关注: 9 贴子: 110

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     雅思词汇:青少年吸毒问题   dull sense感官迟钝;   anti-drug campaigns禁毒活动;   brain impairment大脑损伤;   casual user偶然的吸毒者;   distorted perception曲解的感知;   center nervous system中枢神经系统;   drug abuser吸毒者;   drug dealer毒贩;   drug paraphernalia吸毒工具。   住在城市   rush hour高峰期;   traffic jam交通阻塞;   easy assess to news容易获得信息;   soaring crime rate急剧上升到犯罪率;   worldly-wise世故的;   telecommunication通信;  
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     Would you watch a live broadcast of a seven-hour train trip? How about a weeklong cruise ship or hours of a fire burning in a fireplace? These might seem like unlikely candidates for primetime programming, especially in today's landscape of viral videos and on-demand viewing, but they're part of a hit phenomenon in Norway known as "slow TV."   你会看7小时火车旅行的直播节目吗?那为期一周的游轮之旅或木柴在壁炉里燃烧好几个小时的直播呢?在如今热门视频和自主观影的大环境之下,这类节目似乎都不可能放到黄金时段播出。
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    A Busy Time   Describe a time when you are very busy.   You should say:   when this time is   what you do at this time   how you a
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    Describe a kind of book you like. You should say:   What kind of books you like most.   What they are about.   Why you like them most.

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