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1楼2018-03-16 13:12回复
    Shapiro: What was clear was that Bradley and Kellyn were running things. After that, it was kind of like the other three were falling in line. We didn’t pick on Des as much because she was just so locked in. We didn’t feel like we had a good shot at her getting to flip. But it was definitely the Bradley and Kellyn show and they both had the attitude that they wanted to Kim Spradlin there way through the game by keeping everybody locked down and circling the wagons.
    Bradley和Kellyn明显在操控全局,而其他三个人只是在跟随他们的想法做事。我们没有策反Desiree,因为她非常笃定(要跟着old Naviti),我们不觉得能策反她。但当时的情况绝对是Bradley和Kellyn的双人秀,他们都表明了自己的态度——他们计划像24季的Kim一样一路玩下去,保证所有人都跟着他们投,然后保护好自己。
    Shapiro: We kicked the idea around. But, we decided to spring it and cause confusion and chaos in the moment. Because, the reality is; we knew that if we gave them a chance to think about it, it wouldn’t make sense to go away from their five. So, we wanted to catch them in the moment and hope to panic them.
    Shapiro: Yeah, and you saw in the edit that we were really picking on Sea Bass. We were hoping that he would do something foolish. But, we knew in reality that it wasn’t going to work. Our only hope was the idol, but why not give it a shot? So, we laid it on thick for a while, you only saw a quarter of the barrage against Bradley. We really lit him up. But it didn’t happen.

    2楼2018-03-16 13:13
      Shapiro: Bradley…I think he was bent out of shape about having to change beaches, so he was complaining about everything. The reward challenge, he complained that the current was pulling toward Naviti’s pole. If there was something to complain about, he’d complain about it. And he’s got a great sense of humor. But out there, it was kind of a dark sense of humor. I will say this about him, outside of the game, we’re friends. But inside of the game I wanted to smash him, as did my fellow Malolos. He was killing us.
      Shapiro: I saw that train coming down the tracks. They’re congratulating themselves that we aren’t going to see it coming because they’re going to take a guy out. Well, I saw it coming. They were telegraphing the move. I told Michael that they were coming for one of the two of us. Then, Kellyn and I had a heart to heart about an hour or two before Tribal. And she’s such a sweet person. She wears her emotions on her sleeve. I told her the next day was my birthday, which it was, and I wanted to be playing on my birthday. And I saw a tear come to her eye. And she tried to turn away, but I still saw it. It was all the conformation I needed. So, I told Michael they were coming for me. But he had a hard time believing that they were going to come for a guy. It’s hard out there, he did the best he could. And it was hard to live it because I saw it coming.
      Shapiro: He just believed that it was going to be one of the two women. At Tribal they hinted that it was going to be Stephanie and he believed it. And when he did his bluff, he was gaging Bradley’s reaction. I was looking at Michael, so I don’t know how Bradley reacted. But, he must’ve seen something in Bradley that he didn’t like.

      3楼2018-03-16 13:16
        Kellyn: Empathetic. She said that it’s her super power, it might also be her kryptonite.
        Kellyn: 善解人意的。她说这是她的超能力,但这也可能是她的氪星石。
        Libby: Surprisingly tough and resourceful.
        Libby: 令人惊讶的坚韧和机智。
        Jenna: We couldn’t be in more different stations of life, yet she was as kind to me as you can imagine.
        Jenna: 我们不可能在生命中遭遇更糟糕的时刻了,而在那个时刻她对我非常体贴善良。
        Stephanie: She’s all heart. Super courageous. Tough as they come.
        Stephanie: 她非常善良,极具勇气,而且非常坚强。
        Jacob: Incredibly enthusiastic. Great guy, but his enthusiasm may have gotten the best of him.
        Jacob: 对Survivor极度狂热。他是个很好的人,但他对游戏的狂热让他没能在游戏里拿出最好的自己。
        James: Great guy. Genuine, kind, thoughtful.
        James: 一个好人。他诚恳,善良,而且思绪缜密。
        Laurel: We had an instant connection. She’s poised and loyal.
        Laurel: 我们在岛上很快就熟络了起来。她很沉着,也很忠诚。
        Desiree: The coolest person out there in a New York, music-scene kind of way. I didn’t know until last night that she was the one who threw my name out, so good for her.
        Desiree: 纽约城里最酷的人。直到昨晚我才发现是她丢出了我的名字,所以她干得很不错。
        Chelsea: Very reserved. I couldn’t tell if she was just hanging around or if she’s a tiger lurking in the tall grass.
        Chelsea: 她很沉默寡言。我也不知道她究竟只是在岛上闲荡,还是说是潜伏在丛林里的老虎。
        Gonzalez: Polished…and dangerous. Gone before she could show her full game.
        Gonzalez: 优雅而又危险。她还没有充分玩出自己的游戏的时候就被淘汰了。
        Donathan: Magnetic personality.
        Donathan: 令人着迷的性格。
        Michael: He is a prodigy. “Survivor” prodigy.
        Michael: 幸存者天才,
        Sebastian: Great guy, deeper than the edit would have you believe.
        Sebastian: 一个好人。他比剪辑呈现出来的“他”要更有深度。
        Bradley: (Laughs) He’s funny…often in a dark and depressing kind of way. I don’t want to blow his cover, but he’s a good guy.
        Bradley: (大笑)他很有趣...虽然很多时候都是一种黑暗且致郁的有趣。我不想揭他的老底,但他是一个好人。

