    2010年4月15日 10000米 1小时38秒
2010年5月8日   5000米 26分09秒
2010年5月10日 5000米 26分34秒
2010年5月12日 5000米 26分04秒
2010年5月14日 10000米 53分06秒
2010年5月15日 5000米 27分48秒
2010年5月17日 10000米 58分32秒
2010年5月18日 12000米 1小时08分23秒
2010年5月19日 10000米 56分50秒
2010年5月22日 10000米 54分04秒
2010年5月23日 5000米 27分29秒
2010年5月24日 10000米 55分55秒
2010年5月25日 10000米 56分55秒
2010年6月5日 6000米 32分19秒
2010年6月8日 10000米 55分40秒
2010年6月14日 10000米 54分23秒
2010年6月15日 10000米 55分35秒
2010年6月17日 6000米
2010年6月18日 6000米 32分03秒
2010年9月12日 5000米 29分30秒
2010年9月14日 5000米 29分14秒
2010年9月16日 5000米 28分57秒
2010年9月18日 5000米 26分52秒
2010年9月26日 5000米 26分53秒
2010年9月28日 5000米 29分30秒
2010年11月26日晨 5000米 27分32秒
2010年11月29日晨 5000米 29分16秒
2010年12月2日晨 5000米 28分23秒
2011年2月15日 5000米 27分23秒
2011年2月19日 5000米 28分07秒
2011年2月22日 10000米 57分17秒
2011年2月24日 5000米 27分46秒
2011年3月24日 5000米
2011年4月8日 5000米 26分15秒
2011年4月10日 5000米 26分23秒
2011年4月17日 5000米 27分09秒
2011年4月19日 16000米 1小时34分26秒
2011年4月23日 6000米 33分05秒
2011年4月24日 6000米 32秒03秒
2011年4月28日 6000米 31分39秒
2011年5月2日 6000米 34分15秒
贴吧:跑步作者:天上地下任逍遥 2011-05-10 21:09
洛英客户端更新至2021年9月14日 2.91版本
洛英安装有时会因为下载过程中文件损坏,而出现不能安装等错误。这里依旧把最近一期的安装包从官网下载下来再更新到了2021年9月14日 2.91版本,然后再压缩上传的。 这里是一个备选方案,如果能够安装还是选择官方安装包的方式。 楼主用的压缩工具是7z,不知道跟有些吧友解压出现问题有没有关系,如果总是解压出错,可以尝试下7z。 压缩包解压后为俗称的硬盘版,可以直接进行游戏 。 总共压缩文件共有11个,请全部下载。解压方式是选择全部
贴吧:洛奇英雄传作者:安东尼达斯mage 2021-09-14 22:49
绿城紫金园重庆小面6月6日试营业 6月6-9日面品全部7折优
http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA3MTI0ODM4MQ==&mid=2651819 绿城紫金园重庆小面6月6日试营业 6月6-9日面品全部7折优惠 2016-06-05 丹东绿城紫金园 点击上方蓝字可加关注 微信号:绿城紫金园 继位于绿城紫金园大门北侧的艺境发吧试营业后,6月6日将迎来丽云重庆小面的开张试营业,老板实在,凡绿城紫金园业主试营业前三天面品全部7折优惠间,连续为业主提供便利超值的社区福利。 与老板聊天得知绿城紫金园分店为丽云品牌重庆小面在市区多间营业取得成功后
贴吧:丹东新区作者:zhangxiahs 2016-06-05 13:32
回复:【荣昌吧贡献】分前100位排行(筛选100位) 2011年06月11日22
     71      天天吃白菜2       18        1        0.12        5.56    240.4
     72         呼呼猫°       28        1        0.19        3.57    239.7
     73   zhenyu_liu1982       19        1        0.13        5.26    238.4
     74       抹杀于摇篮       35        0        0.24           0    229.2
     75          mqsinwa       35        0        0.24           0    220.2
     76          85°Cˉ       33        0        0.22           0    215.7
     77          婷mm520       24        1        0.16        4.17    215.7
     78    精英电脑_维修       34        0        0.23           0    215.1
     79         贝妈7月7       16        1        0.11        6.25    213.6
     80       a463223950       24        1        0.16        4.17    213.6
贴吧:荣昌作者:壠博博 2011-06-11 22:43
回复:【Obi stars_你我的记忆】—< 签到 >╰◆◆2011年6月20日签到
6.单身了,以后出门咱溜狗玩,身前身后没人了,咱领条狗。 [pQT5RV@_uYT84SN[hlMQ^bCGK]
贴吧:永远奥比吧作者:╯坏耐小妖つ゜ 2011-06-22 14:07
回复:【Obi stars_你我的记忆】—< 签到 >╰◆◆2011年6月20日签到
6.单身了,以后出门咱溜狗玩,身前身后没人了,咱领条狗。 [>IxYdh[q(kgJFnjn{ `mq~VZ^]
贴吧:永远奥比吧作者:╯坏耐小妖2゜ 2011-06-22 14:01
回复:【好像还没人发】2017年6月22日20:00 马尔登2035上线了 6.5G
FROM: High Command
TO: Arma 3 Users
UNIT: Main Branch
ACTIVITY: Game Update 1.72 (Malden DLC, Combat Patrol, Flight Model Tweaks)
SIZE: ~6.5 GB / ~1.1 GB (depends on Apex ownership)
Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update.
