦片 VerbT 铺以瓦, 铺以瓷砖 [计] 平铺 Every piece of brick wall, every piece of tile seems to tell the people the endless past. 城墙上的每一块砖、每一片瓦都似乎在向人们诉说着无尽的往事。
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:cleanser 背单词打卡 2023.02.22 clean是熟悉的,er后缀表示一个名词。所以这个单词肯定和清洁,干净有关,并且是一个名词。应该不难猜,但是意外的是单词的发音。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: Dried paint giblets can be wiped off by paint cleanser. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: cleanser "clean" is a well-known word, the suffix "er" means that it is a noun. So the meaning is related to cleani
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    extol VerbT 颂扬, 称赞, 吹捧 With hearts full of joy and eyes filled with tears, they gratefully extol the virtues and miracles of life. 充满著自然的喜悦,眼中含著莫名的泪水,真诚感慨著生命的奇迹。
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:trainee 背单词打卡 2023.02.20 这个词的后缀ee表示人。train可以表示火车也可以表示训练。是哪一个呢?赌一把吧。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: He is a 24-year-old trainee reporter. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: trainee The suffix ee in this word indicates a person. train can mean either 火车 or training. Which one is it? Take a bet. Please guess the meaning of the word first, and then look it up in the dictionary. The unexpec
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    preterm Adj 早产的 It is associated with an increased risk of pregnancy complications, the most common being polyhydramnios and preterm delivery. 它会增加许多怀孕并发症发生的机率,其中最常见的就是羊水过多与早产。

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目录: 学校话题