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丧心病狂背单词 坚持到底 就是赢家 ! !

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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:antitrust 背单词打卡 2023.03.03 anti作为前缀是没有什么问题的,关键是trust。我们都知道trust是信任的意思,我特意查了一下词典,发现还有一个词义是和今天的单词匹配的。所以难不难猜取决于你是否知道这个词义。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: The jury found that the NFL had violated antitrust laws. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: antitrust There is nothing special with anti as a prefix. The key
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    pigmentation Noun 染色, 着色, 色素沉着, 天然颜色 [医] 色素沉着, 着色 Regarding pigmentation prevention, when in vivo contracts disease, must remove the cause of disease directly, is an evolution process. 对于色素沉着的防治,当体内患有疾病时,要直接去除病因,是一个渐进的过程。
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:abreast 背单词打卡 2023.03.01 breast都知道,前缀a通常表示否定,所以第一感是平胸。当然这个词义是不对的。但是如果你知道了正确词义,你就会觉得还是很形象的。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: The steep sidewalk was too narrow for them to walk abreast. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: abreast Breast is a normal and basic word, the prefix "a" usually means negation, so the first sense is flat chested. O
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    hammy Adj 有火腿香味的, (非正式)表演过火的 In a hammy gesture on the eve of the 1997 poll, Tony Blair claimed that voters had just 24 hours to save the NHS. 1997年民意测验前夜,托尼·布莱尔以一个夸张的姿态宣称选民们仅有24小时来挽救国民保健服务体系。
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:islander 背单词打卡 2023.02.27 island是岛,er后缀表示人,所以这是有一个和岛与人有关的单词。一切按常规来,但词义还是由你来猜。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: Captain Cook took gifts to the Pacific Islander·. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: islander Island means island and the "er" suffix indicates a person, so it's a word related to island and person. Everything goes according to convention, but you may
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    pause Noun 暂停, 中止, 停顿, 间歇, 踌躇, 休止符 VerbI 暂停, 中止, 停顿, 踌躇 [计] DOS内部命令:暂时停止批处理文件的执行 But pause and reflect. Marriage must always be something of a gamble. 但停下来反思,婚姻常常是一种赌博。
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:craftsmanship 背单词打卡 2023.02.25 craft,man,ship,都是熟悉的单词,ship作为后缀也不陌生。但是这么一堆放在一起并没有什么新鲜事。所以单词长未必有用。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: The whole house is a monument to her craftsmanship. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: craftsmanship Craft, man, ship, are all familiar words, and ship as a suffix is not new. But there is nothing new about putting them together. So lon
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    quartzite Noun 石英岩 [化] 石英岩 Performance comparison of modified quartzite and modified zeolite in fluoride removal 改性石英砂及沸石滤料除氟性能比较
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:longed-for 背单词打卡 2023.02.23 long可以是一个动词。这个单词的词义和longed,for以及long有一种默契的联系。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: Lucy had always longed for a brother. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: longed-for long can be a verb. The meaning of the word is implicitly related to longed, for and long. Please guess the meaning of the word first, and then look it up in the dictionary. The unexpected can help us to remember word
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    tegument Noun 皮, 外皮, 天然壳 [医] 体被, 皮肤 Seeds with bony tegument; 种子有多骨的皮;
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:nymph 背单词打卡 2023.02.21 nymph的一个词义是女神,仙女,但是还有一个词义就完全和前一个不搭,非常意外。例句是就是选的那个不搭的词义,猜猜吧。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: The nymph hatches from the egg case. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: nymph One of the meanings of the word nymph is goddess, fairy, but there is another meaning that doesn't match the previous one at all, very unexpectedly. The examp
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    pounded Adj 捣碎的 The natives pounded the grain into a fine powder. 当地人把谷类碾成细粉。