Consider defragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates.
Updating a deeply moddable game and its platform is not without risks. We use various methods to communicate upcoming changes to our awesome modding community, such as via the Dev Hub. We also co-operate directly on troubleshooting, and we offer an opportunity to test updates via our Release Candidate tests. Modders, server administrators and other members of the community do their best to prepare for updates and to address issues post-release as quickly as possible. Please be mindful of some interruptions (especially in the first hours / days after a release) while we all work to improve the game together.
A Legacy Build Steam branch is available for advanced users. It contains the previous significant main branch version (1.70). It can be used to compare specific changes between major releases. The access code for this branch is: Arma3Legacy170
This update does not apply to the experimental Linux and Mac port betas at time of writing. We hope to be updating those as soon as possible.
You can find the servers in the Steam library (switch the filter to "Tools") - "Arma 3 Server" (based on your OS, it will download the Windows or Linux version).
Administrators can also use the command-line SteamCMD utility. The app ID is to be 233780.
NVIDIA GameWorks? Technology provided under license from NVIDIA Corporation. Copyright ? 2002-2017 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved. NVIDIA? and PhysX? are trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation and are used under license.
In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q., Arma 3 F.A.Q., BattlEye F.A.Q., or Launcher troubleshooting guide.
You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker.
Added: Malden 2035 terrain
Added: Combat Patrol multiplayer scenarios
Added: Escape from Tanoa multiplayer scenario*
Added: Escape from Malden multiplayer scenario
Added: Zeus scenarios for the Malden terrain
Added: Community-made billboards
Added: New skins for several structures
Added: Variants of the in-game whiteboard, sleeved map and paper map (for Tanoa and Malden)
Added: Template for Data Link targeting systems (sensors)
Added: HUD indication when using 12.7x108mm APDS magazines
Added: A visibility condition for the Blackfish horizon indicator
Added: Tigris and Cheetah now utilize Data Link
Added: Preview video for Jets DLC in the DLC Browser (Shift+P)
Added: A water impact effect to the 120mm APFSDS shells (https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/143930-general-discussion-dev-branch/?do=findComment&comment=3186371)
Added: A new "Malden Sand" UI Color preset for Malden DLC
Added: Jets Community Guide in-game implementation
Added: Dynamic Loadout MFD information for the Neophron and Xi'an aircraft
Added: A laser designator indicator for the Xi'an and Blackfish crews
Added: Map symbols to several more objects
Added: Vehicle turret indicators to the remaining ground vehicles
Added: Audio-related memory points for certain structures
* Restrictions apply to those who don't own the Apex expansion.
