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  • 1免一切费用,稳定,公开,公平,透明。 美卡币1M收益一天11.3个币,按现在时代价格4.7元1M一天收益53.11元。 每个区块的奖励是500个MEC,接下来的21000个区块,产量将下降为250个MEC,以此类推。
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    dsa567890 3-4
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    MEC Coin脉动资产能量核代币拆分静态收益说明: 能量核2美金开始上涨,涨到4美金拆分,价格回落2美金。能量核总量翻倍。原始能量核90万代币单位,市值1260万人民币(180万美金) 假使你投资700元开个户,配50%电子币,可以马上进行购买当时能量核,接下来拆分一次账户价值回本。拆分两次翻一倍,按规则每次最多卖出投资额10%能量核,每涨0.10美金卖一次。继续拆分卖出,拆分出规定总量能量核三倍全部卖出后此账号动静态收益出局。15天内原点位
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    American president candidates Obama and Clinton are drastically competing with each other.Both are doing a good job to hook in polls.Obama said that he would make changes to U.S.A if he would be the president.Clinton said that she would preserve and maintain the world peace.Obama is younger than Obama could bring more innovative ideas to how to rule the country.he will bring a series of new policies and strategies to the next generation of America.he will change what people around the world will think American is.Clinton,an eld lady,the wife of pre-president Clinton,is mature wi
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    Last night I saw the strong of china,I saw all different people have the same dream:God bless sichuan'people.we are family,we are team. I am happy to make friend with MEC!
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    MEC Orienteering 活动时间:2008年10月19日下午1:00——5:00 活动地点:海淀公园 活动形式: 群谈英语定向越野需要完成两项任务 一、 闯关 1、 每个小组在起点处会得到一张公园的地图,地图上表明了本次定向越野的所有标的,小组成员按照地图找到所指标的(顺序不限)。 2、 在标的处设有工作人员,当小组成员全部到达后将接受工作人员的挑战或提问。 3、 顺利通过挑战者在得到工作人员签字后可以继续前行;如果不能通过,则可以选择放弃
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    cindyxsy 2010-03
    the topic is about stress Fist,recently the reports on newspaper and the media showed that the stress level is getting higher and higher.The trend is not only applicable to adults ,young children are also subjected to the stress.Some of them described that stress is from their supervisor ,manager or senior.Others suggested that stress comes from the the increasing development.Some even said it's from studies. So the question is where do stress come from. Logically ,your supervisor ,boss and environment can not introduce stress into your body or mind. Therefore,the stress is from Y
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    Time: Oct, 19th, 2008, 1pm to 5 pm Location: Hai Dian Park In the orienteering, you have to finish the following 2 tasks: 1. Venture: 1. At the starting point, your team will receive a map with all the checkpoints highlighted on it 2. When you arrive at a checkpoint, you will face a “tough” challenge from our volunteers. 3. You can whether choose to take up or give up the challenge. If the former, you will get a signature from our volunteers proving that you’ve finished the task; if the latter, you will get a time punishment instead, which means you’ll have to stay still for
    故人长绝 10-12
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    Last night, I went to the English corner for the second time to give a presentation titled “philanthropy, a win-win strategy”. After the earthquake in Sichuan province has broken out, the whole China has thrown itself into action. Among what we can do for the disaster area, donation may be the most popular one. As a student of international marketing, I found that what the great enterprises have done for people in Sichuan arrests a lot of public attention. In my opinion the enterprises’ behavior of donating, on one hand, helps those who are in need, on the other, benefits themselves. Fi
    piggy24601 6-30
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    In math, it is wrong. But how about in philosophy? And how about in life?
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    MEC bar is the extension of MEC on the internet. Here we encourage people to think in English. MEC bar mainly serves as 1. Bulletin board a.You can give a preview to the topic you are going to talk about on Friday night in the English corner. b.You can also get the announcement of our regular activities here, such as outing,debate, tongue twister,etc. 2. Communication platform As our theme says, we encourage people to think in English. In MEC bar, we will regulaly set a certain topic for discussion.Of course, we welcome you to share with us the topic that interest you.
    davilee 5-22
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    u guys here give some advice that what kind of topic people interested in and most of them can join in it...ahah..o(∩_∩)o...
    davilee 5-22
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    We will have an ORIENTEERING (outing activity) in a few weeks.U can post suggestion and reletive information on it.Also ,your requirement or price suggestion is welcomed.
    davilee 5-22
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    "We can only exist in this planet when the Nature allow us to." What a foolish remark!!! See, The candle light is there, with love, power,and HOPE Even if, there's only 1% of chance, we'll put 100& of effort! Friends, you're never alone, we'll always be by your side. Because, we share the same name: CHINESE 我们都是中国人!
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    Presentation Outline Topic :Presidential Election In The USA Main idea:A brief introduction to the three candidates---Obama,Hillary and Mccain and the situation and prediction of the election. Points: 1. The situation:it’s the primary election now.The most hoted candidates are Obama and Hillary from Democratic Party and Mccain from Republican Party.The present support rates are as the following: O vs H:50%---42% O vs M:45%---44% M vs H:46%---45% 2. Brief introduction to the three: Obama: Hillary: Mccain: 3. Prediction:Now I’d like to make an investigation---who will you su
    birdlyu 5-20
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    our headmaster talk about it over and over again.however, looking at the electronic display standing at the gate,telling us political news all the time.what the spirit really is ? In the 110 birthday of Peking University, their headmaster also said sth about this.How about the situation in that university? How about the genenal situation?
    piggy24601 5-17
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    If the name is 群谈英语(MEC),more people can search our bar and we can have more posts~

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目录: 个人贴吧