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:upmarket 背单词打卡 2023.02.19 字面上是上面的市场,实际词义肯定不是啦。可以参考例句。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: It's a low-lit upmarket pub with a wood-panelled games room. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: illiterate It is literally the above market, but the actual meaning of the word is definitely not. You can refer to the example sentence. Please guess the meaning of the word first, and then look it up in the dictionary. Th
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    humid Adj 潮湿的, 湿润的, 多湿气的 After dinner I take a walk in and out of the ZiZhuYuan Park, and take pictures there. It is humid and fog in the air. 晚饭后我到紫竹院公园散步,拍了几张照片。今天湿度较大,空气中还是有雾。
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:self-interest 背单词打卡 2023.02.17 字面上是对自己感兴趣,所以猜词义是自恋。但是不对,这样直接的词义是不会拿出来猜的。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: He is motivated entirely by self-interest. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: self-interest It literally means interested in oneself, so guessing the lexical meaning is narcissistic. But no, such a direct lexical meaning would not be taken out and guessed. Please guess the me
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    readin Noun 读入 He said, "Son, I've made a life out of readin 'people's faces." 他说,“小子,我是靠判读人们的面部表情来过活的。”
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:mishap 背单词打卡 2023.02.15 最初mishap没觉得什么。查了词典才发现hap是一个独立的单词,mis是前缀,表示否定。那么猜猜hap是啥就可以了。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: I managed to get home without (further) mishap. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: mishap At first I thought there was nothing special about the word "mishap". After looking in a dictionary, I found out that "hap" is a word, mis is a prefi
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    因为我太没有毅力了,在朋友圈和weibo打卡太恼人了,所以来吧里安安静静打卡。希望能完完整整背完一本单词书。 (我家猫猫镇楼)
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    ratten Verb 毁坏 Real friendship is not a ratten, growing up in just one night, and withering away in just one day. 真正的友谊不是一株瓜蔓,会在一夜之间蹿将起来,一天之内枯萎下去。
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:precarious 背单词打卡 2023.02.13 pre是前缀,carious是一个独立的单词,词义是腐烂的。不要猜腐烂前的,按规矩来肯定是不行的。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: Our financial situation had become precarious. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: precarious pre is a prefix and carious is a separate word, meaning rotten. Don't guess pre-corrupt, it certainly won't work by the rules. Please guess the meaning of the word first, and
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    keep Noun 生计, 维持, 保持 VerbT 保持, 保存, 遵守, 看守, 整理, 维持, 履行, 经营, 拘留, 记帐 VerbI 保持, 继续不断 But the bigger military powers do not want to depend too much on others, so they try to keep a bit of everything. 但是强势的军事力量不希望过多的依赖其他国家,所以他们试图走大而全的道路。
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:wholemeal 背单词打卡 2023.02.09 直觉应该猜套餐,或者一桌菜,联想到wholesale,还会猜大锅菜。但是这些都不对,接近的是wholewheat这个词,所以觉得搭配不当。词义中全麦,但是完整词义还要继续猜。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: Would it not be better if they spent more money on wholesome things like oranges and wholemeal bread? Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: wholemeal Intuitively, I should have guesse
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    spike Noun 长钉, 鞋钉, 钉状物, 尖峰状物, 穗 VerbT 以大钉钉牢, 用尖物刺穿, 阻止, 弃置不用 [计] 尖峰信号 Even with some smoothing, there would still be a slight spike. 即使是经过了一些平滑的处理,还是会有微小的尖峰。
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:to-do 背单词打卡 2023.02.07 to-do这个词是看到“to-do list“这个短语认识的,词义很清楚。今天背到这个单词了,词义非常意外。iWord--爱单词显示的词义和原来的认识相差很多。有道词典的词义也包含有差异的这部分。这么看是原来对单词的词义没有了解全面。所以呢,to-do的事情真的要做么?先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: to-do The word to-do is a phras
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:commander-in-chief 背单词打卡 2023.02.05 看到in chief让我想到了in charge,实际上两个意思也差不多。今天的单词应该不难猜,表示一个重量级的人物,看看例句就知道了。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: The president of the United States is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: commander-in-chief "in chief" reminds me of "in charge", actually they are kind of the