        4楼2018-03-16 13:16

          IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端5楼2018-03-16 13:19
            Shapiro: Before the swap, we had a situation where I was good with everybody. There was an alliance of Libby, Michael, Jenna, Stephanie, and me. But, I was also in with Laurel, James, and Donathan. Michael and I were considering knocking Stephanie or Jenna out. We felt like they were dangerous and they might come for us next. We wanted to get them before they got us, so that’s probably what would have happened next. Then after the swap, instead of being at odds, we were as tight as could be.
            Shapiro: My perception was they may have undersold my strategic chops. That first vote where I got called “The lion.” That was my deal, right? What didn’t make the edit was it looked like it was going to be Donathan or Gonzalez. But really it was going to be Jenna or Gonzalez. I decided at the last minute that I didn’t want to come back from Tribal with Stephanie, who was Jenna’s best friend, to come back and go all scorched earth. I wanted everyone to come back on the same page and happy. So, I changed it at the last minute. And Gonzo figured it out, to her credit. That’s why she tried to stir things up. I wish that’d made the edit, but otherwise, I can’t complain. They did me right out there.
            我感觉他们没有充分展现出我的策略面。第一次投票的时候我被称为"狮子",因为那是我的决定。在电视上,你们看到的是我们会投Donathan或者Gonzalez,但事实上我们要投的是Jenna或者Gonzalez。在最后时刻,我决定投Gonzalez,因为Jenna是Stephanie最好的朋友。我不想在部落大会结束之后,跟着失去最好的朋友的Stephanie一起回到营地里,这会搞砸一切。我希望每个人能开心和步调一致地回到营地里,所以在最后时刻我改变了自己的想法。根据Gonzo的说法, 她看出了这一切,所以她试着在部落大会上制造混乱。我当然希望他们能把我的这一面刻画出来,但我也没什么需要抱怨的。他们很好地刻画了岛上的我。
            Shapiro: Thank you, I appreciate that. I’d do it in a heartbeat.

            6楼2018-03-16 13:19
              哇 Kellyn太善良了吧?超爱她这种情况最不忍心了

              IP属地:河北来自iPhone客户端7楼2018-03-16 13:24

                IP属地:广东来自iPhone客户端9楼2018-03-16 13:29
                  再转一个EW采访的节选 里面Brendan谈到了一些蛮好玩的东西
                  你真的是一个总是发表一番糟糕pep talk的父亲吗?
                  Well, I guess according to Bradley I am! The thing about Bradley is, he went out there, and he would tell you that his whole deal is he likes to roast people and he wanted to be that snarky guy and that’s TV Bradley. It’s alright. He and I are cool outside the game. He’ll probably be mad at me for telling you that he’s a sweet guy outside the game.

                  10楼2018-03-16 13:30

                    IP属地:中国香港来自手机贴吧11楼2018-03-16 13:37

                      IP属地:广东12楼2018-03-16 13:39
                        He believed it was Steph the whole time. He threw out my name and his, just because he wanted to gauge reaction. To be honest, I didn’t see Bradley’s reaction because I was too busy looking at Michael, so I don’t know what kind of reaction Bradley gave, but it made Michael go back to his original instinct, which was Stephanie.
                        他一直都相信Naviti Five会投Stephanie。他一开始先说了我们俩的名字,因为他想观察他们的反应。老实说,我并没有看到Bradley,因为我忙着看Michael了,所以我不知道Bradley的反应怎么样。但Bradley的反应让Michael决定遵从他的直觉,也就是给Stephanie用。
                        That was 100 percent Michael’s idea. Let me say this about Michael, because he’s been getting a little bit of criticism from people out there on social media. This guy is incredible — a great friend of mine, and I can’t tell you how much I respect his game. Super savvy, resourceful, smart. He really is, in my opinion, a great Survivor player. And to be doing it at 18 is amazing. If he had told me out there he was 28, I would have believed it. And he played like it. So that was his idea, and he’s a hell of a player.

                        13楼2018-03-16 13:40
                          暂时先搬到这里,之后其他采访里要是有好玩的东西的话我也会再搬一点的。Brendan是我个人赛前和赛中的first pick,前三集里也展示出了很好的洞察力跟性格,倒在这里运气确实不好...希望再做Second Chance的时候节目组能想到他吧

                          14楼2018-03-16 13:48

                            IP属地:湖南来自Android客户端15楼2018-03-16 14:32