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IP属地:上海1楼2019-12-15 21:20回复
    I took medicine from Jain’s cow urine therapy clinic for over six months. It doesn’t taste very nice, but by holding my nose and gulping it down with a shot of honey to follow it was possible.I took it for my liver complaint and the improvement was very noticeable. I have my own cows but the situation with my liver was quite severe and I needed something stronger than just urine. After time the improvements stopped and I switched to another branch of ayurveda and made more improvement.I never actually met the doctor in person, but described my symptoms and he sent me medicines. It’s possible that I could have made further improvement if I had visited him and he had checked me personally, but that wasn’t an option at the time.There are very few allopathic medicines to support a failing liver so in my case it was very much appreciated. I am confident that the effectiveness and range of the medicines will improve as the research continues.20 years ago I had a friend who drank fresh cow urine for two months because of a brain tumor he had, but he died anyway, so it’s not a magic bullet for everything. There are a whole range of products derived from cow urine and a competent doctor should give a prescxtion after examination.
    我曾经从贾因的牛尿治疗诊所拿了六个多月的药。它的味道不是很好,但是我捏着鼻子大口大口地喝了下去,加上一滴蜂蜜后,还是能喝的。我用它来治疗我的肝脏不适,效果非常明显。我有我自己的牛,但我的肝脏病情依然相当严重,我需要一些比自家牛尿更强效的东西。 喝了一段时间后,改善停止了,我转到阿育吠陀的另一个分支医院,做了更多的改善,我从来没有见过医生本人,只是描述了我的症状,然后他给我寄来了药。如果我去看过他,他也亲自检查过我,我可能会有进一步的改善,但在当时这不是一个选择,因为很少有来治疗衰竭的肝脏的药物,所以在我的情况下,有这种疗效我是非常感激的。二十年前,我有一个朋友因为脑瘤喝了两个月的新鲜牛尿,但他还是死了,所以牛尿也不是万能的灵丹妙药。从牛尿中提取的产品种类繁多,应由合格医生检查后开出处方。

    IP属地:上海2楼2019-12-15 21:21

      IP属地:上海3楼2019-12-15 21:21
        Sridhar Madhavan
        Cows are a sacred animal in India, and the drinking of cow urine dates back thousands of years. It is believed to help with a huge range of illnesses to better health to even fighting cancer.In some parts of India cow dung and urine are sold in shops alongside other dairy products like milk and yogurt, you can even buy porridge and toothpaste which contain cow urine.In India there is even a soft drink made of cow urine, sold alongside other fizzy popular drinks.
        Vijay Bhardwaj
        Yes, I take 10 ml in morning daily.
        It is very good to improve immunity power.
        是的,我每天早上服用10毫升。 在提高免疫力上是很不错的。
        Sanket Pingale
        Yes. It is the most natural way to prevent and also to treat cancer. It builds your overall immunity by increasing the ph of the blood. Viruses and bacteria find it hard to survive in a ph neutral or slightly alkaline environment in a body.
        是的。 这是预防和治疗癌症最自然的方法。 它通过增加血液的PH值来增强你整体的免疫力。病毒和细菌很难在中性或微碱性PH值的环境中生存。
        Gajanan Manamwar
        Drinking cow urine is not always beneficial.It is beneficial in few condition only.Take cow urine for drinking purpose only after consulting Ayurveda consultant.If take by self medications or hearing any person who don''t know properties and effects on your body… Then you are doing suicide…

        IP属地:上海4楼2019-12-15 21:22

          IP属地:上海6楼2019-12-15 21:22
            Varadha Rajaan
            Cow urine is used in ayurvedic therapy as a basic ingredient. Cow urine contains Vitamins such as A,B,C,D,E and minerals such as iron, magnesium, manganese, calcium, sodium , silicon , chlorine and many more.It is a germicide and hence our ancestors used it in our houses in olden days. In southindia houses all the five products of the cow namely ghee, dung, urine, milk and curd is mixed in a proportion and given to the devotees at some regular intervals of time in the name of shuddi. cow urine is very good in controlling stress.In recent days cow urine is processed and marketed in the name of ark under various brands. one can consume 15–20 ml of cow urine or ark daily and keep himself/ herself healthy.Cow urine or ark is of pure medicinal value hence one who take this regularly will be freed from all the long time diseases. hence it is advisable to take it daily on empty stomach in the morning for better results.

            IP属地:上海7楼2019-12-15 21:23
              Varadha Rajaan
              Cow urine is used in ayurvedic therapy as a basic ingredient. Cow urine contains Vitamins such as A,B,C,D,E and minerals such as iron, magnesium, manganese, calcium, sodium , silicon , chlorine and many more.It is a germicide and hence our ancestors used it in our houses in olden days. In southindia houses all the five products of the cow namely ghee, dung, urine, milk and curd is mixed in a proportion and given to the devotees at some regular intervals of time in the name of shuddi. cow urine is very good in controlling stress.In recent days cow urine is processed and marketed in the name of ark under various brands. one can consume 15–20 ml of cow urine or ark daily and keep himself/ herself healthy.Cow urine or ark is of pure medicinal value hence one who take this regularly will be freed from all the long time diseases. hence it is advisable to take it daily on empty stomach in the morning for better results.

              IP属地:上海8楼2019-12-15 21:23

                IP属地:辽宁来自Android客户端10楼2019-12-15 21:33

                  IP属地:重庆来自Android客户端11楼2019-12-15 22:48

                    IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端12楼2019-12-15 23:06

                      IP属地:日本13楼2019-12-15 23:13

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                          IP属地:江苏来自Android客户端15楼2019-12-16 08:39

                            IP属地:广西来自Android客户端16楼2019-12-16 12:34