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    totes Noun 手提, 拖, 拉( tote的名词复数 ) Verb 手提, 背负, 携带( tote的第三人称单数 ) The latest craze in the recycled fashion world is handbags and totes made from recycled plastic grocery bags, crocheted together. 可回收时装界当今最流行的便是可回收塑料袋编制而成的提包和手提袋。
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    incidence Noun 发生, 发生率, 影响, 负担者, 入射, 倾角 [医] 入射, 发生率, 发生数 the angle between a reflected ray and a line perpendicular to the reflecting surface at the point of incidence. 在一个入射点一条反射线与垂直于表面的线之间的夹角。
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:bunny 背单词打卡 2023.02.03 bun是小圆面包的意思,那么bunny看着应该是形容词了,就是小圆面包的。如果这么猜就掉沟里去了。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: I saw a little bunny rabbit on my lawn. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: bunny Bun means small round bread, so bunny looks like an adjective. If you think of it that way, you fall into a trap. Please guess the meaning of the word first, and then look it up in the dictionary
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    clash Noun 冲突, 撞击声, 抵触 VerbI 冲突, 抵触 VerbT 使发出撞击声 [计] 对撞 You could have a great deal of fun trying to invent a way to do this; a way for two threads to ensure that they don't clash. 可以进行许多有趣的尝试去发现一个合适的方法;这个方法要保证两个线程不会冲突。
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:floodlight 背单词打卡 2023.02.01 flood和light都没有什么好说的,直接就是字面的意思。现在放一起了,有一种如洪水般涛涛不绝的样子了。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: Of a floodlight, The scattered light falling outside the beam. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: floodlight There is nothing to say about flood and light, they just mean what they mean literally. Now put together, there is a kind of like a flood of waves. Please
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:livestock 背单词打卡 2023.01.30 单词由两个部分组成:live和stock。如果全面的认识stock这个单词的话,那么今天是不难猜的。觉得有难度请参考例句。先猜一下词义,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: The heavy rains and flooding killed scores of livestock. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: livestock The vocabulary consists of two parts: live and stock. If you know the word stock well, it is not difficult to guess today. If you find it difficul
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    enlock VerbT 把…锁藏起来, 把…锁起保存好;锁上, 锁;把…关起来, 关闭
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    turning Noun 旋转, 转弯处, 车削工作 [化] 车削 He took the next turning to the left but found himself in a blind alley. 他在下一个拐弯处向左走,但发现走进了一个死胡同。
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:on the nose 背单词打卡 2023.01.27 今天分享一个短语,来自今天的听力素材。字面是在鼻子上,那实际词义是什么呢?先猜一下词意,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: The budget should hit the $136 billion target on the nose. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: on the nose Today I want to share a phrase, I heard it when I practised listening in this morning. Literally it means on surface of a nose, then what does it actually mean? Please guess the meanin
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:hood 背单词打卡 2023.01.25 hood见过很多次了,比如:childhood,fatherhood,neighborhood。但是作为一个独立的单词今天是第一次见到。当然,意外还是词义。词义和以前背过的单词中的词义是不同的。先猜一下词意,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: The bullets ricocheted off the hood and windshield. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: wind-up Have seen "hood" many times, such as: childhood,fatherhood,neighbourhood. But
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    peduncle Noun 花梗, 梗, (肿瘤或息肉的)肉茎 leaflet blades with margins entire. Thyrses axillary or subterminal, consisting of several cymes; peduncle long. 小叶叶片边缘全缘聚伞圆锥花序腋生或近顶生,由数个聚伞花序组成;
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    dread Noun 恐惧, 可怕的人(或事) Adj 可怕的, 可怖的 Verb 恐惧, 害怕 Holiday delays at the nation's airports have become such a fixture that President Bush last week called it "a season of dread. " 机场的节日延误都成为了一个必然,以致布什总统上个星期称之为“一个可怕的季节。”
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:bulkhead 背单词打卡 2023.01.23 bulk和head都算是简单的词,但是放在一起可不是大脑袋的意思。不知道这个词是怎么来的,有时候真觉得还是象形文字比较好。先猜一下词意,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: Bulkhead paper suits the toilet with largish area very much. Read the word and guess the meaning, today's word: bulkhead Bulk and head are not difficult words, but putting them together does not mean a big head. I am not sure where this word came from,