Tweaked: Flight model of the Gryphon plane (incl. fixed stall and better rudder authority)
Tweaked: Flight model of the Shikra plane (it should now have improved stability and more correct AoA behavior)
Tweaked: Flight model of the Sentinel UCAV (better stability, less maneuverability)
Tweaked: Flight model of the Buzzard plane (slightly more power, stability and fun)
Tweaked: Ambient animals now seek a hiding spot while it rains
Tweaked: The Sentinel could explode when taking off in some cases
Tweaked: Ejection is now available only to non-stationary planes (when the Get Out action is not available)
Tweaked: Automated wing folding is now only active for planes with their engine(s) on and landing gear down and should be less performance demanding
Tweaked: The inverted plane flag proxy was inverted in an incorrect way
Tweaked: Spanish Welcome Screens now use a more appropriate separator style
Tweaked: AA missile performance
Tweaked: Automated tailhook operation for AI is now directly tied to the Landing and LandingCanceled events
Tweaked: The Ejection system was refactored to resolve multiple issues
Tweaked: Performance of AA missiles was improved
Tweaked: AI gunners of the Praetorian were too inaccurate
Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_setPitchBank function will now restore a moving vehicle's velocity after setting pitch and bank
Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_findSafePos function now has a better position selection and blacklisting now supports all area formats
Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_randomPosTrigger function now supports areas in array format and random distribution within an ellipse was improved
Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_getUnitInsignia and BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia functions should now work correctly in MP
Tweaked: It is now possible to whitelist users able to access the debug console in multiplayer (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T124835)
Tweaked: When test_EmptyObjectForBubbles, test_EmptyObjectForFireBig and test_EmptyObjectForSmoke are deleted, all their emitters are now deleted automatically
Tweaked: The Black Wasp is now more durable
Tweaked: Spatial targeting symbology
Tweaked: Credits and ORBAT credits were adjusted
Tweaked: The hand animation for the Protector SMG was improved
Tweaked: Carrier static defenses now partially rely on Data Link from the Praetorian turret (it's the only one with a 360° scan coverage)
Tweaked: Wrecks of the MQ-4A and KH-3A UAVs were hovering
Tweaked: It is now possible again to mount bombs to the outer pylons of the Wipeout plane (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T124725)
Tweaked: The loadout of the Neophron was adjusted (more bombs can now be carried)
Tweaked: The template for the NVSensor is now on par with the LaserSensor (180° / 6km)
Tweaked: The Neophron now uses an improved canopy destruction system
Tweaked: The LOM 250-G bomb model was resized
Tweaked: Geometry of the Modular Bunker (Tall) was improved for better interior deployment
Tweaked: The damage model of the Shikra plane was improved
Tweaked: The head position of the Xi'an pilot was adjusted to make aiming with rockets easier
Tweaked: The gun pod of the Buzzard plane was aligned with its HUD
Tweaked: The flight model of the Buzzard plane was overhauled (https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/157525-fixed-wing-flight-model-dev-branch/)
Tweaked: Filtering of audio elements in the "Play Sounds" Zeus module was improved
Tweaked: Planes called by the CAS module will now release counter-measures after finishing the strike (does not apply to bomb strikes)
Tweaked: Military Base Wall debris is no longer tilting when destroyed
Tweaked: Armor values of the Speedboat were lowered
Tweaked: The UCAV Sentinel now unfolds its wings when taking off just like other planes
Tweaked: Hitpoints for the Gryphon plane were improved
Tweaked: Revive mode is now available in Zeus Game Master scenarios (customizable in the server parameters, off by default)
Tweaked: Loudspeakers in the faction Showcase scenarios are now louder
Tweaked: The flight model and overall performance of the Shikra jet were overhauled
Tweaked: Reduced intensity for the Flora / Fauna / Wind layers in environmental sounds (https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/145599-audio-tweaking-dev-branch/?do=findComment&comment=3197303 - will be further tweaked)
Tweaked: Defining a module function as "" no longer triggers an error message
Tweaked: Flight models of the Black Wasp and Shikra aircraft
Tweaked: Some structures were reconfigured (audio-wise)
Tweaked: Garage icons for several vehicles
Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_vectorDirAndUpRelative and BIS_fnc_weaponDirectionRelative functions are now optimized
Tweaked: The Revive option on units is now disabled if Revive is disabled or non-existent
Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_initVehicle function now skips the change of mass when used with a simple object
Tweaked: The BIS_fnc_setVehicleMass function will now exit if the vehicle is a simple object
Tweaked: Unarmed variants of the LSVs no longer display weapon info in the IGUI
贴吧:arma3作者:starwsky 2017-06-22 20:59
8月20日,星期四,农历七月初二,工作愉快,生活喜乐! 1、19日中国医师节,第十二届中国医师奖获奖名单正式公布,张定宇张文宏陶勇获奖。 2、第八版新冠肺炎诊疗方案印发,新版新冠诊疗方案明确潜伏期传染性。 3、东部战区就美舰穿航台湾海峡回应:时刻保持高度戒备,坚决捍卫国家主权和领土完整。 4、拜登被正式提名美国民主党总统候选人。 5、台当局拟禁止爱奇艺腾讯等陆资影音平台在台落地。 6、19日台风海高斯登陆广东珠海沿海,港
贴吧:邹平作者:zpzzy 2020-08-20 07:03