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    nausea Noun 反胃, 晕船, 恶心, 厌恶 [医] 恶心 As if the nausea isn't enough, this week you may be noticing increased gas, indigestion, heartburn and general discomfort in you gut. 好像仅仅恶心还是不够的,这一周你可能发觉胃里涨气、消化不良、心痛和全身不舒服。
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:be consistent with 背单词打卡 2023.01.21 还是在练习听力时遇到了这个短语。感觉非常的实用,表达也很到位。如果不知道这个短语的话,用自己的原话来说就觉得不地道了。先猜一下词意,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: That random shape changing would be consistent with the spots being clouds. Read word and guess the meaning, today's word: be consistent with I heard this phrase when I was doing a listening exercise. I think It feels very practical
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    heists Noun 强夺, 拦劫, 抢劫( heist的名词复数 ) Verb 强夺, 拦劫, 抢劫( heist的第三人称单数 ) One of the most bizarre art heists in recent history was concocted by bus driver Kempton Bunton in 1961. 近代史上被认为是最奇怪的艺术品盗贼是1961年的巴士司机坎普顿·巴顿。
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:left-winger 背单词打卡 2023.01.19 如果是left-wing那是没有什么异议的。然后词尾是er,应该是表示人了。查了一下词典,果然有right-winger这个词。这是指长翅膀的人么?先猜一下词意,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: Does Bruce see him as a left-winger or a central midfielder? Read word and guess the meaning, today's word: left-winger If it is only "left-wing" then it is no any objection. The suffix "er" should mean person. I looked i
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    Jan Noun 一月 Despite a bit of a rebound in recent weeks, the dollar is still off nearly 12 percent since Jan. 11, when it hit its peak for 2007. 除了最近几周的小幅反弹之外,自从去年1月11日以来,美元贬值了12%,2007年达到了最高。
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:watercolour 背单词打卡 2023.01.17 拼写看上去是水的颜色。实际的词义当然不会这么直白。因为水是无色的,那么这是什么意思呢?词义任然与水和颜色有关。先猜一下词意,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: His watercolour designs adorn a wide range of books. Read word and guess the meaning, today's word: watercolour The spelling seems that it describe color of water. Acutally the meaning is not that explicit. Because water is colourless, then what does i
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    stray Noun 走失的家畜, 浪子 Adj 迷途的, 偶然的 VerbI 迷路, 彷徨, 流浪 the road itself, when he reached it, in that loneliness that was everywhere, seemed, like a stray dog, to be looking anxiously for company. 来到路上,到处是冷冷清清.那条路像一只迷途的狗,正急着要寻个伴儿。
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:shake-up 背单词打卡 2023.01.15 up结尾的动词是很多的,比如:move up,get up,end up,但都是配合着强调一下而已。今天这个词有了up,这摇的有点大了,意思引申的有点远了。先猜一下词意,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: Community leaders say a complete departmental shake-up is needed. Read word and guess the meaning, today's word: shake-up There are many verbs that end up with "up", such as move up, get up, end up, but they just emphasize
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:all-rounder 背单词打卡 2023.01.13 这个词看着很圆润,没有棱角,那意味着什么呢?先猜一下词意,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: The young performer boasted himself to be an all-rounder. Read word and guess the meaning, today's word: all-rounder The word looks very round, without edges and corners. What does that mean? Please guess the meaning of the word first, and then look it up in the dictionary. unexpectedness can help us to remember words more easily.
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    son Noun 儿子, 女婿, 子孙 [法] 儿子, 女婿, 养子 "I would give anyone an exemption from the higher rates if he had a son or grandson in Afghanistan, " he said. 假设谁的儿子或孙子在阿富汗,我肯定给予他高利率的豁免权。
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    看单词,猜词意,今日单词:pigeon 背单词打卡 2023.01.11 如果这个单词没背过有可能被开头的pig误导了。实际上这个单词和dove是同一个意思。那么作为背过的单词怎么办呢?那就记一个新的词义吧。查了词典pigeon还有别的意思,可以猜一下。先猜一下词意,然后再查词典,意外可以让我们更容易的记住单词。 例句: You are a pigeon, Ivan. Read word and guess the meaning, today's word: pigeon If you do not know this work you might be misleaded by prefix "pig". Actually this word is

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